Sign update:
It all fell off.
Truly a slogan we can all get behind.
Sign update:
It all fell off.
That sign was an amazing metaphor for the entire speech.
Sheer luck that it didn't fall apart completely, leaving an exposed cunt on stage?
Jim Pickard‏
May team admit to press huddle that extra social housing money will build 25k homes over 5 years - so 5k a year.
It's fucking nothing.gif
"Struggling on" is pretty much the perfect encapsulation of May's premiership.
Too many vowels.It's a nice touch that they translated the slogan in Welsh.
Sheer luck that it didn't fall apart completely, leaving an exposed cunt on stage?
Personally I'm just glad we're putting aside Tolkien's blatant speciesism and looking to work with the Orks.
Personally I'm just glad we're putting aside Tolkien's blatant speciesism and looking to work with the Orks.
No, no, those were the orcs. If we're workings with the Orks, then the Imperium really has gone down the shitter.
I reckon I might put a bet on Theresa May to still be prime minister at the next general election.
Approximately 3x faster.No Ork would be caught dead working with anyone wearing blue. All Orks know that red ones go faster.
To win? Or just to stand?
I reckon I might put a bet on Theresa May to still be prime minister at the next general election.
someone noticed May's bracelet is of Frida Kahlo who among other things is a fairly well known communist
is this whole speech some weird performance art?
Please for the love of fuck will someone elevate Ruth to the Lords. It's a little bit "19th Century" to have a Prime Minister from the Lords, but everyone loves her!
Please for the love of fuck will someone elevate Ruth to the Lords. It's a little bit "19th Century" to have a Prime Minister from the Lords, but everyone loves her!
Please for the love of fuck will someone elevate Ruth to the Lords. It's a little bit "19th Century" to have a Prime Minister from the Lords, but everyone loves her!
Boris has net unfavourable public opinion - I wouldn't say he has popular support, just a fervent support base.
As far as I'm aware, Ruth Davidson is the only high-profile Conservative politician with net positive ratings.
She's fucking terrible.
Honestly. When she's shorn of her 'SNP bad, union good' response to everything. She really really struggles under even pretty soft ball questioning on policy.
She's had it relatively easy up here. Just position her and her party as anti-SNP and with the continuing travails of Scottish Labour, she's merely just had to wrap the union jack around her, pander to the Orange order and sell some brexit lies to farmers and fishermen and profit. In Holyrood, Sturgeon basically slaps her about with ease.
To stand.
So the major policy proposals are an energy bill cap, more social housing and help for student tuition fees.
Did Ed Miloband actually win in 2015 or something?
Boris has net unfavourable public opinion - I wouldn't say he has popular support, just a fervent support base.
As far as I'm aware, Ruth Davidson is the only high-profile Conservative politician with net positive ratings.
On a different note, May's bracelet at the conference carried artwork by Frida Kahlo, a member of the Mexican Communist Party who had a wild affair with Trotsky. The only possible conclusion to be drawn is that she is actually a sleeper agent playing the long game, activated by Agent Corbyn to ensure maximum communisation.
*smirks Russianly*
What if May is actually Corbyn is disguise? Would explain why she didn't want to do the debates :O
It does make Corbyn's double features in PMQs extra impressive, too.
He was the hero the country needed but not the one it deserved. Not remotely.he won our hearts and minds <3
he's so much better suited to what he's doing now and what he was doing before becoming leader. I hope he has an important role in a future government.
as leader in this country you need to be a battering ram unfortunately.
The camera never shows them on screen at the same time so it's just Corbyn running across the aisle really quickly.It does make Corbyn's double features in PMQs extra impressive, too.