Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Baby Steps - 1
This was competently directed with likable characters and good looking animation when they're actually playing tennis. The mentions of a budding romance and a more grounded approach to playing the sport made me interested, and I'm liking what I'm seeing. I identified with the main character way more than I was expecting to. lol


I just didn't see a reason for Madoka Rebellion to exist at all. The only good thing that came out of this shitstorm of a film was
seeing Homura leave Kyubey scarred and terrified
and that sorta goes against the TV series'
having Madoka flip Kyubey the bird by undoing everything he'd planned in a peaceful, self-sacrificing way.

Too much of that movie was dedicated to flipping off people who liked Madoka already. It was EVA 3.0 with added German.


Setec Astronomer
I just didn't see a reason for Madoka Rebellion to exist at all. The only good thing that came out of this shitstorm of a film was
seeing Homura leave Kyubey scarred and terrified
and that sorta goes against the TV series'
having Madoka flip Kyubey the bird by undoing everything he'd planned in a peaceful, self-sacrificing way.

Too much of that movie was dedicated to flipping off people who liked Madoka already. It was EVA 3.0 with added German.
Wait, you don't like magical girl shows!


I'm going through the episodes of Koiuta I have left, but man, plane fighting is way too boring. I like it when they're just developing the characters, but I'm bored to tears when they're fighting.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Daimidaler - 01

Using women in a sexual fashion on battle zone to boost the resolve of male fighters is a fresh bold idea that's never been tried before. I continue to look forward to such advancements in entertainment.


Daimidaler - 01

Using women in a sexual fashion on battle zone to boost the resolve of male fighters is a fresh bold idea that's never been tried before. I continue to look forward to such advancements in entertainment.

Don't forget about the penguins. That's the most important part.


Hoozuki no Reitetsu Episode 1


That was surprisingly fun and interesting, reminded me a lot of King Yemma from Dragon Ball. I might continue watching it.

I guess this Ogre in hell is a part of japanese mythology?
Daimidaler - 01

Using women in a sexual fashion on battle zone to boost the resolve of male fighters is a fresh bold idea that's never been tried before. I continue to look forward to such advancements in entertainment.

It's almost too ridiculous for me to handle and I should be loving it
Hoozuki no Reitetsu Episode 1

That was surprisingly fun and interesting, reminded me a lot of King Yemma from Dragon Ball. I might continue watching it.

I guess this Ogre in hell is a part of japanese mythology?

Yes, this show heavily draws from Japanese mythology (and a bit from Chinese as well). So it's educational as well as being entertaining!


But what makes a magical girl show a magical girl show anyway?

See this is why genre designations based on physical descriptors ultimately don't make any sense.

As for the question so to why Madoka Rebellion was necessary, I actually pondered over this question a while back. My ultimate answer was that I don't care why it was made so the question holds no meaning to me from the start.


CR's got one more announcement. Still hoping it's Gawore.

Also curious what Funi's remaining acquisitions are.

(Besides Date a Live II, that one's obvious.)


Setec Astronomer
See this is why genre designations based on physical descriptors ultimately don't make any sense.

As for the question so to why Madoka Rebellion was necessary, I actually pondered over this question a while back. My ultimate answer was that I don't care why it was made so the question holds no meaning to me from the start.
*marks another vote for Because Pixiv*

You make a good point, but still.
Madoka was never anything that revolutionary. It just got people's attention where they have largely ignored the genre otherwise.

Madoka was never revolutionary, but it was a well made show which was thematically interesting (something the movie can't say for itself).

You're right that a large part of its mass appeal came down to it attracting people who don't normally watch magical girl shows, but I think the quality of Madoka has far more to do with its themes and characters than any sort of sense on the shows part that it has done something ground breaking or has subverted tropes that were never subverted before. (Regardless of if the fanbase for the show thinks that's what happened)


Yes, this show heavily draws from Japanese mythology (and a bit from Chinese as well). So it's educational as well as being entertaining!

Sounds promising! Also, love the subtle conversations between Hozuki and Yama while watching that
Australia info show.

Oh and,

Incest at the Magic High School 1


Haikyu 1

Damn there was some great sakuga scenes in this. Pretty generic sports set up but if the show continues to have some nice animation I may stick with it.

The Kawai Complex Guide 1

Rally like the look of this show but the MC kind of an annoying douchebag. Hope he gets better.


If you really think about it, Madoka's success is surely going to fund a really great adaptation of Kizumonogatari, right? RIGHT?!

Nisekoi ep 13:

Ahhhh yes of course. Nice bait and switch. Ya pricks.

Yesss, let the hate wash overrr youuuu.

Now direct all of it at Onoderrraaaa.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you really think about it, Madoka's success is surely going to fund a really great adaptation of Kizumonogatari, right? RIGHT?!

What's that? Is it by any chance related to Bakemonogatari? I loved that show!


If you really think about it, Madoka's success is surely going to fund a really great adaptation of Kizumonogatari, right? RIGHT?!

Presumably the slave labor that went into Rebellion was moved to Kizu, meaning the latter will come out next year along with Winds of Winter.


Setec Astronomer
Madoka was never revolutionary, but it was a well made show which was thematically interesting (something the movie can't say for itself).

You're right that a large part of its mass appeal came down to it attracting people who don't normally watch magical girl shows, but I think the quality of Madoka has far more to do with its themes and characters than any sort of sense on the shows part that it has done something ground breaking or has subverted tropes that were never subverted before. (Regardless of if the fanbase for the show thinks that's what happened)
I actually agree, and I was just responding to the question of classification. It was a solid show overall, with both its good and not-as-good parts.


Presumably the slave labor that went into Rebellion was moved to Kizu, meaning the latter will come out next year along with Winds of Winter.

Why you gotta cut me so deep? ;_;

Onodera is adorable!

Why people want the douchey tsundere that is Chitoge to be more happy then the precious/kind Onodera is beyond me.

Onodera is Queen of AnimeGAF and you will bow.


What's that? Is it by any chance related to Bakemonogatari? I loved that show!

I know you're joking, but Kizu is probably the best part of the entire series ;_; it has to get animated.


You know what? I'll watch this show now that I know you are.
For me its the megane or maybe the black haired red eyes one...or the not-yayoi...oh shit I cant decide yet!

The president is also preeeeetty cool.

And yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it's finally happening. I was hoping so hard for it tooo after the streaming announcements.


Koi Kaze 9

Immediately as the episode starts, we see Koshiro trying to look for a new apartment, to make it easier to just stay as a big brother to Nanoka. Sort of a failsafe.

Seems that Nanoka is getting comments about being too serious, and something about Koshiro saying she puts on an innocent face in front of her dad seems to sting her a bit. Basically, she feels like she's accused of being a fraud or liar.
Koshiro asks her to bring some documents to his workplace, and Nanoka reminds him how he angrily said never to come there again, applying a few jabs here and there about it. At the office, she sits on a sofa for a while, somewhat mesmerized by how Koshiro acts so different in the workplace, much more energetic and smiling. They talk a bit about their facades outside, on their way home. The discussion kind of confuses me, at least as far as reactions go. Nanoka hugs Koshiro probably to comfort him, then they walk home together, Nanoka pulling Koshiro's hand, and Kaname is watching.

The next day Kaname happens to make the same old humorous remarks about Nanoka and Koshiro, but this time it does seems like she's actually a bit concerned and digging for answers. She often tosses few siscon jokes here and there, but this time she says something like "To an outsider, it looks like you're in that kind of relationship". Koshiro smirks and walks away, but Kaname is staring at his expression like a hawk.

At home, Nanoka sneaks into Koshiro's room in secret, to get a sweater of his and check its measurements so she can knit him one. She knows he'd get mad, but despite that, she goes to lie on his bed and falls asleep.
Koshiro comes home. He sees Nanoka sleeping on his bed but doesn't do anything and just goes to lie next to her, facing away. She wakes up, sits up and asks why he isn't mad. No comment. Then the mood in the room gets good. Really good. So good in fact that Koshiro asks the question "Want to sleep together?" and immediately pulls it back with a surprisingly good pokerface, saying it was a joke.

SHOULD NOT HAVE SAID THOSE THINGS, KOSHIRO! The floodgates have been opened!

Nanoka goes on full offensive, asking what his feelings are, and reassuring that she really does love him. Koshiro keeps telling her to stop, saying she's weird and should not say stuff like that to her brother. He feels horrible while saying these things as he'd really want to return the love.
Obviously she starts crying, tries to run away from the room and as a last ditch effort to comfort her, Koshiro grabs her and hugs her, but Nanoka pushes him away and runs to her room.

Aah, the drama's going to be applied extra thick from here on.
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