Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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So I finished the main storylines of all 4 schools in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, and felt that I had to create a ranking of my top 8 girls.


7. Murakumo

I just wished she would've kept the mask off all the time. Her
nervous, squirly voice manages to capture my heart every time.

6. Haruka and Ryouna

Super 'S' meets Super 'M' and my god was their dialogue a sight to behold. Major respect for both of the girls' VA work because by the end of it I was fanning myself due to how steamy it got. I pray that in every following sequel these two have a scene together because I don't think I would be able to settle for anything less at this point.

5. Yumi

New character from Gessen Girls School. Awesome design, awesome voice, and awesome powers. Big points for her
for pointing out the obvious romance between Homura and Asuka.

4. Homura and Asuka

The OTP of Senran Kagura continue to wow us with both their skill and their overwhelming dedication to one another. Homura is so tsun for Asuka it hurts and you can't help but hug a nearest pillow as you witness her stammering like a fool whenever Haruka questions her true motives for seeing Asuka. Yumi also takes notice of this relationship and wonders how a ninja of shadow and one of light can be together so easily.

3. Yozakura

It's like BIG O in the body of a high school girl. Her gauntlets are absolutely wicked and her level 2 ninpo can one shot people if done in a wide area. Her nature to be proper and ladylike works well with Katsuragi's lustful personality, which led to hilarious conversations.

2. Imu

New character from the rebuilt Hebijo school who is head over heels in love with her squad leader Miyabi. She has a harsh personality, treating even her own sister like shit
though it is explained as to why and rectified later
. She has a serious yet confident personality and above all else is loyal to Miyabi to the 'T'. She also uses a bo staff and can quickly and easily fuck things up in a flash.

1. Hikage

Characters that can't be ranked because they're too godlike: Daidouji & Rin
you picked the right girlseven if i don't agree about the numbers .

Did you do the epilogue fight ?you could feel the tension in it.

Also if you haven't do the character individual stories... They are Soooo worth it

Out of the 20 girls i dislike nobody... that cast was that good.Even if there was so girls i wasn't hot to play with them it changed once i played their inidividaul character storilines Shinobi versus is a game full of content and i love it.


Subete no aware
Of course, if we just say 'boys are only really interested in these stories', and then say that stories outside of that set 'don't count as shounen' or something, then it kind of just becomes a complete loop.
Sure, but I bet in the magazine it runs in, it's like in the back and hidden away from sight!

I suppose there's things like Kimi to Boku, but I have no idea who the readership for that book is supposed to be.
Berserk being the best manga would require better pacing.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with the pacing till I realised that the time between chapters were over 3 months. Yeah I wish the plot progressed a bit quicker with a bit less emphasis/pages wasted on fights we know obviously who the victor is going to be from the get go.
The only reason it's not pure shoujo is because the point of view tilts mostly towards the male protagonist. But really, boys are more interested in power levels and robot toys and boobalicious magical girlfriends, so I'm just more inclined to say a show like this is shoujo.

All-girl shows such as K-ON, Yuyushiki, Non Non Biyori, etc. - those are also primarily aimed at males.
Hey, not all shoujo is Kimi ni Todoke!

True. Maybe I'm just surprised somebody called it so boring they fell asleep when I've been reading nothing but good comments for the first episode and manga. It certainly has a relaxed mood to the first episode and probably the show in general I can't deny that. But I've read/watched other shows that start just as relaxed.


All of these plastic shit shows for little boys but no Pretty Rhythm or Jewelpet. smh
I can forgive them for not picking up Pretty Rhythm this season, since it's glorified reruns, but if CR picks up PuriPara in the summer, I will be very happy. It'll give me an easier means to promote it.

Also, going back to previous conversation, look at Joker's page. One Week Friends is in the exact same magazine as Kokkuri-san, Akame ga Kill, Yandere Kanojo, Watamote and one adaptation of OreShura. Boys are interested in a lot of things.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Berserk being the best manga would require better pacing.

I read through hundreds of chapters in a matter of weeks at a great pace. I have to wait a few more years for the next 10 chapters to get published. You at least need to read 10 chapters in one sitting to build up the a good pace.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I prey every night that Miura doesn't die but deep in my heart I know this series will never be finished ;_;
All of these plastic shit shows for little boys but no Pretty Rhythm or Jewelpet. smh

I'm OK with no Lady Jewelpet because it sounds bad. From the looks of it, it's gone back to the boring serious days of the original series and Twinkle instead of the funner, antic-driven days of Sunshine, Kira Deco, and Happiness, which is unfortunate.

I am actually interested in the new Pretty Rhythm coming out next season, Pretty Rhythm Puri-Para, because it's being directed by Makoto Moriwaki, the comedy genius behind Milky Holmes and Jewelpet Kira Deco. So that franchise could actually get good now!


So that franchise could actually get good now!
Rainbow Live was pretty good and I will listen to arguments otherwise but defend my position.

Those aren't about romance though. The all-girl comedy is a different beast.
There are plenty of things aimed at girls that also aren't about romance. Like this season's upcoming Sabagebu. Serialized in the same magazine that once had Sailor Moon, but it's along the lines of Stella C3.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They're all aimed at one male and his name is firehawk12.


Subete no aware
There are plenty of things aimed at girls that also aren't about romance. Like this season's upcoming Sabagebu. Serialized in the same magazine that once had Sailor Moon, but it's along the lines of Stella C3.
Well, my point is that a show like Yuru Yuri or Yuyushiki is clearly aiming for a male audience.

I think something like Engaged to the Unidentified is maybe in this weird middle space, but when you have a character like Benio who is basically written for SDBurton, I'm inclined to think it's more about the yuri than the romance.

And sure, there's sports shoujo as well. But that almost never gets animated for some reason (it's time for an Aim for the Ace reboot!).

They're all aimed at one male and his name is firehawk12.
This is true.


Demographics are useful for the encyclopedias and the databases of the world, but they're guidelines at best. If the people in charge of the novels and the magazines think someone will want to read it, it will be put where it can reach the most eyes. And in that case, the sky's the limit.

It's what I like about anime.


sealed with a kiss
Well, my point is that a show like Yuru Yuri or Yuyushiki is clearly aiming for a male audience.

I think something like Engaged to the Unidentified is maybe in this weird middle space, but when you have a character like Benio who is basically written for SDBurton, I'm inclined to think it's more about the yuri than the romance.

And sure, there's sports shoujo as well. But that almost never gets animated for some reason (it's time for an Aim for the Ace reboot!).

This is true.

pfff gunbuster is the best shoujo sports anime anyway


Haikyu! - 01

At first I wasn't even going to bother with this show as I thought it was going to be fujoshi bait garbage, but after Duckroll's post saying otherwise I decided to give it a shot. Pretty solid all around, will stick with it to see how it progresses.

Heh, that's rich


In honor of the new split thread, I shall combine end season reviews and first episode impressions into one glorious megapost!

Winter 2013 Reviews:

Great: Kill la Kill, Log Horizon, Gundam Build Fighters, Noragami

Kill la Kill was pure hype from start to finish. Not quite as good in terms of composition as Gurren Lagann but it will still stick with me for a long time like many greats. Loved the costume design (especially the 3 star outfits), characters and general kookiness. Some great 'oh shit' moments towards the end, even if it was vaguely predictable. If you can give it nothing else, it was definitely a memorable ride. Looking forward to the extra episode, hopefully some good post-series character fun.

Log Horizon stands out as the best 'We're in a MMO!' anime I've seen. The mixture of politics, MMO adventuring, humor and development of the world strikes a great balance. They nailed the distinction between the kids and adults in the game, making the characters all feel really genuine. Pacing felt brisk even when it seemed like not much was happening (festival arc for example). I think the very beginning of the series was probably the low point, and it really found it's stride after the Susokino arc. Can't wait for season 2!

Gundam Build Fighters is definitely not something I expected to enjoy after hearing the concept. I didn't join the ride until after a couple of episodes had come out, but I'm glad I did. I'm just a minor Gundam fan but it definitely got the nerd in me going. Characters, while kind of generic, were well developed and very likeable which made the tournament format more bearable even knowing the general direction it was going to go in. I was slightly disappointed in the last 1/3rd (best 16) or so, where most of the fights fell into standard shounen trappings. However, it was still enjoyable to watch so I can give it a pass. Highlight fights for me were Meijin vs Renato Bros and Reiji & Sei vs Fellini.

Noragami was the surprise of the season for me. It a brilliant executed adaptation of the source material (of which I was not aware of until I finished this). The last two episode's story was kind of shoe-horned for their anime ending, but were enjoyable thanks to great fight choreography and animation. In no way did it sully the Yukine story arc, which is really the star here. You wanted to root for all three characters, even with one of them being a lazy, arrogant bum and the other a selfish kid. They felt genuinely human despite their flaws. I also loved the way they did Phantoms, kind of reminding me of the witches in Madoka. I would recommend people who enjoyed it to pick up the manga, it's just as good!

Decent: Magi S2, Buddy Complex, Wizard Barristers

Magi was a decent adaptation, mainly I'm just glad to see it continuing to get animated. Rough in some spots where added animation would help. The middle of the season was pretty thoroughly good, with the beginning and last bits trailing behind. Of course, that isn't all to blame of the adaptation, as I felt similarly about the source material. Maybe the creators just focused all their good on the parts they liked as well.

Buddy Complex was a pretty standard mecha show with a stupid time travel plot. Characters were generally uninteresting, mecha army affair. That being said, the battles scratched an itch for me with some cool visual effects and design.

Wizard Barristers was fairly entertaining for the majority and had some cool ideas. I think the episode subplots in the beginning were much better than the overall plot they went for. Loses some major points for a horrendously unfinished climax episode, with stills everywhere I wasn't sure if the video I was watching was just broken or not. Still, I'm a huge sucker for magic worlds and learning the various rules that bind them, so it was an enjoyable watch for me.

Bad: Nobunagun

Nobunagun: A decent concept that was poorly executed. The plot was not particularly entertaining and lacked a sense of urgency for some reason. The horrible costume design (most of the character designs I am actually fine with until the suit up) killed me, especially knowing that they were capable of making bad-ass looking characters (see: Real Nobunaga whenever he was shown). I did like the stylized colouring of scenes and craziness of the main character whenever she turned 'on', but it isn't enough to save the rest.

Spring 2014 Impressions (so far):

Blade & Soul - Not particularily offensive (yet), but about as bland as you would expect for an MMO adaptation. Most likely a drop.
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Very entertaining, I think it has real potential for a good slice of life/comedy as long as the characters don't fall too hard into their archetypes.
Captain Earth - Surprisingly solid -- great animation, good designs and a plot that kind of evokes an Evangelion feeling. Very excited to see where this one goes.
Jojo - What can I say that someone hasn't already. Great start, and I have faith it'll just get better (haven't touched the manga or games). Stands seem like they'll be quite varied compared to Hamon, although I'll be sort of sad if Joseph ditches it entirely (esp. if they're VS Dio).
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler - Why the hell did one of my anime pals choose this for watching. I feel bad that I cannot un-see this.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - As I said above, I'm a sucker for magic worlds so I'll be watching this. I'm a sucker for the animation, and the designs are pretty cool. The only problem is the sister, and I REALLY hope they ditch that shit asap.

Edit: Forgot one -- Abarenbou Kishi!! Matsutarou: Utterly infuriating. Depending on how the next episode is I might have to drop it out of sheer rage. I did enjoy the old school hijinks and look though.
So I finished the main storylines of all 4 schools in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, and felt that I had to create a ranking of my top 8 girls.


7. Murakumo

I just wished she would've kept the mask off all the time. Her
nervous, squirly voice manages to capture my heart every time.

6. Haruka and Ryouna

Super 'S' meets Super 'M' and my god was their dialogue a sight to behold. Major respect for both of the girls' VA work because by the end of it I was fanning myself due to how steamy it got. I pray that in every following sequel these two have a scene together because I don't think I would be able to settle for anything less at this point.

5. Yumi

New character from Gessen Girls School. Awesome design, awesome voice, and awesome powers. Big points for her
for pointing out the obvious romance between Homura and Asuka.

4. Homura and Asuka

The OTP of Senran Kagura continue to wow us with both their skill and their overwhelming dedication to one another. Homura is so tsun for Asuka it hurts and you can't help but hug a nearest pillow as you witness her stammering like a fool whenever Haruka questions her true motives for seeing Asuka. Yumi also takes notice of this relationship and wonders how a ninja of shadow and one of light can be together so easily.

3. Yozakura

It's like BIG O in the body of a high school girl. Her gauntlets are absolutely wicked and her level 2 ninpo can one shot people if done in a wide area. Her nature to be proper and ladylike works well with Katsuragi's lustful personality, which led to hilarious conversations.

2. Imu

New character from the rebuilt Hebijo school who is head over heels in love with her squad leader Miyabi. She has a harsh personality, treating even her own sister like shit
though it is explained as to why and rectified later
. She has a serious yet confident personality and above all else is loyal to Miyabi to the 'T'. She also uses a bo staff and can quickly and easily fuck things up in a flash.

1. Hikage

Characters that can't be ranked because they're too godlike: Daidouji & Rin


Goddamn it, I'm trying to wait for the localization. Must not import. :lol

On a tangent, have you ever read a VN called Shikkoku no Sharnoth, SDBurton? I don't know if the material is up your alley or not as it's a little shoujo/seinen-oriented and panders a little more in that direction, but it has one of the biggest girl-purity scenes I've read in a while. (I can't elaborate since it's a late-end spoiler)

Link Man

JoJo 2

Fun episode and nice pacing. The only thing hurting it a bit is a lack of animation, though I'm guessing this is a stylistic choice. Still makes it look a bit cheap at times.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Are you going for plat? what about your bottom girls?

Yeah I plan to. And are you referring to Daidouji and Rin? Or you mean the characters I thought were bad? Because if its the latter, there's no bad characters. :lol

you picked the right girlseven if i don't agree about the numbers .

Did you do the epilogue fight ?you could feel the tension in it.

Also if you haven't do the character individual stories... They are Soooo worth it

Out of the 20 girls i dislike nobody... that cast was that good.Even if there was so girls i wasn't hot to play with them it changed once i played their inidividaul character storilines Shinobi versus is a game full of content and i love it.

Epilogue fight? Is that the new option that opened after you beat the four story modes? Yeah I still need to do the individual story modes still, will try and work on get my trophies during that time as well. But yeah this game is really, really fun.

What's your ranking for Shinovi Versus?


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Goddamn it, I'm trying to wait for the localization. Must not import. :lol

On a tangent, have you ever read a VN called Shikkoku no Sharnoth, SDBurton? I don't know if the material is up your alley or not as it's a little shoujo/seinen-oriented and panders a little more in that direction, but it has one of the biggest girl-purity scenes I've read in a while. (I can't elaborate since it's a late-end spoiler)

Haha stay strong if you can!

Can't say I've read the VN you speak of, but I'll be sure to put it on my list and get on it sometime.


To Heart ~Remember my Memories~ 04-06


Do androids dream of electric gods?

So not every episode's going to be a Multi-parter. Glad to see Aoi's Extreme Fighting dreams be followed up on. She even won! Two episodes was plenty of time for it to take up - long enough to be developed, but not overlong. And I'm glad to see Serika again. She's the same as she ever was. Still a little odd for the characters to have cell phones, but it would be even weirder if they didn't. Tomoko's return episode was also surprisingly heartfelt. The coming love triangle, not so much, but the way the show integrated the Kobe earthquake into things was tastefully done. It influenced her backstory and her current motivation, but not in a ham-fisted way.

Maybe because its aesthetics are closer to the anime I'm familiar with, or maybe it's because of how the characters' storylines feel much better integrated, but RmM is pretty enjoyable so far. I just wish the animation was better.


Anyway, re: the dedicated Spring OP post, if Mandoric doesn't have time to work on it anymore couldn't someone else just ask for what's been completed so far and finish it up?


Finished Koiuta

Eeeh, that was actually pretty good, really sad ending though.

Fuck Nina Viento.

Man screw all of you hating on Hotaru. I hope she's in every episode just so I can rub it in your faces. :mad:


How can people hate Hotarun? >_______>


Space Bros

Ugh the episodes with Hibito in Russia and Olga are pretty bad... The dude really gonna fall for a 15 year old girl?


Subete no aware
pfff gunbuster is the best shoujo sports anime anyway
Aim for the Ace is better!

Late to celebrate, but here to celebrate nonetheless.
A nyanpassuuuu button. Why not. lol



I hope I didn't just get Chihayafuru'ed. :(
That was neat though. Assuming it's more Free (even with this daddy issues) than any other sports show, I can see myself watching this to the end.

Baby Steps

Is this a mohawk? Bed head? I'm confused because no one ever brings it up.

The show looks much cheaper compared to Haikyuu, but seems okay. I'm wary of the fact that the dude is a studier, if only because I am expecting 10 minute monologues about shot angles and court positioning and all the other exposition that drags a show down.

But the light romance + sports thing can work if done right. Just ask Adachi!
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