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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]

So at this time in 2008 when the PS3 needed saving and along came MGS4: 405,000 PS3s were sold compared to 219,000 Xbox 360s.


I'm pretty shocked that with all the marketing hype. and "2nd coming of Jesus" the gaming press were heaping on the game after E3 2013 that the console wasn't able to outsell the PS4.

As a reaction to this,I'm sure Microsoft will drop the price of the Kinect bundle and seriously consider a Kinectless sku

If you look at historical precedent, that 311K Xbox One figure shouldn't be all that shocking:


March 2006: 192K
March 2007: 199K
March 2008: 262K
March 2009: 330K
March 2010: 338K
March 2011: 433K
March 2012: 371K
March 2013: 302K


March 2007: 130K
March 2008: 257K
March 2009: 218K
March 2010: 314K
March 2011: 365K
March 2012: 337K
March 2013: 211K


March 2001: 547K
March 2002: 359K
March 2003: 399K
March 2004: 294K
March 2005: 495K
March 2006: 273K
March 2007: 280K
March 2008: 216K
March 2009: 112K
March 2010: 118K


TF was the Megaton software that MS had for 2014, IMO. ...Unless they're releasing Halo 5 this year.

The ONLY thing that can save X1 is a SIGNIFICANT price/kinect drop.


Stop spreading false information man. It's 5 million shipped vs 7 million sold through. Xbone I'd estimate is between 4-4.5 million.

He's probably just misinformed. No need to jump on his back and start knifing him! That was the whole point of why the five million number was talked about. To spread false information :)


Better games may down the road.

All this "titanfall couldn't help it" shit boggles my mind. Titanfall was never marketed as the second coming of Jesus to the gaming community. Yes there as a huge push but never to salvage Microsofts position in the industry. Let's wait to see if better games can give Microsoft the momentum it needs

Bullshit, even MS said it's "game changer".
Totally 100% agree. This is ridiculous. People act like XB1 is leagues behind the PS4 in the US. It's lead is very narrow. Sure, the PS4 may have a more commanding lead worldwide, but its nothing that couldn't be overcome if MS plays its cards right.

However, the bigger deal here is this ludicrous idea that XB1 is some colossal failure because PS4 is ahead. Even if it never achieves the PS4's sales XB1 is still a terrific seller and will be a substantial success regardless.

So... after spending a ton on Titan fall exclusivity, marketing, delaying the 360 version, bundling Titan fall, and offering $50 off said bundle.... to end up having less console sales than your main competitor that released a game with less hype, less marketing, no bundle, and no discounts... not to mention supply issues.... yeah that's not a bad month for MS at all... I'm sure the share holders are very excited.

Is it time to shutter the XBO... probably not... but I bet their are a few more share holders voting sale now. You can never tell what MS will do they will up and abandon stuff at a drop of a hat, so it's never completely out of the question.... Sony on the other hand usually hangs onto dieing products just a bit too long in my opinion.


I can't tell you what Microsoft is thinking internally, but as much as I find these results unsurprising, I also find them unalarming.

Microsoft's problem is price, and it's going to take more significant moves on that price front if they want to get back to consistent sales parity with the PS4. I think they'll be fine with games, though naturally it wouldn't hurt to have several good titles come along and build some momentum, but on the games that matter, they'll be fine. They'll have all the multiplatforms that the audience craves, they'll have a handful of exclusives that can draw additional people in. They might suffer a bit on variety, but they'll trade that off with some superior titles in other genres.

That said, it's not as if the Xbox One is performing poorly, at least not in the US. It's doing quite well. The problem is more of perception locally, as obviously PS4 is doing tremendously well. And as long as Sony keeps the price advantage in these first couple of years, it will keep outperforming Microsoft, and then even if later on Microsoft achieves parity, the die will already be cast, inertia will win out, and Sony will continue to outsell the Xbox One.

If Microsoft wants to come to parity in sales, they need to first achieve price parity, do it quickly, and that likely means removing Kinect from the box. If they're not willing to do that, these results will continue, and maybe they're fine with that.

Very true, even with price parity, MS has an incredibly uphill battle. Perception is heavily in PS4 favor. Price alone will not do it. Games won't even do it.
Polygon has published some solid investigatory pieces of actual journalism done by competent writers.

Needless to say, that level of quality isn't exactly consistent across the entire site.

I agree. There have been some great articles from the website.

Now Gies and Kuchera though...I'm not exactly a fan of.
I'm not too surprised, buzz around Titanfall didn't seem like it was as big as I think some people were making it out to be.

Looks like a repeat of PS2 gen. Microsoft pretending it's still competing but really it's just in the same boat as Nintendo. Although the gulf between the Gamecube and the Xbox 1 will be much smaller compared to the Wii U and the Xbox One.

The two situations are not even comparable. X1 will still get the biggest third party support for years to come. That is the biggest issue regarding Nintendo and the Wii U that won't be fixed for a long time.

MS situation is more comparable to Sony seven years ago. An overpriced console where vast majority of releases are worse and on a system $100 cheaper. Not to mention shipping with an expensive feature (kinect/blu ray) that the market doesn't care about.
But these include unofficial price cuts that happened during the month. And it still got outsold.

Unofficial price cuts aren't all that helpful. But just for my edification, what were the prices? I don't know. Unless it was $399, it doesn't help. And not being official (and therefore universal), the impact is simply muted.


That's the point....

Bro do you have a big nose, and are you looking down that big nose at us console plebeians?

Is your face like:

Unofficial price cuts aren't all that helpful. But just for my edification, what were the prices? I don't know. Unless it was $399, it doesn't help. And not being official (and therefore universal), the impact is simply muted.

Unofficial price drops do help. Packed in games do help. Come on mannnnnnn
I guess i'm the only one that doesn't find this all that surprising. The TF bundle was lame, PC release, 360 version down the road, and inFamous had just as much or maybe even more hype than TF. Plus all those 3rd party wins. People want the better system.


Well, guess that explains Microsoft's silence all March long. I didn't think it was possible for the PS4 to beat the Xbone in the US this month, but that's that.

Guess they'll have to wait for Halo 5 before getting on top. Maybe.
The fact that Titanfall did well for EA but not so well for Microsoft means that MS is probably unlikely to pursue exclusivity for Titanfall 2, I suspect.


That NPD doesn't feature digital sales.

I remember when I bought my console digitally. Man 3d printers have come a long way!!!

I bought Infamous: SS digitally and with preloading, he sorta has a point going forward, even if he's being an ass about it.


Kuchera + Aegies

I've probably murdered more brain cells than those two jokers have combined.

Note: murder means drink copious amounts of alcoholic beverages

Actually it was. Many times over. The press drooled about it. You had places like Giantbomb cover it with more than five hours of coverage amongst three different videos. Let's not be disingenuous here.

Well, that name combo might not get a publication banned but our screen names get us this art off of Google.

Ape + Dragon

We would have beautiful children.


Sold-in is a commonly used term which means the same thing as shipped, is often reported by publishers, and has nothing to do with Microsoft's position right now. You don't get to declare terms "utter nonsense".

Well to me it's slightly disingenuous of them to use it considering who their audience is. Am I allowed to declare something 'disingenuous'? ;-)


Us gaming peons discussing this doesn't matter (
don't stupidly account suicide people... GAF is <3
), it's the journalists/websites and Twitter wars that are entertaining.

Seriously but, Twitter becomes absolutely comedy gold at times like NPD/E3/etc.
Awesome to see dark souls 2 and stick of truth charting well. Dark souls 2 is so good.

Also not shocked that the momentum of ps4 carried it past the xb1. What's next? Gotta be a $400 no kinect box at e3 with a game and some drastic changes to xbox live subscriptions.
Very true, even with price parity, MS has an incredibly uphill battle. Perception is heavily in PS4 favor. Price alone will not do it. Games won't even do it.

I do not disagree. Every passing day makes Microsoft's task a little harder, as more decisions are made for PS4, and those decisions impact others' decisions, as they'll go with their friends or simply the crowd at large. So if Microsoft has a move in them, they have to make it quickly, or resign themselves to a distant second place. That's not to say they can win if they make a move, as I'm not predicting that. I think short of dropping Kinect, there's nothing they can do on price that Sony couldn't match, if they felt threatened. And Sony will have the word of mouth advantage on performance, for whatever that's worth.


I think he is referring to the going monthly rate, not LTD. 2:1 is probably quite close to the actual figures.

Microsoft shipped around 1.1M X1 last trimester. That's barely more than the number of PS4 Sony sold in 1 month. So we even could be closer of a 2.5:1 ratio this days
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