Titanfall is the #2 best selling Xbox One game of all time in the US.
It's #1 in March.
Because 5 million is still pretty good. The PS4 is just a fucking juggernaut right now is all.
Belittling and generalizing GAF this widely, I'm pretty sure publications have been banned for less. Or does GAF not do that anymore?
Gies purposefully chose to stop posting on NeoGAF after EviLore called him "the most disreputable person in the enthusiast press".
Kuchera seems to be having a mental breakdown.
He decides to raise some beef he has with NPD, just when the new numbers are released, and lo and behold they are unfavorable to the console he seems to feel some weird, emotional attachment to.
How emotionally deprived do you have to be, to not only be this affected by hardware sales but then to showcase it to the world, the same world that knows you write for a certain website?
When i was a kid and a SNES fanboy, some kids teased me that Mega Drive was better, it was 1 vs 3, i went home that day a little down, but was cheered up when my mom got me some juice. And that was that.
I am off to Heartstone to hopefully meet him and make juice out of him.
Is he and Gies banned on GAF?
Honest/curious question.
Its just worded really badly to try and confuse people I guess.
They mean it like Titanfall (which is a game for the Xbox One) was number 1 on the NPD on the overall/all formats chart.
Yea what happened to that
Any guess on what the next price drop will be? $399 or $349?
Why does he use "thing" before 1 and 2? Wonderland ref? He'd save some space in his tweet by cutting them out.
It's his personal Twitter profile. This isn't an article from Polygon attacking GAF.
Better games may down the road.
All this "titanfall couldn't help it" shit boggles my mind. Titanfall was never marketed as the second coming of Jesus to the gaming community. Yes there as a huge push but never to salvage Microsofts position in the industry. Let's wait to see if better games can give Microsoft the momentum it needs
Gies purposefully chose to stop posting on NeoGAF after EviLore called him "the most disreputable person in the enthusiast press".
Better games may down the road.
All this "titanfall couldn't help it" shit boggles my mind. Titanfall was never marketed as the second coming of Jesus to the gaming community. Yes there as a huge push but never to salvage Microsofts position in the industry. Let's wait to see if better games can give Microsoft the momentum it needs
Can someone tell me who Ben is?
I apologize if I got his feed spammed. We're better than that GAF.
That fake account is coming off as salty and bitter nowGrimløck;108571692 said:CEO Kaz Hirai ‏@KazHiraiCEO 4m
It is very important that your console of choice is the best selling game console. It makes playing games on it much more enjoyable
He's not wrong.
Grimløck;108571692 said:CEO Kaz Hirai ‏@KazHiraiCEO 4m
It is very important that your console of choice is the best selling game console. It makes playing games on it much more enjoyable
Yea what happened to that
Grimløck;108571692 said:CEO Kaz Hirai ‏@KazHiraiCEO 4m
It is very important that your console of choice is the best selling game console. It makes playing games on it much more enjoyable
Better games may down the road.
All this "titanfall couldn't help it" shit boggles my mind. Titanfall was never marketed as the second coming of Jesus to the gaming community. Yes there as a huge push but never to salvage Microsofts position in the industry. Let's wait to see if better games can give Microsoft the momentum it needs
311k is pretty good for march for a $500 system even if it's a hyped and bundled game.
I like this guy. I like him a lot.
Conspiracy accusations are nothing but a strawman argument. When MS and Nintendo deliver their own financial reports they do not combine DS + 3DS, Wii + Wii U, or 360 + Xbox One. They sort all this stuff out. Being suspicious of combined numbers isn't paranoia, it's common sense.
We have to remember that Sony has expertly used sales data as PR tool since the PS2 era. This is a well known fact. And why shouldn't they? Sales number do effect consumer confidence.
Nothing stops the PS4 train. SO happy for Sony. Glad I went with that system over XBone.
However, I wouldn't say X-Bone is doing HORRIBLY or anything. 5 million vs. 7 million is not that huge a difference and the XB1 is still doing much better than the 360 did in the same time frame and that was considered a huge success. It's like saying XB1 is doing really good, but PS4 is doing really, REALLY good so XB1 is automatically a failure? (Although, all those price drops and sales last week stunk of desperation).Not only that, but thier new IP was the #1 seller this month without the 360 version even out yet.
I don't wanna sound like I'm defending MS (I have ZERO intentions of buying an XB1 anytime soon), but I don't think they're doing horribly.
Can;t wait for Titanfall 2 on PS4. ;-)
Doesn't he have a meltdown and subsequently attack GAF like every month or so? He's gotten a bit boring now.Editor of Polygon and he is having a meltdown. The editor.
I can't believe it.
From MS PR:Better games may down the road.
All this "titanfall couldn't help it" shit boggles my mind. Titanfall was never marketed as the second coming of Jesus to the gaming community. Yes there as a huge push but never to salvage Microsofts position in the industry. Let's wait to see if better games can give Microsoft the momentum it needs
I'd like to know if TF outsold SS if you take away the PC numbers.
April sales are going through the roof like my thumb.Come on we all know it's playroom thats selling those ps4's!
Playroom > TF
Why? He's a satirical account. You probably like Colbert too!
But these include unofficial price cuts that happened during the month. And it still got outsold.I can't tell you what Microsoft is thinking internally, but as much as I find these results unsurprising, I also find them unalarming.
Microsoft's problem is price, and it's going to take more significant moves on that price front if they want to get back to consistent sales parity with the PS4. I think they'll be fine with games, though naturally it wouldn't hurt to have several good titles come along and build some momentum, but on the games that matter, they'll be fine. They'll have all the multiplatforms that the audience craves, they'll have a handful of exclusives that can draw additional people in. They might suffer a bit on variety, but they'll trade that off with some superior titles in other genres.
That said, it's not as if the Xbox One is performing poorly, at least not in the US. It's doing quite well. The problem is more of perception locally, as obviously PS4 is doing tremendously well. And as long as Sony keeps the price advantage in these first couple of years, it will keep outperforming Microsoft, and then even if later on Microsoft achieves parity, the die will already be cast, inertia will win out, and Sony will continue to outsell the Xbox One.
If Microsoft wants to come to parity in sales, they need to first achieve price parity, do it quickly, and that likely means removing Kinect from the box. If they're not willing to do that, these results will continue, and maybe they're fine with that.
Sony wasn't kidding when they entered E3 with the "radioactive" song. Welcome to the new age, welcome to the new age indeed.
I believe Gies owes a user money here. He stopped posted after people called him out on it, IIRC. No idea if he's banned.
Arthur Gies is officially the most disreputable person in the enthusiast press.
Titanfall is the #2 best selling Xbox One game of all time in the US.
It's #1 in March.