Nintendo : buy Mario Kart 8 on the eShop or retail, get a free game


If you buy the game at retail or on the eShop, and register it on Club Nintendo, you can get a free game from the eShop! Bundle and LE copies included! Both Europe (+ Australia) and NA confirmed too!

Games for Europe :


For those interested in the size of each game (minus DLC and updates), I found this (it's in French apparently... but I don't think it matters all that much ;)).

Great news to everyone in Scandinavia!

Nintend of Europe and Bergsala has somehow come together and made a deal that ensures, that us in Scandinavia also can get a free game (same list as NoE's) when we buy Mario Kart 8!

Some links:

Nintendo Sverige:

Nintendo Danmark:

Games for NA :

- Pikmin 3
- New Super Mario Bros. U
- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
- Wii Party U

Edit : Terms and Conditions for Europe.

Terms & Conditions
If you are under 18, please read these Terms and Conditions together with your parent or legal guardian.

To participate in the promotion, you have to be a resident of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, South Africa, or Russia.
You must have registered the Club Nintendo PIN code for the game Mario Kart 8 for Wii U in Club Nintendo at between May 30th 2014, 10:00 (UK time) and July 31st 2014, 23:59 (UK time).

You can find the Club Nintendo PIN code:
Inside the packaging of Mario Kart 8 software (including software which is part of the Mario Kart 8 Premium Pack – Special Edition Wii U hardware bundle);
On-screen on Wii U:
After purchasing the downloadable version of Mario Kart 8 from Nintendo eShop, or;
After the redemption of a download code for the downloadable version of Mario Kart 8.
Also in the receipt within “Menu”, then “Account Activity” in Nintendo eShop on the Wii U console, after downloading software from Nintendo eShop.

After you have registered the Club Nintendo PIN Code in your Club Nintendo account, log in to Club Nintendo 48 hours later and click the Mario Kart 8 Bonus Game Promotion banner to proceed. You will be given an opportunity to request a free download code for one of the eligible games for Wii U. The eligible games are:
Nintendo Land
New Super Mario Bros. U
Game & Wario
Pikmin 3
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Sonic Lost World (Wii U version)
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
Wii Party U
The Wonderful 101 (PEGI 12)*
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U version; PEGI 12)*

*Members of Club Nintendo who are below the age of 12 will not be able to request a download code for games rated 12 and above.

The request of a download code must be completed by August 31st 2014, 23:59 (UK time). The download code will be sent to you via email to the email address registered in your Club Nintendo account within 48 hours. The download code will also be available after login in the “My Account” section of the Club Nintendo website, 48 hours after completing the request for a download code.

The download code can be used to download the chosen game from Nintendo eShop to any Wii U console*. The download code expires on September 30th 2014, 22:59 (UK time).

*Depending on the Wii U hardware pack you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download software from Nintendo eShop.

Registration in Club Nintendo is required. Club Nintendo Terms and Conditions apply. For the use of Nintendo eShop the acceptance of the Nintendo Network Agreement and Privacy Policy is required.
Each member of Club Nintendo can participate in this promotion only once. Product registrations for participation in this promotion can be combined with the Super Mario Kart Promotion, but cannot be combined with other promotions.

This promotion is organised by Nintendo of Europe GmbH, Nintendo Center, 63760 Grossostheim.
Well that's cool, except for the fact that Mario & Sonic is the only one of those I don't already own, and I don't really want it ;_; ... tis Free though I guess, I could equally get Ninty Land and then sell my Ninty Land Disc for some pennies.

I'm one of those crazy folk that has gone all Digital... on a Nintendo Platform... Cos I'm clearly off my meds X_X.


Does this also apply to physical copies registered on Club Nintendo? Wouldn't mind Zelda... but Wii U's memory is far too small.
Available for NoA too, but works if you buy physical copie. Unfortunately, it's only one of four games: NSMBU, Pikmin 3, WWHD, Wii Party U.


Damn NOE going all out. I am kind of jealous to be sure. Granted I own most of those titles but I would probably sell my copy of Piknin and go digital. Was going to go disc for MK8 too.

Here's to hoping NOA shows up
I hope this promotion is also for NA as well. While I'll keep my physical preorder of the game, getting Mario Kart 8 digitally along with a free copy of Pikmin 3 sounds very tempting.

EDIT: Okay, seen the Mario Kart 8 NA direct. Register Mario Kart 8 at Club Nintendo between May 30th and July 31st and receive a free digital download code of the following:

- Pikmin 3
- New Super Mario Bros. U
- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
- Wii Party U


GAF parliamentarian
Not until I see an account system. I'll gladly pay extra for security.

And the only title I want, Wonderful 101 has been on sale dirt cheap anyway.


Scandinavia weeps since we're not able to register our Nintendo products. I guess those who buy the digital version get one here as well, though.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Not like I wasn't going to buy it day one anyway.

Edit: Fuck. The only game in that list I don't have is Sochi, haha.


Junior Member
Please bring this deal to the States.....even though I already own 6 of the games on there (Nintendo Land, NSMBU, Sonic Lost World, Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, & W101).

Come here, Monster Hunter!


I would have been bought monster Hunter if they added wiimote and nunchuck support. I had them controls mastered. I guess its the wonderful 101 or wii party u for me.


Gives all the fucks
Available for NoA too, but works if you buy physical copie. Unfortunately, it's only one of four games: NSMBU, Pikmin 3, WWHD, Wii Party U.
Damn, I would have loved to get Wonderful 101, but Wind Waker HD is still tempting. Hopefully can work the budget out to get this.


Already have the three I want off that list, not interested in the others.

Besides, Mario Kart games hold their re-sale value insanely well. I'll get 2/3 of my buying price back easy.

Edit: Retail too!?!? Niiiiiiice


Looks like I'll finally be getting Wonderful 101.

Games for NA :

- Pikmin 3
- New Super Mario Bros. U
- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
- Wii Party U

I already own all of those. Oh well, my gaming plate is already completely full right now anyway.


If Nintendo release an MK8 bundle for $300 and that qualifies for this offer, I'd gladly buy one with MK8 and WWHD (free).


What? NO!

I want my Blue Shell Statue!! Stick your Lost Worlds where it belongs!

i have most of those games and no interest in the others


Welp, the only game out of the free ones for NA that I don't own is Wii Party U... guess I'm getting my party on?


Man, that's a really good offer. If I could find a Mario Kart bundle for £200, and if it was compatible with that offer, I'd probably make the call to customer services to sort out re-linking my NNID.

Good stuff.
Was already going to buy it Digitally, with the Mario Kart Virtual Console discount. Now adding another free game makes this a no brainer.

Not sure what to get though, of those games I don't own:

Monster Hunter (but I have the 3DS version)
Sonic and Mario at the Olympics
Game and Wario
Pikmin 3 (own the Wii Pikmin 1 port and never got into it)

Of those 5 I suppose I'm leaning towards Pikmin 3, but I don't know a lot about Game and Wario... I'll have to do some research.

Or I could get a digital version of one of the game I already own and sell the disc.
The North American line-up seems lacking, but then again, I haven't played Pikmin 3 yet. So, no real qualms here. Very cool promotion.


Junior Member
I own almost everything there but have been meaning to pick up Sonic Lost World cheap. Awesome promo :D

Man, that's a really good offer. If I could find a Mario Kart bundle for £200, and if it was compatible with that offer, I'd probably make the call to customer services to sort out re-linking my NNID..

I'm almost certain it's eligible. You just need to register the game, so that'll apply to the bundled copy too. It's likely that's why they're doing this - pick up an MK8 bundle and you're getting an extra free game with it of your choice.


Wait, so let me be clear. If I (using a US Wii U) buy a physical copy of MK8 and register it on Club Nintendo, I can get NSMBU or WWHD free digitally? That's fucking awesome!

Where's the press release / source for the US?
If Nintendo release an MK8 bundle for $300 and that qualifies for this offer, I'd gladly buy one with MK8 and WWHD (free).

According to the MK8 NA Direct, if you buy the Mario Kart 8 Wii U Bundle, it will qualify for the free digital game offer. However, the Wii U bundle will cost $329.99. It comes with the deluxe system, MK8 disc, a red Wii wheel accessory, and a Mario Wii Remote Plus controller.

Can anybody give me advice if I should rather get Wonderful 101 or Game & Wario?

I hear Game & Wario is kind of a shallow game. I think you'll be better off with The Wonderful 101.


Obviously going to get Wind Waker.....

But it seems a little mean of nintendo to not add at least Game and Wario for NA.

I mean, i do own Game and Wario, but i can see most people dont have it since its one of those games you buy "when you see it on sale"

..while a lot of people got Wind Waker HD day one.
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