Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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So the beta isn't available for folks who want to purchase the game digitally? I'm planning on buying day one but as far as I know, digital preordering on the Xbox One isn't an available feature yet, right?


Just pre-ordered on Amazon UK in hope of getting a Beta pass for Xbox One. I won't be that bothered if not.

Hunter sounds great... but trench coat :(


Not sure about throwing spoilers in there but nice OP. Would it be possible to throw DestinyGaf group info in the mix?


I literally just had a weird heart beat for two beats. I was so worried.


Note to self, don't die before beta.


Unlike the US PSN that charges your card upon ordering, apparently the EU PSN does it closer to the actual release date on pre-orders. I don't recall if it's a few days or a week before.

Ah yeah the usual way is like a few days before launch. Just assumed this was kind of a different situation given the Beta access. Could be easily abused I guess.



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
(still early in the voting butt...) i was debating no going with a hunter as they seemed to be the most popular/common class. guess i was wrong?

looking forward to the 23rd (?) quite a bit.


My flatmate's leant me his ps3, just pre-ordered on amazon for a key.

Was thinking I wouldn't get to try this until November when I get my next gen console, really nice surprise!
My warlock has done considerable damage in both PVE and PVP. I'm gonna stick with my Jedi.

I also have a vid I should post to YouTube and then link here. Is there a thread for Destiny vids taken/made (it was done in ShareFactory)

Or can I just plop it here. Strictly PVP in one of the last games of the Alpha (before they surprised us with another day -thank you based Bungie-)


today is the 10th any word on if Bungie will be sending an email so we can pick our system?

PS4 of course

Bungie time doesn't start until 5pm UK time. I've come to accept that a lack of news/developments until after work is the norm. At least another 45mins I'm guessing.
My warlock has done considerable damage in both PVE and PVP. I'm gonna stick with my Jedi.

I also have a vid I should post to YouTube and then link here. Is there a thread for Destiny vids taken/made (it was done in ShareFactory)

Or can I just plop it here. Strictly PVP in one of the last games of the Alpha (before they surprised us with another day -thank you based Bungie-)

Lay it on us.
Haha thanks, I expect you to keep me updated on poll numbers every hour until I'm back home.

Warlock sucks!

Destiny takes priority over your new job, man.

T_T Now you get nothing. And space magic will cause you to have to stay after work for several hours.
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