Mr. Enigma
Still haven't even gotten my email yet. 2:20pm here. Have to be at work 4pm-12am.

Yes!Soo im at the In app 11gig download...If I put the PS4 in standby will it continue???
You gotta do it manually on the ps4 or web store. Neither seem to be working now :/
Honestly, guys, this could have gone MUCH, MUCH, MUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHHHHH worse.
Based Vita
How could it have gone worse?
It'll be on your Bungie profile page, even if you haven't gotten an email. But even if you get your codes, you probably won't be able to access PSN to redeem it yet.I haven't received the e-mail with my code yet and I'm getting anxious (more like desperate).
Anyone else?![]()
I was able to download at 12:54pm EST, got the two files and started the game by 12:58 EST. The in-game download of 10.97GB took about 45 minutes to complete. Haven't been able to get into an actual game at all. All I get is the little Destiny icon on the bottom right that says "Connecting..." but if fails to connect every time. Stopped trying around 2pm EST.
Soo im at the In app 11gig download...If I put the PS4 in standby will it continue???
How could it have gone worse?
Wait what?? NOOOONo, it will only download while you are in the app.
Restore your license, that did it for me, now launch the game and find out you can't play cause PSN is awesome shit
I successfully did that (used msoft login cause psn is down) but then I found out that what I downloaded was just the launcher which is 179 MB. Once we are home we still have to launch the game to download the remaining 10+ gigs.
Based Vita
To anyone who's having a hard time redeeming your code try
What is restore licences? Is that working for some people?
Nothing compares to the MGO beta on PS3. That was the worst I've ever seen.
20 minutes to get in the store.
1 minute to download the beta
Let me give you a concrete example of how it could have been much worse.You can say this about anything that ever happens.
I think taking down an online service that powers two very popular consoles and failing to deliver on a pre-order bonus is pretty bad.
What a fucking tease. PSN store loaded for me, scrolled down as quickly as possible to redeem codes and then the maintenance page comes up. I managed to access it for all of 3 seconds.
It's working on mobile for me.STILL can't get into the PSN Store site....this is fucking ridiculous.
Honestly, guys, this could have gone MUCH, MUCH, MUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHHHHH worse.
Still haven't even gotten my email yet. 2:20pm here. Have to be at work 4pm-12am.
[Dreams crushed] ugh. Well, that's that I guess. At least when I get home a lot of the traffic will be cleared. Right? RIGHT??