Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Playing Destiny without a dedicated group really makes me feel like I have no friends. . I just don't have any friends that play video games. And I keep getting wrecked. Is there anyway to join a squad before you start a mission, like enter into a public one instead of randomly have people join me throughout?
I was disappointed it didn't auto-group with randoms when I started a mission.

I guess I gotta message every single random people I see...
Playing Destiny without a dedicated group really makes me feel like I have no friends. . I just don't have any friends that play video games. And I keep getting wrecked. Is there anyway to join a squad before you start a mission, like enter into a public one instead of randomly have people join me throughout?

Didn't get to try it yet as only found it just before logging but I think its on the statistics screen you can change your fire team mode from friends only to public
That's my take-away thus far as well.

Been there, done that. While I enjoyed the alpha, it feels like such a tiny tiny slice that it's hard to get overwhelmingly excited for it.

Yeah, when that mission on the moon popped up I couldn't wait to get to level 6, got to level 6 and realized that it says it won't be available until the final build is out. :(


Playing Destiny without a dedicated group really makes me feel like I have no friends. . I just don't have any friends that play video games. And I keep getting wrecked. Is there anyway to join a squad before you start a mission, like enter into a public one instead of randomly have people join me throughout?

Are you playing pvp or pve? I've been wanting to play with you since alpha!

I don't see you on my in game list for some reason though...


Really dumb the way they did this beta. Started the download from work and when I get home I go into the dang thing and find out that I NOW have to download almost 11 gigs :/. Wish I could do something else while this dang thing downloads.

Didn't have that problem personally. The entire thing downloaded
this game. this fucking game.

goodbye life

Better swap in some new tats then ;)

so i preordered on psn but i don't see a beta nor a beta code?
I downloaded it before psn and bungie's site crashed this morning by going on the store, going to games, and click on this giant banner that was promoting the beta. I also just got an email from Sony just now about the beta as well. Check the store or your emails, should be able to access it by now.


My biggest complaint is the combat feels limited without extra grenades and more explosions since I find myself holding onto abilities longer, since they take so long to charge. Combine that with the removal of the constant weapon salvaging of halo games, where you always need to swap things up on the fly and I'm left with combat that feels a bit repetitive.

On Demand

So the Beta is pretty much the same as the Alpha other than a few new missions and an extra PvP map? Kinda disappointing.

FOR YOU! lol.

First time playing and i can see the potential. Game is fantastic. I finally get it.

And Bungie has probably designed the best UI ever in a game. It feels so smooth and looks futuristic. I love the music too.


Downloaded the beta and installed earlier, been playing for about an hour. First impression is it does feel similar to Borderlands, but the combat is better IMO. Also I prefer 3rd person shooters, but I like the touches they did in 3rd person like when you are in town. Did the first two missions, like it so far.

Question: How do you go about finding people to party with? I see that you can invite people on a friends list but I never play online games so I have zero ppl on friends lists. Do you see them about when you are at The Tower or out on mission in the world? or is there like an LFG system that you get later on?


ugh!! Stuck at work! hopefully the beta is downloaded and ready for me when I get home. Can't watch any streams. Want a fresh experience.


My biggest complaint is the combat feels limited without extra grenades and more explosions since I find myself holding onto abilities longer, since they take so long to charge. Combine that with the removal of the constant weapon salvaging of halo games, where you always need to swap things up on the fly and I'm left with combat that feels a bit repetitive.

Yea, that's definitely an issue. It's the COD philosophy of hide and seek to another degree. You as the player are constantly waiting for this or that bar to fill up.
Are you playing pvp or pve? I've been wanting to play with you since alpha!

I don't see you on my in game list for some reason though...

I'm hopping into pvp now--I just played pve until I could get access to pvp. Let's try to play a game soon once I get some better guns and hit the max.


And I have my group to public but I can't join a random team before being deployed.


Playing Destiny without a dedicated group really makes me feel like I have no friends. . I just don't have any friends that play video games. And I keep getting wrecked. Is there anyway to join a squad before you start a mission, like enter into a public one instead of randomly have people join me throughout?

Feel the same way, bud.

Be sure to set your Fireteam privacy to Public and you might have better luck! :D


Been stuck at 7.43 out of 10.97GB for about 15 minutes.

How do I fix this?

Edit: Now it's going up again. After 15 minutes of staying at the same spot, with no changes to my actual connection. What the fuck.
Little disappointed that they removed "that wizard came from the moon!"

Since it (and some other lines) are just edits and the content (tone, cadence, etc...) is all still the same, I'm guessing they are testing how people respond to the wizard-less narration. If there's an outcry for leaving the cheese in the final retail release, it wouldn't surprise me if they just put it back. The line is ridic, the robotic overlays they've put on your ghost's audio make everything a lot easier on the ears, imo.
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