Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Can someone please help me out! I can't download the Beta!

I redeemed my code, "purchased" it through the PSN web store, but couldn't get it to work on the download queue. So I booted up my PS4 and this is what I see:

It's there in my Download List, which is fine, but this is what I see when I click the box:

There's no place to download it!

Does anyone know what I can do? I tried redeeming another of my 3 codes, but it wouldn't let me. For what it's worth, I'm in Canada.

Thanks in advance.

I had something similar going on. In the end I needed to remove the game from my download queue through the PSN webstore (It took a few tries to remove)

Then I went to my downloads list and told it to download to my PS4. Then it all worked!
Can someone please help me out! I can't download the Beta!

I redeemed my code, "purchased" it through the PSN web store, but couldn't get it to work on the download queue. So I booted up my PS4 and this is what I see:

It's there in my Download List, which is fine, but this is what I see when I click the box:

There's no place to download it!

Does anyone know what I can do? I tried redeeming another of my 3 codes, but it wouldn't let me. For what it's worth, I'm in Canada.

Thanks in advance.

Re-enter (I mean download list), until it show up. I have exact same situation. After 5 minutes it shows download button. Looks like PSN too stressed and trying to limit downloads for Destiny.


Neo Member
I must say i love the ps4, i click to download the beta launch the app and walk away. 20 minutes later and i am half way downloaded. Cant wait to see everyone again =) time to give away some keys.
that second screen, keep hitting the ps button until overview changes to download
I can't do anything on that screen. Can't move around to different options or anything.

I tried pressing the PS (Home) button and toggling back and forth, but nothing changed.


PVP seems legit so far, if you are not a campaign guy like me I really recommend sticking out the couple hours until you get the crucible invite, I almost turned the game off not gonna lie.

Not looking forward to doing it again on xb1 at least it will be a lot faster the 2nd time and I will have friends playing on that console.


Download of the 13 GB file was an hour or so. Been installing for the last 2 hours and I am only at 58% (6.47 GB). Is this install also a download? Does that mean the game utilizes 24 GB (13 GB download + 11 GB install). There is no way the game is actually installing this slow, otherwise. Also, stopped installing at one point and said "no internet".
Damn. This game is good.

Real good.

I have only played a couple of missions so far but I can tell I am going to love it.

Kind of like how they married the aesthetic of Mass Effect with the gameplay of Halo. There is a touch of Star Wars in there too.
Just some thoughts:

1) The pulse rifle in P2P is so OP -_- Got a big buff it seems, from Alpha.
2) Sniper Rifles are also really powerful. Since it's a special/secondary, some people are really good at using it as a primary. It can be way too insane in the right hands.

3) One of the new maps for P2P is FANTASTIC. Lush forest, lots of traversal, and just miles ahead of the other two in the alpha. Blows the moon map out of the water.

I'm disappointed reading the descriptions for the other P2P modes. Seems like some of them are just TDM/Control/FFA with less players (3v3).

I was hoping for CTF to be included but it doesnt seem to be the case.

I had an INCREDIBLY intense match in P2P but I really am concerned with balance. I think special ammo needs to be given out far less, and one of the pulse/charge rifles is pretty deadly for a standard weapon.

I honestly dont have much to say about the co-op modes.



Just played the first mission. I thought 30fps was going to ruin it for me, but despite coming from a PC gaming background and being used to 60fps, and despite the obviously lower fps, the game feels incredibly smooth.

The visuals are a little fuzzy in the older hardware, but the art style more than makes up for it. Even if these aren't the crispest graphics I've seen, the game still manages to look attractive.

Shooting feels very much like Halo so far. Guns have a great feel, movement is a bit floaty bit precise too, feels very nice to control on a gamepad.

Melee is really fun to use. As long as you're close it snaps to target and has a satisfying crunch to it. You can string kills together on smaller targets really effectively.

Peter D's VA: has this been redone since Alpha? Because it's really good so far, if this so the same VA then I have no idea what everyone was complaining about.

Going to play this a lot over the weekend, but I think this has sold me on a next gen console. I'd like the extra visual punch, and my friends have mostly all migrated.

The UI is one of the best I've ever seen on console. It's a work of art itself. Someone award them please.

Really impressed! Cannot wait to play more. :3
Titan? Titan... TITAN!

Behold, the true power that will save the world.


guys how to I access the competitive multiplayer?

not like the alpha

Didn't you need to be like level 6 or 7 to be able PvP?
I had something similar going on. In the end I needed to remove the game from my download queue through the PSN webstore (It took a few tries to remove)

Then I went to my downloads list and told it to download to my PS4. Then it all worked!
Did you do this in the downloads list on the web store? I can add and remove it fine there, but every time I add it it gets stuck on "Waiting". Also the PS4 I want to play it on isn't the primary system, so I'm worried that might not work.

Re-enter (I mean download list), until it show up. I have exact same situation. After 5 minutes it shows download button. Looks like PSN too stressed and trying to limit downloads for Destiny.
When you say re-enter the download list, do you mean the one on the PS4 itself, in the PS Store? Is that why that other user suggested toggling via the PS Home button? Or should I exit the store and reenter it each time?

Man, what a pain in the ass.
Did you do this in the downloads list on the web store? I can add and remove it fine there, but every time I add it it gets stuck on "Waiting". Also the PS4 I want to play it on isn't the primary system, so I'm worried that might not work.

When you say re-enter the download list, do you mean the one on the PS4 itself, in the PS Store? Is that why that other user suggested toggling via the PS Home button? Or should I exit the store and reenter it each time?

Man, what a pain in the ass.

I mean PS4 store. Didn't tried on web-psn.
Shores of Time is a lovely map, but I have not won a game on it yet. My teamates haven't yet learned how to read the motion tracker...

First Light on the other hand is domination central. On foot, in a vehicle; it doesn't matter. Constant carnage left and right.

I also think I'm developing a tendency to waste my Golden Gun... *cries*

Anyone else think Pulse Rifles are OP? Seems like you can snipe with that thing. Would prefer it require a sustained charge on the enemy rather than perform like a long-ranged charge shotgun.
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