Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


i pretty much only play shooters yes. sony i admit does offer more variety of genre but to me that doesnt make a difference because most games i play are fps/tps, i will play the occasional batman/asscreed game but mostly multiplayer fps stuff. and frankly sony offers nothing that is great in terms of multiplayer in the fps/tps arena

i buy sony consoles for their campaigns because ms exclusives suck at this aspect and buy xbox for multiplayer, halo/gears (excluding halo reach/4/gears 2) are great games

Ah, that makes sense then. Doesn't look like there's any FPS/TPS multiplayer game coming anytime soon besides Uncharted 4. I doubt there'll be any other exclusive options in that department until 2016.

EDIT: Well, it depends on what Bend and London Studios are working on. Their new IPs might come out next year.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It's so alluring. You want to belive it. Just imagine... A first party Final Fantasy killer.

As if Square Enix hadn't done a good enough job killing the FF brand. But yeah, it's gonna be awesome!


Just realized these motherfuckers at work scheduled a meeting to start at 1pm EST Tuesday, when the Sony presser starts. This will be the first big 3 press conference Ive missed watching live in a long time. Dammit!

I blocked my calendar well in advance so no one would schedule a meeting at that time if they needed me.
I know its a long shot, but I hope we get some kind of update on Deep Down.

I was hoping that was going to be a 2014 release, but all hope of that seems lost now. Hopefully we can get some news on when that will arrive.

If not here then maybe TGS?

Me too I really like what I've seen so far despite the 'downgrade' talk. Looks awesome.
He wasn't banned for it, and the breadth of the rumors suggests his source(s) are somewhere high on the food chain.

BTW any hints from the other insiders? GopherD, Demonnite?

They have been completely silent since E3. I remember GopherD was really hyped for last year's Gamescom.(despite the controversy that followed after on focusing too much on indies).
This year's Gamescom, they've both gone completely silent. Maybe because of Project Beast leak?


He wasn't banned for it, and the breadth of the rumors suggests his source(s) are somewhere high on the food chain.

I'm not sure if you were here for the whole Zeal fiasco. They were getting butthurt about sharing information, and it was kind of embarrassing. You can check it out here.

There were subtle hints between those two and Kagari pertaining to secret information about SE. That kinda immature behaviour is what makes me discredit insiders, even though I wholly acknowledge that I have no idea.
I've always felt that insider's contribution should be acknowledged, but treated with a grain of salt regardless of how accurate they've been.

We've had insiders who's embarrassed themselves with their wrong infos, but that doesn't discredit the few times they've been right, and sometimes I feel like we instantly discredit their earlier contributions/leaks simply because they've stopped being credible. Granted, Twitter is at fault a lot of the time as well.

Even those who are 'almost unquestionably' correct like ntkrnl and Demonite have been wrong contextually before. ( QB 2014, Project Beast at TGS )


Even those who are 'almost unquestionably' correct like ntkrnl and Demonite have been wrong contextually before. ( QB 2014, Project Beast at TGS )

Plans change I guess.

I'm hoping for some under the radar titles to get some screen time - Velocity 2X should be there (which is great by the way), hopefully Everybody's Gone To The Rapture and Rime, GTA V will probably get a trailer.

I'd like Sony to show some Vita stuff too - probably a sizzle reel? Hopefully announce a date AND bundle for Minecraft on the Vita too, maybe a memory card price drop to go along with it? Hopefully they'll show off a few more games that SC have signed across the PS4/3/Vita too.

As for PS4 - Bloodborne will get shown on stage, probably a playthrough of the level we glimpsed at E3? Driveclub has to be shown as well - and maybe a couple of big surprises?

And The Last Guardian


My predictions

PS4 New firmware features
Journey and Unfinished Swan PS4/Vita
New Indie games for Vita/PS4 including new game from Giant Sparrow
New trailers for last year's Indie games like Rime
Minecraft Vita Bundle
Beyond Directors Cut
Until Dawn for Morpheus
New Move game from Zindagi
BloodBorne Gameplay Trailer
The Order 1886 Gameplay Trailer
New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games


My predictions

PS4 New firmware features
Journey and Unfinished Swan PS4/Vita
New Indie games for Vita/PS4 including new game from Giant Sparrow
New trailers for last year's Indie games like Rime
Minecraft Vita Bundle
Beyond Directors Cut
Until Dawn for Morpheus
New Move game from Zindagi
BloodBorne Gameplay Trailer
The Order 1886 Gameplay Trailer
New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games

Bring that list down to half and ditch the new AAA IP, and you've got a way more accurate prediction.


My predictions

PS4 New firmware features
Journey and Unfinished Swan PS4/Vita
New Indie games for Vita/PS4 including new game from Giant Sparrow
New trailers for last year's Indie games like Rime
Minecraft Vita Bundle
Beyond Directors Cut
Until Dawn for Morpheus
New Move game from Zindagi
BloodBorne Gameplay Trailer
The Order 1886 Gameplay Trailer
New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games

I hope you are wrong cause this list looks really boring.


My predictions

PS4 New firmware features
Journey and Unfinished Swan PS4/Vita
New Indie games for Vita/PS4 including new game from Giant Sparrow
New trailers for last year's Indie games like Rime
Minecraft Vita Bundle
Beyond Directors Cut
Until Dawn for Morpheus
New Move game from Zindagi
BloodBorne Gameplay Trailer
The Order 1886 Gameplay Trailer
New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games

DriveClub race tracks revealed.
My predictions

PS4 New firmware features
Journey and Unfinished Swan PS4/Vita
New Indie games for Vita/PS4 including new game from Giant Sparrow
New trailers for last year's Indie games like Rime
Minecraft Vita Bundle
Beyond Directors Cut
Until Dawn for Morpheus
New Move game from Zindagi
BloodBorne Gameplay Trailer
The Order 1886 Gameplay Trailer
New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games

Remove the new Move game part, and I'd say you're pretty on the money. I expect to see Ninja Theory's new game at Sony's conference too, and it might even be exclusive. There's also the possibility of a new trailer for Gravity Rush 2 and maybe the reveal of Tarsier's new game Hunger.


Ffff i'm leaving today and won't have internet for a week, first thing i'll do when i'm back is catching up the coferences.

My predictions
Ps4 firmware update
New Ps+ offers (first aaa games for ps4)
PsNow 4 europe, details and prices
Project Morpheus video and release timeframe
Driveclub weather demonstration
The Order and Bloodborne gameplay demo
Secret Japan Studio Title
New QD/GG/Bend IP
New Housemarque game
Until Dawn
Beyond + Uncharted trilogy remaster
Ratchet Redux
Gta V
Indies avalanche
Megaton: TLG lr Crash Reboot


Ffff i'm leaving today and won't have internet for a week, first thing i'll do when i'm back is catching up the coferences.

My predictions
Ps4 firmware update
New Ps+ offers (first aaa games for ps4)
PsNow 4 europe, details and prices
Project Morpheus video and release timeframe
Driveclub weather demonstration
The Order and Bloodborne gameplay demo
Secret Japan Studio Title
New QD/GG/Bend IP
New Housemarque game
Until Dawn
Beyond + Uncharted trilogy remaster
Ratchet Redux
Gta V
Indies avalanche
Megaton: TLG lr Crash Reboot

They teased something aswell right? Maybe im just getting stuff mixed up though


You guys honestly expect this:

New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games

to happen?

Come on, Sony has never dropped a huge bomb at any EU show. If anything, they are going to show new indies, footage of their existing titles and probably some vita games. Just like last year.

If they had a huge AAA IP ready in the wings, they sure as hell wouldn't waste it on Gamescom. We all know this.
You guys honestly expect this:

to happen?

Come on, Sony has never dropped a huge bomb at any EU show. If anything, they are going to show new indies, footage of their existing titles and probably some vita games. Just like last year.

If they had a huge AAA IP ready in the wings, they sure as hell wouldn't waste it on Gamescom. We all know this.

Didn't LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 both get revealed at GDC? Tearaway was announced at Gamescom a couple of years ago. And there have been some strong hints lately that MediaMolecule is very close to showing their new PS4 game. I honestly think it's going to happen.


You guys honestly expect this:

to happen?

Come on, Sony has never dropped a huge bomb at any EU show. If anything, they are going to show new indies, footage of their existing titles and probably some vita games. Just like last year.

If they had a huge AAA IP ready in the wings, they sure as hell wouldn't waste it on Gamescom. We all know this.
What about resistance 3, that was AAA and announced at gamescom.


Didn't LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 both get revealed at GDC? Tearaway was announced at Gamescom a couple of years ago. And there have been some strong hints lately that MediaMolecule is very close to showing their new PS4 game. I honestly think it's going to happen.

Back when GDC was good, yes.
And Tearaway is not a AAA IP of the likes of what people are expecting in this thread.

I just think it is silly to expect a huge title to be revealed when there's absolutely no precedent for such a thing at all. It can only lead to disappointment and it always does.

What about resistance 3, that was AAA and announced at gamescom.

They did? Never knew that. Okay, maybe there's a tiny bit of precedent.


With all this talk of a new jRPG, would it not make more sense for them to save it for TGS? But hopefully GG/MM can show their offerings.


Didn't LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 both get revealed at GDC? Tearaway was announced at Gamescom a couple of years ago. And there have been some strong hints lately that MediaMolecule is very close to showing their new PS4 game. I honestly think it's going to happen.

If the speculation regarding Media Molecule's new IP being VR-centric is true then it'd make more sense to wait to announce it alongside the consumer version of Project Morpheus (along with a proper name for the headset).
Back when GDC was good, yes.
And Tearaway is not a AAA IP of the likes of what people are expecting in this thread.

I just think it is silly to expect a huge title to be revealed when there's absolutely no precedent for such a thing at all. It can only lead to disappointment and it always does.

They reached very important milestones recently and they were putting together a trailer for their new game. That isn't secret information.
Back when GDC was good, yes.
And Tearaway is not a AAA IP of the likes of what people are expecting in this thread.

I just think it is silly to expect a huge title to be revealed when there's absolutely no precedent for such a thing at all. It can only lead to disappointment and it always does.

Well I don't know anything about GDC getting worse or not, but Gamescom is undoubtedly becoming bigger and gaining more recognition with each passing year. It's increasingly becoming a more viable arena for publishers to showcase their games at. And yes, Tearaway isn't an AAA game, but I just used it as another example of MM choosing to skip E3 to announce a new game. Tearaway would've gone down a treat if it was shown at Sony's E3 stage after all.


Didn't LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 both get revealed at GDC? Tearaway was announced at Gamescom a couple of years ago. And there have been some strong hints lately that MediaMolecule is very close to showing their new PS4 game. I honestly think it's going to happen.

GDC is not in Europe ;)

But otherwise, the idea that Sony doesn't do big Gamescom reveals is daft. Shadow of the Beast, Rime and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture were all announced at Gamescom 2013. Tearaway, Puppeteer, Until Dawn and Killzone Mercenary were Gamescom 2012. Resistance: Burning Skies and Escape Plan were Gamescom 2011. Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One and Resistance 3 were announced at Gamescom 2010. EyePet was announced at LGS 2008. MotorStorm: Pacific Rift was announced at PlayStation Day 2008.

Gamescom is clearly more and more important to Sony as the years go by, and they've basically said as much publically. Expecting something big from first-party, especially a European studio, is hardly out of the question.
They did? Never knew that. Okay, maybe there's a tiny bit of precedent.

Precedence aside, there's also the fact that for the first time in a long time, it seems like everyone else ( well, mostly ) is taking Gamescom relatively seriously.

Bioware is teasing a new game being announced ( granted, it's the C-team of the Bioware family, Austin ), MS is doing a proper presser after not really giving a shit about Gamescom for the past 3 years, and there's been hints that other companies may drop an announcement or two in GC as well.
Sumo Digital is making LBP 3.

Another team, Sumo.

Media Molecule is currently working on two unannounced projects.

Oh right. Sumo Digital? I think they're the guys that made Sumo Wrestling 1,2 and Ultra.

Anyway MM must be up to something then. But there are a ton of titles we already know about that it would be exciting to see more of:

Planetside 2, Deep Down, Shadow of the Beast and Rime.


My predictions

PS4 New firmware features
Journey and Unfinished Swan PS4/Vita
New Indie games for Vita/PS4 including new game from Giant Sparrow
New trailers for last year's Indie games like Rime
Minecraft Vita Bundle
Beyond Directors Cut
Until Dawn for Morpheus
New Move game from Zindagi
BloodBorne Gameplay Trailer
The Order 1886 Gameplay Trailer
New AAA IP announced from Media Molecule or Guerilla Games

Sounds good to me - reasonable expectations!
You guys honestly expect this:

to happen?

Come on, Sony has never dropped a huge bomb at any EU show. If anything, they are going to show new indies, footage of their existing titles and probably some vita games. Just like last year.

If they had a huge AAA IP ready in the wings, they sure as hell wouldn't waste it on Gamescom. We all know this.

Resistance 3 was announced at Gamescom. That is AAA game. They also revealed the first PS3 slim and price cut at gamescom that was rather huge announcement back in a day.


Itching for more Morpheus info, some solid news on real titles in the pipeline and at least a hint or two regarding availability and price (too much to ask, I know). I know Minter has been tinkering with oculus and there was mention of TxK for ps4, I hope that results in something but not sure if it would be here anyway.

Not many people predicting what Housemarque will have to show, their hints and whispers have me leaning more to something big, bigger than anything before at least, hopefully along the lines of what resogun did for defender with that voxel engine pretty please, simply because, well, imagine what might be possible if that was essentially produced blind without the new profiling tools available one year on.... phwoar!

I'm all for some megaton announce, but the more niche and out-there can be every bit as exciting. So more of the different stuff, please!
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