Microsoft Gamescom teaser - August 12 Xbox briefing


Unconfirmed Member
My opinions / reaction;
FIFA 15 // I do not really care for FIFA, so I don’t care for FIFA 15.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare // I am trying to be cautiously optimistic, but this demo was just so incredibly boring. What they showed at the reveal was at least exciting and fast paced and beautiful, this demo was just walking around and shooting dudes on a bridge and it just had nothing going for it. Not a great way to demo your game.

Evolve // I’m somewhat intrigued by this game, but feel like they should stop making this into ‘the next big thing’ by brute-forcing hype. The demo was pretty much killed dead by the horrible fake commentary. Developers; PLEASE STOP DOING FAKE COMMENTARY OVER DEMOS.

ID@Xbox // Nice montage, some good stuff.

Rise of the Tomb Raider // Exclusive, what? BS. Beyond that; no gameplay or any new details at all. I can’t really support this. Yes, I’m salty; this feels like Microsoft buying an exclusive only to keep it away from others. Unless some convincing evidence comes out that this game would otherwise not have been made or something, this is just paying for keeping stuff away from others. Why do Definitive Edition ( which sold much better on PS4 if I remember correctly ) if you’re just going to sell off the sequel? Shitty move.

Quantum Break // Looking awesome. Looking good. Time mechanics look like fun. Definitely more traditionally shoot-ey than I had expected though.

Fable Legends // Already seen. No new info on game. Not really interested.

Screamride // Yeah, not interested.

Forza 5 // This game is already out for a good while now, why waste time for this on a conference? Announce it via a blog or something…

Forza Horizon 2 // Looks like fun, but I don’t care about Driveatar. Please stop talking about Driveatar. Terrible narration / line reading in trailer. Trailer killed because of it.

Ori and the Blind Forest // YES. Want. Looks great. Looks fun.

Sunset Overdrive // Still lookin’ good. Looks like a ton of fun. Nice bundle. Might pick up in future.

Master Chief Collection // Never played Halo, will pick up when I get an Xbox One. Still amazing value. Nightfall included, nice. No way Halo Channel will function that smoothly. Entire channel for Halo? Nice for the fans, but yeah, I don’t really think it’s that amazing. Collection looks nice for what it is. Nothing earth-shocking. UGH, fake gameplay commentary. This is taking too long. Halo 5 beta talk. Ok.​
Nothing big in there for me, really… The one real big thing here was the Tomb Raider exclusivity, but that discussion is a bit explosive now. I’ll wait until the dust has cleared. For now, it feels like a move to purely keep away something from other platforms, but we’ll see as more information comes out. Copying the ‘best place to play’ constantly is also pretty shitty vs. your competition. Use it once as a joke or friendly stab, that’s fine. Using it all the time with a straight face like it’s something you made up is shitty.


I must admit I was very disappointed. Some of the games and announcements were solid (QB, TR,...), but everything looked so predictable and conventional. When the only software having a bit of originality and creativity are low budget independent games, there's something wrong in your kingdom.
Even the recently unveiled EA program is closer to the kind of things I was expecting from MS than that conference. And I used to think of EA as the less imaginative publisher of the lot.

Come on, did you already play all those upcoming games?

I don't understand why people keep asking new game announcements but even not touch the already-announced games.
I'm sure Tomb Raider is just a timed exclusive but it's in their contract that they can't say that. No way Square is going to pass on 3 times the revenue they can make from that game for an exclusive deal.


Come on, did you already play all those upcoming games?

I don't understand why people keep asking new game announcements but even not touch the already-announced games.

As a matter of fact, I did, since I already played Tomb Raider, Fifa, Call of Duty etc. in the past. New and improved episodes are nice and all, but they're just sequels. I mean, I'm always glad to watch Mission Impossible 8 or Step Up 12 at the theater, but I especially appreciate when a great game/movie comes unexpected out of left field.
Whatever you think of the reveals, with the amount of money both companies are investing in their consoles, sooner or later you're going to want both. Bear that in mind.
Whatever you think of the reveals, with the amount of money both companies are investing in their consoles, sooner or later you're going to want both. Bear that in mind.

You speak the truth.

My house is already full of fucking consoles. The only one missing is a PS4 which I'm sure will find it's way to my home this holiday or next year. I just need to see if I can sneak it in without the wife noticing...
Please correct me if I'm wrong but we got 1 (one) new game out of this conference, right.

It terms of first party games (MS owned IP), yes, Screamride was the only announcement. Two if you count Killer Instinct 2 Classic

We got a lot of new indie announcements though that we didn't previously know were coming, around 10 or so.


It terms of first party games (MS owned IP), yes, Screamride was the only announcement. Two if you count Killer Instinct 2 Classic

We got a lot of new indie announcements though that we didn't previously know were coming, around 10 or so.

I was so disappointed that the new IP was Screamride, no Rare presence at all.
I was so disappointed the new IP being Screamride, no Rare presence at all.

They just finished KS a few months back, so it's probably way too early to show anything. Plus, people seem to hate the CGI teasers MS did at E3, so I wouldn't expect to hear from Rare until next E3.
Other than the Tomb Raider fiasco, this conference was terrible and by the books Microsoft shill.

Really now... I found it pretty good, only really lacking in new first party game announcements. Of course, Sony outclassed them by going all out on new games, but that doesn't mean that Microsoft's wasn't any good.


Went back and watched a bunch of the trailers and there are some indie games there that look phenomenal. Ghost of a Tale looks amazing among a bunch if others that'll be great to play.


This conference was terrible.

Paying celebrities again to talk aBout games. If it be denzal Washington or peter schmichael talking about a game, I don't care, their scripted opinion does not make me want to buy your console or game, the games will.

Apart from halo and qb, all I could hear were PC games (mostly indies) coming first to console. Is first to console the new cloud?

When will ms learn.


Went back and watched a bunch of the trailers and there are some indie games there that look phenomenal. Ghost of a Tale looks amazing among a bunch if others that'll be great to play.

Yeah they definitely should have spent more time on Ghost of a Tale. I don't care if it's exclusive or not or first on xyz, I almost missed it because it only had a few seconds in the ID reel, and it was one of the prettiest games I saw today. Really loved the look of it.


Personally I was quite happy with this showing - in fact I just ordered me an Xbox One with Kinect and I can't wait until it gets here. I like the games but I am most pleased with the attitude change and all the system updates.


Honestly I think this year has been righting the ship for Xbox as a brand after all the controversy and drama last year. I think (hope) next year is going to be huge. That's not to say the games Xbox has announced are bad by any means, just think next year is going to be big.
Really now... I found it pretty good, only really lacking in new first party game announcements. Of course, Sony outclassed them by going all out on new games, but that doesn't mean that Microsoft's wasn't any good.

This is more on the scale of expectations. This Gamescom showed that MS is treating Gamescom the same as they've always been, which is E3 Director's Cut with a higher budget.

Even on previous years where they've never had big conferences, their focus then at GC was expanding the scope of the content that they announced earlier at E3 ,while occasionally dropping new announcements once in a while like Fable.

The big question for MS's conference this year was "were they going the Director's Cut Route" or the "E3 Europe Edition ( aka Sony's approach ) route." We saw that they leaned more towards the first.
In my opinion, Xbox absolutely nailed that Gamescom.

White Xbox One Sunset Over Drive bundle.

1TB Xbox One (shame it is COD AW only)

Rise of the Tomb Raider exclusive

The ID @ Xbox trailer was brilliant and showcasing some great games. Super Hot looks very interesting.

Space Engineers

GOAT Simulator!

SMITE - Moba

The Escapists looks very old school and very interesting.

Scream Ride seems a really interesting concept

Ori and the Blind Forest looks brilliant

Halo Master Chief Collection and Halo Channel, that is how you do a re-master. Throwing in the Halo 5 beta makes things even better.

Forza Horizon 2 looks fantastic

And of course, Quantum Break.

I was very, very, very, very impressed with pretty much everything I saw.


They just finished KS a few months back, so it's probably way too early to show anything. Plus, people seem to hate the CGI teasers MS did at E3, so I wouldn't expect to hear from Rare until next E3.

Well Rare/Phil Harrison keep talking about incubating a bunch of games and ideas so every time a big games show happens and they're not there I can't help but get a bit more disappointed in MS.

I'm also surprised they've not released any DLC for KSR in terms of adding more events since that would be the perfect thing to extend support for the game. Otherwise it's just sadly dead in the water.
Ms confrence was the best, they showed what they will have this holiday , what they have for the future and what they have now

Well balanced between the indies and the triple a
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