Fair point, but I imagine based on the execution of the leak itself, even if Fish was better secured a lot of important shit would still have got leaked, the only difference (and it is a hell of a difference,) is that the hackers happened to find a bunch of shit they weren't even looking for to begin with. Well, they found a bunch of shit they weren't expecting to find to begin with. They probably were looking for it.
Am I out of the loop on this? I thought the game was confirmed dead for at least a year now, didn't he have an epic meltdown last year that led him to cancel it?
Nothing is ever completely safe, but hacking into multi verification is very hard to hack into. You have to be a pro to get into a lot of it if people secure shit properly. Unfortunately many people dont understand what "secure" means in today's world(its like people being confused why you would use mozilla over chrome). Hopefully this sends a strong message to other indie devs who have hit it big, secure your fucking shit.