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Polytron Hacked?

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I don't think people are saying that other communities are better, but that this one is bad enough that you want to stay away, not that they're moving to others. The Quinn/Fish circus at least makes me want to close down my browser and take a walk, or read a book, or something like that instead.

An excellent point, and one I can surely symphatize with. Sometimes just focusing on the activity itself (playing games in this case) and not the community surrounding it is very recommended. I get those feeling too especially in times like this, but I stay for the good people that are in my experience, the majority.


Not entirely accurate. The closest he came to saying she got favors was by pointing out that she slept with her current boss before she got hired, but then he backpedals to say that she totally deserved the job.

The whole point of that blog is to say that she cheated on him after having long talks about how cheating is morally wrong.

All the whole "nepotism," "favors" and "good reviews" thing was simply the internet inventing a whole bunch of nonsense out of it.

Right, thanks for the clarification :)
All this does is hurt people. All of those involved, the industry, everyone. There is no justice to be had here, only suffering. Despicable.
If I learned anything from the good words of Mr Rogers, I think rather than everyone out there reacting to what's going on we should all be vocally positively supporting of those being affected.

Tweet and post that these people have us supporting them all through the rough road taking place.
Why are all these people being such dicks to Bénard when he is just trying to deal with this hack?

It is quite literal victim blaming.

A lot of "Anti-sjw" people are convinced anyone who is anyway pro-social justice issues in any shape, way or form is an attention wh*ore by default.

Anything that can be seen as getting attention is, in their minds, something the social justice advocates wanted.

On Gaf pretty much every Anita Sarkeezian thread needs specific guidelines to prevent people from dissecting her "true reasons" for pretty much the exact same reasons.

If your fundamental beliefs about a person/group is that they'll do anything for attention, it's impossible to treat them as a victim in any situation.

Summarised: they're being extremely unpleasant bullies.
The image in question is inaccurate in ways even a layman would notice and was adressed and disproven numerous times in this thread because of this.
Basically, every single point made is false.
These people are just confidently throwing around lies and buzzwords to make you believe that Phil is the only one who could have done it. Which is wrong.

Eh, from the time I saw and quoted it there were no answers. I got answers from a reddit thread actually.


No, it's better to just stay away.

And I don't mean that in a condescending way, you will not get anything worthwhile from following this mess. :)

Speeding through the thread..I think you're right...man I'm kinda questioning my own involvement in the broader video game community.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm a fuck up, on occasion I do stupid shit, I forget that the world I'm currently addressing isn't always in my own bubble where we can say the most awful things(I'm good at racist jokes, defence mechanism or just fucked up(thanks Freud), so no one can bring me down. I already heard/said everything) but I don't think I could ever go after what is essentially a stranger just to...I don't know? Make Zoë and Phil Phish quit? Don't people understand how badly you can damage a person with words(text in this case) alone? And if you've been damaged yourself shouldn't you wish to spare anyone else the hurt?

Perhaps I'm a naive giant man baby but I honestly believe we, barring major phsycopats, should care more for our neighbours.

Just my 2 cents.
Phil Fish decides to leak private information online that would compromise his professional and private lives to get back at some mean trolls on the internet. Does that sound really plausible to some people? Do they really think that Fish is that much of an idiot?
People keep saying this, but I'm part of other communities where this doesn't happen. John Scalzi is an outspoken progressive, much hated by the same sorts of morons that are doing this stuff, but he's never been hacked or doxxed. Yelled at? Sure. Called names? Sure. Had his banking information, private mails, and life details vomited onto the internet? Nope.

Keep saying it to convince yourselves if you need to, but those of us who are part of other communities know better. And so long as people keep ignoring the problem within this community, you give it cover in which to grow.

I got news for you from a country where being a writter that is outside of a specific clique and a public persona gets you that.


All the bad shit going on in the world lately and now even the goddamn gaming community is something I'm feeling I need to take a break from.

And holy shit am I sick of the term "SJW," I've now started hearing it more and more in real life and I'll have to strain to keep myself from punching the next person in the f'ing mouth.

i'm ok with instantly discrediting every single word someone says if they use the term SJW
Me too, which is a shame.

Don't feel like this, gaming as a whole has a lot of great things in it. I've got pretty sad with this situation all week, not only this, but a lot of bad things occurred in the world in the last few weeks. If you feel sad with this, take a look at that #welovegamedevs thing at twitter, it's giving a lot of smiles to tons of developers. It's a shame that this needed to happen for people to spread this kind of love to people who make their hobby worthwhile.

Don't think that just because of a vocal minority, gaming as a whole is bad or anything. Even if it's hard to not think when events like this happen to people who just spoke their minds.


It's funny how little I normally care about shitheads on the Internet but this last week or so has been taking its toll on me. I almost scare myself with how much this has affected me and my interest in partaking any community activities.

Obviously video games are video games and me enjoying them is not on the table at all but for many days now I've just thought of completely resigning from forums and Twitter solely to avoid this kind of childish bullying from entering my life. I mean it's not towards me but it's something that surprisingly has started to affect me so it's now a problem.

On Twitter I literally only follow people from the four gaming podcasts I listen to and while they are all stand up citizens and amazing people, it's impossible not to ignore stupid drama like this when it's 30% of every tweet I've read this week.

The best things on the Internet (free speech, easy communication) are also tools for the worst people on this planet.


I don't know? Make Zoë and Phil Phish quit? Don't people understand how badly you can damage a person with words(text in this case) alone? And if you've been damaged yourself shouldn't you wish to spare anyone else the hurt?

Perhaps I'm a naive giant man baby but I honestly believe we, barring major phsycopats, should care more for our neighbours.

Just my 2 cents.

From my experience: No. No they don't. Or they don't care, because it's the internet.

People's response to Phil quitting initially wasn't that of sympathy, or even vague understanding of the sheer volume of hatred he gets. It was "Ahaha cry baby quitting over mean things on the internet."

People are just that fucking stupid.
I think it vitally important you remember the underlined works both ways.

I do, which is why I don't tell people to kill themselves, or how much I want to set them on fire?

I never said you're not allowed to form opinions based on what people *choose* to put out attached to their names on the web. Everything I write, I expect, to be judged by. I do my best to make sure I make my points as clearly as possible. Sometimes you are misunderstood, it happens, but regardless, to put things out there and not expect people to make judgements on it is silly and obtuse.

I can think you're an asshole all day, but that doesn't mean I get to behave like a dick to you. Mutual respect goes a long way, and on the internet, if you feel like a conversation is pointless of damaging, there are *many* ways to disengage from it.

On twitter you could block people, report them. Same on Facebook, same on here.

And if you try *reeeally hard* you can even just willfully make yourself skip past the vitriol and not even do any of those. Who knows, that person may contribute something of worth later?


Junior Member
People keep saying this, but I'm part of other communities where this doesn't happen. John Scalzi is an outspoken progressive, much hated by the same sorts of morons that are doing this stuff, but he's never been hacked or doxxed. Yelled at? Sure. Called names? Sure. Had his banking information, private mails, and life details vomited onto the internet? Nope.

Keep saying it to convince yourselves if you need to, but those of us who are part of other communities know better. And so long as people keep ignoring the problem within this community, you give it cover in which to grow.
It's so strange that so many people are quick to jump on the "gamer entitlement" argument to squash it. But as we were discussing last night, only the sport fandom seems to be as toxic. The gaming community has some serious issues and lack of perspective, and it's annoying that people keep trying to push this issue to the side.


Keep saying it to convince yourselves if you need to, but those of us who are part of other communities know better. And so long as people keep ignoring the problem within this community, you give it cover in which to grow.

Oh i fully agree with you, dont understand me wrong.

These people that hack/insult anyone shouldnt be allowed to use the Internet.
What makes it even worse in this Industry is in my opinion a lack of immaturity. I dont think these people actually understand that they are destroying other peoples life, it seems to be "just a game" for them to get somebody back for having another opinion.

I dont want to defend these inmature fools and i hope they go to prison for this shit.


It's funny how little I normally care about shitheads on the Internet but this last week or so has been taking its toll on me. I almost scare myself with how much this has affected me and my interest in partaking any community activities.

Obviously video games are video games and me enjoying them is not on the table at all but for many days now I've just thought of completely resigning from forums and Twitter solely to avoid this kind of childish bullying from entering my life. I mean it's not towards me but it's something that surprisingly has started to affect me so it's now a problem.

On Twitter I literally only follow people from the four gaming podcasts I listen to and while they are all stand up citizens and amazing people, it's impossible not to ignore stupid drama like this when it's 30% of every tweet I've read this week.

The best things on the Internet (free speech, easy communication) are also tools for the worst people on this planet.

I feel similarly, imagine how the people who are taking the brunt of the shithead's "criticism" feel on a daily basis. I can't imagine having that much vitriol spewed at me through all avenues of social media for essentially no reason at all.


You seem rather emotional about this, so I can excuse the fact you redacted the part of my post where I specifically explained why I think that the anonymity afforded by a place like 4chan allows a particularly nasty culture to blossom and fester like a pustulant boil. And the mods actually did deal with the sexist arsehole already, so yay NeoGAF oh sacred and mighty forum among forums.

You seem rather ignorant about this, so I can excuse the fact you redacted the part of my post where I specifically explained why I think that the anonymity afforded by a place like 4chan is utterly irrelevant considering that "particularly nasty culture" pervades even the farthest reaches of the internet, including this forum (or do countless bans everywhere in this thread and the other thread not substantiate that?). I'm saying to let the mods deal with it because you childishly whining for other people to visit a specific site for hurting your feelings doesn't actually change anything or contribute to this discussion, it's just annoying.
Phil Fish decides to leak private information online that would compromise his professional and private lives to get back at some mean trolls on the internet. Does that sound really plausible to some people? Do they really think that Fish is that much of an idiot?
He's clearly a martyr for the cause so that one day every single gaming news article can be about click bait feminism.
People keep saying this, but I'm part of other communities where this doesn't happen. John Scalzi is an outspoken progressive, much hated by the same sorts of morons that are doing this stuff, but he's never been hacked or doxxed. Yelled at? Sure. Called names? Sure. Had his banking information, private mails, and life details vomited onto the internet? Nope.

Keep saying it to convince yourselves if you need to, but those of us who are part of other communities know better. And so long as people keep ignoring the problem within this community, you give it cover in which to grow.

So what exactly is the problem with the gaming community?
It's so strange that so many people are quick to jump on the "gamer entitlement" argument to squash it. But as we were discussing last night, only the sport fandom seems to be as toxic. The gaming community has some serious issues and lack of perspective, and it's annoying that people keep trying to push this issue to the side.

One thing is pushing social issues aside and another is label the whole as that. When you do that you are alienating people, and not exactly the people that are actually toxic in the community.


I would accept skepticism re: hacking attempts if that wasn't the kneejerk reaction from shitbags each and every time alleged hacks against "SJW" folks occur. After looking at common "proofs" from such folks--usually screenshots of a snippet of a conversation / web page detached from all context and amounting to absolutely nothing--I find it difficult to take these "false flag" accusations seriously. If anyone has a motive to lie about the situation it's not the alleged hacking victims, it's the skeptics who conveniently require more and more onerous proof to accept the possibility that their targets might be telling the truth. This is a common tactic of disingenuous conspiracy theorists immune to reality.

The Llama

It's so strange that so many people are quick to jump on the "gamer entitlement" argument to squash it. But as we were discussing last night, only the sport fandom seems to be as toxic. The gaming community has some serious issues and lack of perspective, and it's annoying that people keep trying to push this issue to the side.

To me there's a big difference between the gaming community and the sports community, which is that with sports, you're sort of SUPPOSED to be against each other. It's only natural there will be clashes when the entire idea is competition between 2 sides. With gaming, there's no competition (or there shouldn't be), which just makes it worse.


Neo Member
This, "He did it to himself" BS hits pretty close to home.

A few months back my girlfriend (who is very sick) had her tumblr hacked and her personal information posted. She was asleep when it all went down and woke up to this huge shit storm.

Everyone claimed she did it to herself, that she posted her own personal information to garner sympathy. This, after she had been receiving death threats and rape threats and harassment from reddit's "tumblr in action" forum for months on end.

People immediately jumped to "she's the one who did it", then a group of people decided that she's faking her illness and was scamming people when she was asking for small donations to help out after losing her job.

There seems to be a certain mindset among a group of people on the internet that the only way something like this would happen to someone is if they did it to themselves and anyone it happens to is some kind of drama queen looking for attention and it's sickening.
/v/ is literally just a bunch of unfiltered nerds mad at video games.

The image that some people here have of that boring place is hilarious.


It's so strange that so many people are quick to jump on the "gamer entitlement" argument to squash it. But as we were discussing last night, only the sport fandom seems to be as toxic. The gaming community has some serious issues and lack of perspective, and it's annoying that people keep trying to push this issue to the side.

It does. Out of all the communities I'm involved in the gaming community is by far the most toxic. I don't want to push the issue to the side. I also don't want to go away from the community, even if I don't know how to help it aside from not being part of the problem or escalating conflicts.
So what exactly is the problem with the gaming community?
A large percentage of the gaming community is teen - young adult males that think that because they have the anonymity of the internet in front of them they can say and do whatever the fuck they want.

You're obviously going to get bad eggs in every community but there are a lot of bad eggs in the gaming community because of the primary target audience. The target audience that is fed white male protagonists and shitty female characters and LGBT stereotypes and white saviour stories that do nothing to broaden their horizons or understanding of the world.

As long as devs continue to cater to these people, the gaming community will still consist of these people and they will feel that any deviation from the norm, be it feminism, LGBT activism, or racial equality etc is something that is reserved for crazy nut job "social justice warriors" who are trying to shit on the things they love.


I haven't made an argument, just opinion statements based on observations of human behavior. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that Phil Fish faked the hacked on himself for whatever reason - people have done dumber/worse things before. It's equally possible that he was hacked from the outside - which has happened before.

The problem Phil Fish has is that his behavior up to this point and time has eroded so much goodwill that anyone can say anything about the guy and it could be totally plausible in most people's minds.

Edit: Actually, you could say something similar about the indie game dev and game journalist scenes too, which why this conflict is persisting.

But you're making an argument by saying that it's "possible" he would do this because he has said some dumb stuff on the internet. You don't need to say that you believe that he did it in plain words, you're making an argument about Phil Fish and this situation by just voicing those opinions. And my opinion is that your opinion on this is dumb: There's such a massive fucking leap from someone saying some bullshit on Twitter to him being willing to expose his whole fucking life on the internet, financial data and all, that what he has done on Twitter shouldn't be relevant at all. And just because a lot of people hate the guy for some reason and are willing to believe anything because of that hate, doesn't make your arguments any better.

Also, I'm not really sure what you're trying to say about "the indie game scene" here. I'm guessing you think indie devs have done so much shit that people are somehow inclined to believe all the bad shit said about indvidual indie devs. Or something?


This, "He did it to himself" BS hits pretty close to home.

A few months back my girlfriend (who is very sick) had her tumblr hacked and her personal information posted. She was asleep when it all went down and woke up to this huge shit storm.

Everyone claimed she did it to herself, that she posted her own personal information to garner sympathy. This, after she had been receiving death threats and rape threats and harassment from reddit's "tumblr in action" forum for months on end.

People immediately jumped to "she's the one who did it", then a group of people decided that she's faking her illness and was scamming people when she was asking for small donations to help out after losing her job.

There seems to be a certain mindset among a group of people on the internet that the only way something like this would happen to someone is if they did it to themselves and anyone it happens to is some kind of drama queen looking for attention and it's sickening.

That is just horrible.


This, "He did it to himself" BS hits pretty close to home.

A few months back my girlfriend (who is very sick) had her tumblr hacked and her personal information posted. She was asleep when it all went down and woke up to this huge shit storm.

Everyone claimed she did it to herself, that she posted her own personal information to garner sympathy. This, after she had been receiving death threats and rape threats and harassment from reddit's "tumblr in action" forum for months on end.

People immediately jumped to "she's the one who did it", then a group of people decided that she's faking her illness and was scamming people when she was asking for small donations to help out after losing her job.

There seems to be a certain mindset among a group of people on the internet that the only way something like this would happen to someone is if they did it to themselves and anyone it happens to is some kind of drama queen looking for attention and it's sickening.

Sorry to hear. I sincerely hope she lands on her feet stronger than ever.
I literally cannot believe how petty the community has become

The situation is so choatic and muddled that everyone should just give up trying to piece any of it together at this point.

Not that it even matters. Unbelievable that it escalated to this over what is was essentially nothing.
I find the claim that this was done as a retribution to his involvement in the drama around Zoe Quinn to be hardly believable. First, if all the information leaked was amassed by hacking and social engineering, then the timeframe seems quite unrealistic. Second, given that his role in the entire story was quite small, he seems an illogical target to attack (though you could assume that someone hated him and intended to do this to him for quite a while, and an occasion just turned up).

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
This is just sad i feel sorry for Phil even tough some his comments were...questionable, still he doesn't deserve to get hacked like this. Also it's entirely possible this hack was done by a single dude not affiliated with any site, Fish should get the police involved even tough i think getting those responsible will be hard.
I have to think that gaming communities are lousy with this stuff because they skew heavily male, heavily young, generally-internet and tech savvy and with a lot of time on their hands.
You seem rather ignorant about this, so I can excuse the fact you redacted the part of my post where I specifically explained why I think that the anonymity afforded by a place like 4chan is utterly irrelevant considering that "particularly nasty culture" pervades even the farthest reaches of the internet, including this forum (or do countless bans everywhere in this thread and the other thread not substantiate that?). I'm saying to let the mods deal with it because you childishly whining for other people to visit a specific site for hurting your feelings doesn't actually change anything or contribute to this discussion, it's just annoying.


So you are saying that the anonymity and lack of moderation are irrelevant, while then pointing to the bannings here as proof that this place has just as many pricks despite the fact that they get banned for being pricks? There's a major fault in your logic their, chief. Keep posting these little love letters to me though, your rage is deeply gratifying.


I didn't know what this meant either, until now. Why do we need a goody acronym for pushing back against the status quo? Bums me out.

The term "SJW", or at least how it was used nowl. was more or less invented by people in Men's Rights Activist circles, ie. the people who fight to keep the status quo, or better yet go back to the fucking 50s. It's used as a derisive term by those people, and not as a tern by the people who are actually trying to push back against the status quo.
A large percentage of the gaming community is teen - young adult males that think that because they have the anonymity of the internet in front of them they can say and do whatever the fuck they want.

This is never going to be true. Not when people have Twitter and Facebook accounts set up in their own name with their actual face as their avatar. People today do not give a shit if you know that they're racist, sexist, or homophobic. The links that are posted every few hours in the Mike Brown thread in the OT show this quite well. In many ways people seem proud of it now.
I find the claim that this was done as a retribution to his involvement in the drama around Zoe Quinn to be hardly believable. First, if all the information leaked was amassed by hacking and social engineering, then the timeframe seems quite unrealistic. Second, given that his role in the entire story was quite small, he seems an illogical target to attack (though you could assume that someone hated him and intended to do this to him for quite a while, and an occasion just turned up).

Stop trying to apply any sense of logic or explanation

Its gone beyond that point and it takes next to nothing to incense some crazy person on the internet to do the most vile things on a whim
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