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Polytron Hacked?

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Well, yeah. Because people who view others who care and post about anything related to diversity as SJWs out to ruin gaming and "their" hobby likely already hold some pretty gross opinions about minorities. I've yet to meet someone who uses that term unironically and doesn't hold weird views about minorities or let slip a slur.

I just find it interesting how incredibly bad those people are at hiding their true colors,
I legitimately don't understand how they can't keep their toxic views to themselves
in places where they should know it'll get them banned.


At this point, all this stuff just makes me question my involvement in the video gaming community.

Every industry/community/etc. has terrible people or circles of people in them. This isn't just about gaming industry, it is about the human society and the deranged individuals in it, and they are everywhere.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Woke up, read through the last few pages of the thread and some of the reddit stuff.

I like working in games, and I get to work with indie devs every day and it's fucking awesome... but even I'm really starting to question the culture as a whole.


The best part about that subreddit is that it makes even Stormfront look good. The actual nazis on Stormfront have a 'no profanity or ban' policy on their public forums so the discussions there seem a lot more sane than the ones on various GAF hate forums.


Or is the image in question simply circumstantial and inaccurate in ways a layman wouldn't notice?

The image in question is inaccurate in ways even a layman would notice and was adressed and disproven numerous times in this thread because of this.
Basically, every single point made is false.
These people are just confidently throwing around lies and buzzwords to make you believe that Phil is the only one who could have done it. Which is wrong.
At this point, all this stuff just makes me question my involvement in the video gaming community.
Yeah, it's gotten really bad. On one hand, you feel like you just don't want to abandon everything because there is a good group of people and lots of interesting gaming discussions to be had (even if it's often drowned out in bullshit). On the other hand, just completely detaching from all the noise, picking out a cool-looking game, and forgetting everything else seems like the smart move at this point.


Not happy ex-boyfriend posts claims about Quinn using her girlparts for favors for her game. (there is no actual mention of sex from his blog posts - he just talks about relationships with a few names)

Not entirely accurate. The closest he came to saying she got favors was by pointing out that she slept with her current boss before she got hired, but then he backpedals to say that she totally deserved the job.

The whole point of that blog is to say that she cheated on him after having long talks about how cheating is morally wrong.

All the whole "nepotism," "favors" and "good reviews" thing was simply the internet inventing a whole bunch of nonsense out of it.


Every industry/community/etc. has terrible people or circles of people in them. This isn't just about gaming industry, it is about the human society and the deranged individuals in it, and they are everywhere.

So true. As long as there are people in this world, there will be bad seeds in the mix.


No matter how you slice it. Telling people to kill themselves and "insert expletive here" is not an acceptable response to anything on the internet.

Nobody deserves to be hacked, but I definitely don't think it's ok to condone this kind of behavior. That he's espousing the social justice flag right now is pretty ridiculous, considering *he has told people to go kill themselves* and that he has shown himself to be a bigoted jerk in the past.

Sometimes people are just dicks and really shouldn't be vouched for. He can make good/bad games, I don't speak for or against his work. But as the person I can see on the net, no, not acceptable behavior.

How has he shown himself to be a "bigoted jerk" in the past?

And have you seen what people have written to him on Twitter over the years? Sure, some of the stuff he has tweeted back at those people was pretty dumb and offensive, but I'm not gonna call him an asshole just because he has gone overboard a few times when he has responded to shitty comments.
Every industry/community/etc. has terrible people or circles of people in them. This isn't just about gaming industry, it is about the human society and the deranged individuals in it, and they are everywhere.

I don't think people are saying that other communities are better, but that this one is bad enough that you want to stay away, not that they're moving to others. The Quinn/Fish circus at least makes me want to close down my browser and take a walk, or read a book, or something like that instead.


I don't think Phil Fish actively wants to destroy himself, I just get the feeling that his behavior is self-destructive and counterproductive.

So he would do this? Come on, your arguments are not making much sense.

I don't think people are saying that other communities are better, but that this one is bad enough that you want to stay away, not that they're moving to others. The Quinn/Fish circus at least makes me want to close down my browser and take a walk, or read a book, or something like that instead.

Yeah, agree. And that's exactly what these people want, so that's a bit depressing. They want to keep the parts they don't like out of the gaming community, ie the people who aren't exactly like them.


I mentioned this on the previous page, but here's a picture.



Me too, which is a shame.

I dont think its exclusive to the Video Games community though.
For every topic people reasonably discuss there are some morons that do shitty stuff like this.
Its just that Social Media gives every fool out there the opportunity to voice his/her opinion.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
The amount of vitriolic comments being aimed at Phil, particularly the suggestions that he hacked himself, is disgusting.

My sympathies to Renaud for having to deal with these "guilty until proven innocent" trolls during these unfortunate circumstances.

Is that guy an employee?
He was a programmer on FEZ.
All the bad shit going on in the world lately and now even the goddamn gaming community is something I'm feeling I need to take a break from.

And holy shit am I sick of the term "SJW," I've now started hearing it more and more in real life and I'll have to strain to keep myself from punching the next person in the f'ing mouth.


So no, I'm not saying that everyone on 4chan is a revolting piece of shit. I'm saying that there are a lot of revolting pieces of shit on 4chan.

And? There are a lot of revolting pieces of shit everywhere, including (surprise!) NeoGAF - a MODERATED forum that still manages to gather a colossal number of bigoted nitwits, as the past several threads about Zoe Quinn have proved. Shouting "MY VIRGIN EYES, THERE ARE SEXIST PEOPLE ON 4CHAN!" and playing turf wars because vagina-hating evildoers post on an anonymous image board (but not sacred gaming forums like NeoGAF amirite?) simply doesn't contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way and reeks of you being oversensitive because they exist. If anything, it actually derails the topic at hand - let the mods deal with sexist assholes here.


Not entirely accurate. The closest he came to saying she got favors was by pointing out that she slept with her current boss before she got hired, but then he backpedals to say that she totally deserved the job.

The whole point of that blog is to say that she cheated on him after having long talks about how cheating is morally wrong.

All the whole "nepotism," "favors" and "good reviews" thing was simply the internet inventing a whole bunch of nonsense out of it.

Pretty much. I read about it like the day after it was posted when there were people in threads talking around a "zoe thing" and it got my interest because she seemed like a cool person and obviously people would have a field day with anything she is involved in. The initial post seemed believable enough with all the chat logs etc so I full believe that Zoe would have cheated on her boyfriend at the time with multiple other people all while proclaiming honesty is the best policy and how that can potentially harm her stance when speaking out and championing things due to hypocrisy.

That though, should have nothing to do with her and "favours" or any of the other bullshit people have been going on about trying to smear her name and the names of those who are friends with her. She did a shitty thing to someone she claimed to have loved and that's where it should end but the internet is full of stupid insecure misogynists who will take any little thing to rant on the internet against women and anyone who dares defend them.


I don't think it is a deep cynicism in gaming. I think it is an investment in criticizing Phil FIsh.

Although saying that, I've seen people also push these claims at Renaud and the other good people who worked at Polytron. Looking over Twitter there are people telling him to "put up or shut up" and provide proof. It's honestly complete shit all round. Pure victim blaming.

people said zoe quinn hacked herself too. it makes me sad to see people going after renaud as he sorts out the mess :(

maybe it's selective cynicism though. if you can put together a 20 minute pompous, rambling youtube full of tenuous claims and random slander or a big jpg image with unsubstantiated claims and cherry picked tweets people aren't so cynical.
The fallout that is hitting Renaud Bedard and MC Bourdua because of this makes the entire thing so much worse. They really had nothing to do with any of it.

The Llama

I dont think its exclusive to the Video Games community though.
For every topic people reasonably discuss there are some morons that do shitty stuff like this.
Its just that Social Media gives every fool out there the opportunity to voice his/her opinion.

Exclusive? Of course not. But there's a level of, for lack of a better word, immaturity present in the gaming community that is more heavily repressed in many other communities. I think a part of it is that gaming is something that should bring us all together. We should WANT to have fun with gaming, discussing whats new and whats going on, because the whole point of it is that its a fun thing to do. Ultimately, things like "console warz" and the like shouldn't even exist, its just a waste of everyones time. But they exist and they thrive. And it hurts.


Why are all these people being such dicks to Bénard when he is just trying to deal with this hack?

Because these people are disgusting.
Why do you think they'd stop their shitty behaviour when it comes to Bénard?
They'll do whatever they can to abuse Phil and everyone connected to him.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
This place is saltier than the dead sea.

I always love the idea of a group of redditors coming together to hate on any other internet community.

It's like, dudes, you're on reddit. Try to have at least an ounce of self awareness.
How has he shown himself to be a "bigoted jerk" in the past?

And have you seen what people have written to him on Twitter over the years? Sure, some of the stuff he has tweeted back at those people was pretty dumb and offensive, but I'm not gonna call him an asshole just because he has gone overboard a few times when he has responded to shitty comments.

I've seen both sides of the exchanges. Just because someone calls you names doesn't mean that 1) You should respond or 2) You should stoop to their level.

And *never*, specially if you choose to say you're a champion for social justice, should you tell anyone on the net to kill themselves. They may just do it. You know nothing about the people you're talking to online aside from the tiny snippets of text you see in front of you.

I don't really feel like trying to dig up "proof" on how he's shown himself as a bigoted jerk. You're certainly welcome to make your own decisions on his words and behavior just like i have, I've no intent to get into a meaningless back and forth these requests tend to degenerate into.
So he would do this? Come on, your arguments are not making much sense.
I haven't made an argument, just opinion statements based on observations of human behavior. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that Phil Fish faked the hacked on himself for whatever reason - people have done dumber/worse things before. It's equally possible that he was hacked from the outside - which has happened before.

The problem Phil Fish has is that his behavior up to this point and time has eroded so much goodwill that anyone can say anything about the guy and it could be totally plausible in most people's minds.

Edit: Actually, you could say something similar about the indie game dev and game journalist scenes too, which why this conflict is persisting.


I always love the idea of a group of redditors coming together to hate on any other internet community.

It's like, dudes, you're on reddit. Try to have at least an ounce of self awareness.

Reddit is the only place that actually allows them to spew the filth they want to spew without banning them. They'd be banned in a heartbeat here and won't last long on any other board that has moderation.
And? There are a lot of revolting pieces of shit everywhere, including (surprise!) NeoGAF - a MODERATED forum that still manages to gather a colossal number of bigoted nitwits, as the past several threads about Zoe Quinn have proved. Shouting "MY VIRGIN EYES, THERE ARE SEXIST PEOPLE ON 4CHAN!" and playing turf wars because vagina-hating evildoers post on an anonymous image board (but not sacred gaming forums like NeoGAF amirite?) simply doesn't contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way and reeks of you being oversensitive because they exist. If anything, it actually derails the topic at hand - let the mods deal with sexist assholes here.

You seem rather emotional about this, so I can excuse the fact you redacted the part of my post where I specifically explained why I think that the anonymity afforded by a place like 4chan allows a particularly nasty culture to blossom and fester like a pustulant boil. And the mods actually did deal with the sexist arsehole already, so yay NeoGAF oh sacred and mighty forum among forums.
A word about censorship:

No one owes you a platform for your ideas or statements. Kotaku doesn't, GAF doesn't, Reddit doesn't, no one does. Particularly if those statements are a pack of lies, half-lies, personal assaults, and bullshit.

You can howl your filth into the wilderness as much as you like, but none of us are required, legally or morally, to amplify your sad, pathetic whining.

I'd encourage anyone who thinks we owe you a megaphone to feel free to log out and not return. There are plenty of other places happy to let you revel in your inner man-child. Go find one and don't come back.

My hero!
I haven't made an argument, just opinion statements based on observations of human behavior. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that Phil Fish faked the hacked on himself for whatever reason - people have done dumber/worse things before. It's equally possible that he was hacked from the outside - which has happened before.

The problem Phil Fish has is that his behavior up to this point and time has eroded so much goodwill that anyone can say anything about the guy and it could be totally plausible in most people's minds.

Occam's razor, dude.


I dont think its exclusive to the Video Games community though.
For every topic people reasonably discuss there are some morons that do shitty stuff like this.
Its just that Social Media gives every fool out there the opportunity to voice his/her opinion.

People keep saying this, but I'm part of other communities where this doesn't happen. John Scalzi is an outspoken progressive, much hated by the same sorts of morons that are doing this stuff, but he's never been hacked or doxxed. Yelled at? Sure. Called names? Sure. Had his banking information, private mails, and life details vomited onto the internet? Nope.

Keep saying it to convince yourselves if you need to, but those of us who are part of other communities know better. And so long as people keep ignoring the problem within this community, you give it cover in which to grow.


I've seen both sides of the exchanges. Just because someone calls you names doesn't mean that 1) You should respond or 2) You should stoop to their level.

And *never*, specially if you choose to say you're a champion for social justice, should you tell anyone on the net to kill themselves. They may just do it. You know nothing about the people you're talking to online aside from the tiny snippets of text you see in front of you.

I don't really feel like trying to dig up "proof" on how he's shown himself as a bigoted jerk. You're certainly welcome to make your own decisions on his words and behavior just like i have, I've no intent to get into a meaningless back and forth these requests tend to degenerate into.

I think it vitally important you remember the underlined works both ways.
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