This, "He did it to himself" BS hits pretty close to home.
A few months back my girlfriend (who is very sick) had her tumblr hacked and her personal information posted. She was asleep when it all went down and woke up to this huge shit storm.
Everyone claimed she did it to herself, that she posted her own personal information to garner sympathy. This, after she had been receiving death threats and rape threats and harassment from reddit's "tumblr in action" forum for months on end.
People immediately jumped to "she's the one who did it", then a group of people decided that she's faking her illness and was scamming people when she was asking for small donations to help out after losing her job.
There seems to be a certain mindset among a group of people on the internet that the only way something like this would happen to someone is if they did it to themselves and anyone it happens to is some kind of drama queen looking for attention and it's sickening.
That's true. I think the rest of my post still stands though.This is never going to be true. Not when people have Twitter and Facebook accounts set up in their own name with their actual face as their avatar. People today do not give a shit if you know that they're racist, sexist, or homophobic. The links that are posted every few hours in the Mike Brown thread in the OT show this quite well. In many ways people seem proud of it now.
i'm ok with instantly discrediting every single word someone says if they use the term SJW
According to his twitter, yes.I haven't been keeping up with any of this, but are Fez and Polytron really up for sale?
This is never going to be true. Not when people have Twitter and Facebook accounts set up in their own name with their actual face as their avatar. People today do not give a shit if you know that they're racist, sexist, or homophobic. The links that are posted every few hours in the Mike Brown thread in the OT show this quite well. In many ways people seem proud of it now.
I got news for you from a country where being a writter that is outside of a specific clique and a public persona gets you that.
This is never going to be true. Not when people have Twitter and Facebook accounts set up in their own name with their actual face as their avatar. People today do not give a shit if you know that they're racist, sexist, or homophobic. The links that are posted every few hours in the Mike Brown thread in the OT show this quite well. In many ways people seem proud of it now.
Sorry to hear this happened. :/
It's actually quite common, it's a big reason I'm extremely reluctant to participate in covnersations about "attention wh*ring" or anything of that nature.
I've seen it used several times as a weapon to try and outright destroy people, especially after they've been bullied, beaten or severely compromised.
Yup. It's fast becoming just another internet-era anti-intellectual slur.
Yeah, I'm reading it as a pejorative. That's why it bums me out!The term "SJW", or at least how it was used nowl. was more or less invented by people in Men's Rights Activist circles, ie. the people who fight to keep the status quo, or better yet go back to the fucking 50s. It's used as a derisive term by those people, and not as a tern by the people who are actually trying to push back against the status quo.
According to his twitter, yes.
So what exactly is the problem with the gaming community?
Polytron twitter was, not Phils personal twitter.I thought his twitter was hacked??
People keep saying this, but I'm part of other communities where this doesn't happen. John Scalzi is an outspoken progressive, much hated by the same sorts of morons that are doing this stuff, but he's never been hacked or doxxed. Yelled at? Sure. Called names? Sure. Had his banking information, private mails, and life details vomited onto the internet? Nope.
Keep saying it to convince yourselves if you need to, but those of us who are part of other communities know better. And so long as people keep ignoring the problem within this community, you give it cover in which to grow.
While Facebook and Twitter have shown us pretty clearly that people are willing to say terrible things under their real name, people willing to do actually criminal things like this will hide as far behind that proverbial cloak as they can.
Lesson being
Limit your exposure on the internet or be ready to accept the risks of being completely vulernable without recourse
This is why the whole "Phil Fish is an asshole" tangent is so poisonous. There are other people whose lives are affected by this shit, and it's both disrespectful and completely irrelevant to focus on Mr. Fish's temper as some sort of excuse or justification when these people are getting hit by the fallout.![]()
For the record, Renaud is considering reporting the whole thing but needs to gather the evidence together. Hopefully this helps silence the fucking ridiculous "Phil did it!" group a little.
I wish we could just go back and discuss Xbone DRM and that PS4 has no games... it was a better time before we devolved into this. Please stop.![]()
You probably don't want to play Socratic dialogue with me today. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, I suggest you read the thread. If that doesn't do it for you, you're welcome to PM me, where I am not bound by the decorum of being a moderator.
As the owner of a PS4, I still feel it has no gaemz :-/
It *will* finally have gaemz this fall though. Evil Within and Shadow of Mordor, finally!
I mentioned this on the previous page, but here's a picture.
Wow this is amazing.
I do, which is why I don't tell people to kill themselves, or how much I want to set them on fire?
I never said you're not allowed to form opinions based on what people *choose* to put out attached to their names on the web. Everything I write, I expect, to be judged by. I do my best to make sure I make my points as clearly as possible. Sometimes you are misunderstood, it happens, but regardless, to put things out there and not expect people to make judgements on it is silly and obtuse.
I can think you're an asshole all day, but that doesn't mean I get to behave like a dick to you. Mutual respect goes a long way, and on the internet, if you feel like a conversation is pointless of damaging, there are *many* ways to disengage from it.
On twitter you could block people, report them. Same on Facebook, same on here.
And if you try *reeeally hard* you can even just willfully make yourself skip past the vitriol and not even do any of those. Who knows, that person may contribute something of worth later?
It *will* finally have gaemz this fall though. Evil Within and Shadow of Mordor, finally!
As the owner of a PS4, I still feel it has no gaemz :-/
It *will* finally have gaemz this fall though. Evil Within and Shadow of Mordor, finally!
Because he's pissed off and human.I can't even begin to imagine why he's bothering replying to people.
I can't even begin to imagine why he's bothering replying to people.
A large percentage of the gaming community is teen - young adult males that think that because they have the anonymity of the internet in front of them they can say and do whatever the fuck they want.
You're obviously going to get bad eggs in every community but there are a lot of bad eggs in the gaming community because of the primary target audience. The target audience that is fed white male protagonists and shitty female characters and LGBT stereotypes and white saviour stories that do nothing to broaden their horizons or understanding of the world.
As long as devs continue to cater to these people, the gaming community will still consist of these people and they will feel that any deviation from the norm, be it feminism, LGBT activism, or racial equality etc is something that is reserved for crazy nut job "social justice warriors" who are trying to shit on the things they love.
This, "He did it to himself" BS hits pretty close to home.
A few months back my girlfriend (who is very sick) had her tumblr hacked and her personal information posted. She was asleep when it all went down and woke up to this huge shit storm.
Everyone claimed she did it to herself, that she posted her own personal information to garner sympathy. This, after she had been receiving death threats and rape threats and harassment from reddit's "tumblr in action" forum for months on end.
People immediately jumped to "she's the one who did it", then a group of people decided that she's faking her illness and was scamming people when she was asking for small donations to help out after losing her job.
There seems to be a certain mindset among a group of people on the internet that the only way something like this would happen to someone is if they did it to themselves and anyone it happens to is some kind of drama queen looking for attention and it's sickening.
You probably don't want to play Socratic dialogue with me today. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, I suggest you read the thread. If that doesn't do it for you, you're welcome to PM me, where I am not bound by the decorum of being a moderator.
This is never going to be true. Not when people have Twitter and Facebook accounts set up in their own name with their actual face as their avatar. People today do not give a shit if you know that they're racist, sexist, or homophobic. The links that are posted every few hours in the Mike Brown thread in the OT show this quite well. In many ways people seem proud of it now.
Yes, lemme calm down for a second and be more clear. In both cases, I'm speaking strictly of the fringe members of the community. Gaming as a whole is an awesome thing, that allows for accessibility on a really high level. I just think we need to police behavior like... this a lot better, because it only makes us all look bad.One thing is pushing social issues aside and another is label the whole as that. When you do that you are alienating people, and not exactly the people that are actually toxic in the community.
Yea, I love gaming, and I don't think anything would push me away, but I feel like we just need more serious dialogue on why our community is conducive to behavior like in the OP, as well as "fans" demanding information from the professionals. I think it's time we stop hand-waving the term "gamer entitlement" away as a simple pejorative.It does. Out of all the communities I'm involved in the gaming community is by far the most toxic. I don't want to push the issue to the side. I also don't want to go away from the community, even if I don't know how to help it aside from not being part of the problem or escalating conflicts.
Doesn't count because they aren't exclusivez. Have the great list wars taught you nothing, good sir?
I can't even begin to imagine why he's bothering replying to people.
Anyone is always welcome to PM me. I'm a mod, and that's what we do.
As a white male, my hatred of white males is soaring these past few days.
Those tweets (not from Renaud) are insane. Such a hostile reaction to someone elses misfortune. Disgusting behavior.
It's a UNIX system! I know this!Those passwords seems encrypted though, so they're safe right?
As a white male, my hatred of white males is soaring these past few days.
As a white male, my hatred of white males is soaring these past few days.
What the fuck does that even mean?
As a white male, my hatred of white males is soaring these past few days.
Yes it is. The ending sentence alone speaks volumes.
That wasn't the part I underlined lol.
I was saying that you, me and the people that attack or judge him via the internet, do not know him either. If people attacked me all day via social media, it's quite likely I would tell them to fuck off, as would perhaps you. We don't get to sit here and say he is wrong for how he handles something because of how you or I would. I can't speak for you, but I assume as with myself, we have never been in that position, thankfully.
Did you watch that video you quoted? It is worth your time I think.