Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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What's up with this OT, lol

"Penis baby!"
Well it was referring to the live action Destiny Trailer before it got changed.

Up to Mars now and Lvl 18 so not long to go in the story for me i'm guessing. Venus was certainly really nice looking and easily the best looking location for me so far and its still a lot of fun to play which certainly makes up for the lack of mission variety.


Here's what the shader (called Achilles) looks like, by the way:


I'm not usually an 'orange' guy. But that looks awesome.


Formerly Gizmowned
No its changed.

Anyone know what the orange and white shader is and how to obtain it? I've seen a few people online with it and asked but they never message back the fuckers.


Here's what the shader (called Achilles) looks like, by the way:


Hah that's what I want. How did you obtain it? Sick of all the shaders I have are blue or purple.


Thread title reflects somewhat what happened to me just before -- decrypted a Rare boot engram into Legendary boots from New Monarchy -- just the ones I plan on buying next week with my marks!

*Requires Hunter Class*

Dumped it in the vault. So close!
Let's get these two things out of the way with the new thread.

I had a 150/1 k/d and didn't get anything but a stupid n00b with a .00001 k/d got an exotic weapon. WTF!

Random loot isn't given out based on your kills or score. Its given out randomly for playing the game. Congrats on your k/d but it doesn't matter when it comes to loot in the crucible. Temper your expectations, don't expect loot rewards based on your l33t skillz.

I got a legendary purple engram and it ended up being a rare/mote of light/wrong class. WTF!

Don't get your hopes up when it comes to purple engrams, they are slot machines. Based on my experience (around 15 engrams) 40%* ended up being rare. Some of the remaining % of is taken up by rare materials like motes of light or strange coins. Let's say 20%*. That leaves 40% for you to get a piece of armor or new weapon. The weapons can be used across all classes, so your chances are much better to get a legendary when it comes weapons as opposed to armor. Therefore, purple weapon engrams are more promising. However, if you have a purple armor engram, your chances of it being a legendary for the class your using are fairly low (cut that remaining 40% down by 66%). If you want guaranteed armor, level up your crucible/vanguard rank and you can buy some. Don't bank on purple engrams.

*these percentages are completely anecdotal. I'm also no sure if/how cryptarch rank effects engrams


OK so here is my video that people were asking about in the previous thread.

This is me playing the Control game type in the Crucible and sucking at it.

Please feel free to have a look and see if you can figure out what I'm doing wrong.


slept with Malkin
So whats difference between the damage of a weapon and the impact bar?

I'll just use this as he explained it better than I could. Credit to CheveRonBurgandy


One of the major questions I have in the game is around weapon stats. Specifically Attack vs. Impact.

Attack (The large number): allows your weapon to damage 'higher level enemies'

Impact: "damage each round" inflicts.

The Attack stat itself is specifically misleading and can be easily misinterpreted (in comparison from a normal FPS/RPG) where the large number on the weapon card might be called 'damage' and would be a direct correlation with the actual damage the weapon does. In these cases higher level enemies have more health and as such damage is the most important stat to quickly take down higher level enemies.
Let's see how this works in practice:

87 Attack / Low impact Sniper Rifle = <900 headshot
52 Attack / High impact Sniper Rifle = >1200 headshot

The Question: How do Weapon Stats work in Destiny?:

Does enemy health not dramatically scale with level? Did anyone stop to notice if a lv4 Dreg has relativity the same health as a lv8 Dreg? This non-health driven system would make sense given this stat system and the claim that you can play with lower level friends. Impact (read: damage) would become completely comparable weapon to weapon (a far simpler system to understand for novice players), and Attack would simply indicate what level characters you could efficiently attack. Attack a higher level character, you need to have a higher attack weapon or else the damage you deal would drop off significantly.
Some Speculation:

Attack could be correlated level of the enemy divided by 10. e.g. a 90Atk weapon will do full Impact/Damage to a level 9 enemy and below, enemies level 10 and higher would be at reduced Impact/Damage.


Are any Level 26's down to do the Level 26 Weekly Strike in a little bit?

I also want to make an attempt at least at the Nightfall mission, even though that is 28. And if I do that, I might as well try for the Level 28 version of the Weekly Strike as well. Need coins!


What's the point of having the social space when you can't talk or type? So useless.
The lack of communication is my biggest problem with this game.
I get that most people hate talking to strangers and all but c'mon Bungie at least make it an option I can toggle!


Finally witnessed the birth of a new OT

Level 23 and still going strong. Haven't been this addicted to a game in a long time.


Damn, 27 and you still haven't fully upgraded your subclass, geez, here I am at level 22 thinking I was damn close.

To platinum this game, max out 3 subclasses, not gonna happen.
Actually, I already maxed out Striker. I'm almost done with Defender.

Not too bad, really. Just grind your heart out.


Anyone else being disconnected from the server this afternoon trying to one strike but been disconnected a couple of times and now also getting a connecting to destiny server message...


Formerly Gizmowned
Oh my fucking gawd Bungie!

5th fucking rare engram and its the 5th titan mark which I've already had 4 of the same exact thing!. How about something different please!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Seriously the shit of unidentified crap turning into a level lower than what it originally is, Id have to say is bullshit.


Damn, what level are you and how did you get it? I still have no clue how to get items. I'm just playing PVP and a few drops come here and there, nothing special. That weapon would be a killing with that mag size in PVP.

That's nothin, I got a Doctor Nope as a engram reward for leveling up that area. 300 attack, 72 Magazine. Literally melts enemies. I don't even have to try when I get the first shot on someone in crucible. Just stand there and quickly spray the gun back and forth based on their movement. I just watch the health bar drain.


I'll just use this as he explained it better than I could. Credit to CheveRonBurgandy

That's awesome, thanks. Someone was saying I should use my higher level rare sniper but I prefered the green one because of the impact. I was sure it was doing more damage. He thought I was a noob...


Possible dumb question, but is glimmer basically worthless for non-cosmetic end game items (i.e. weapons and armor)? As far as I can tell, all the good stuff needs crucible/vanguard marks, and the creepy guy wants the strange coins.


Possible dumb question, but is glimmer basically worthless for non-cosmetic end game items (i.e. weapons and armor)? As far as I can tell, all the good stuff needs crucible/vanguard marks, and the creepy guy wants the strange coins.
Still needed for upgrades though.


Well my intense weekend with Destiny is over, have to get back to work now. Prety pleased with myself, Made it to lvl 26, got a few legendary and a exotic. Maxed Striker, missing 4 talents in Defender. Capped my vanguard and crucibles point for the week. I think the only thing I didn't do is the weekly heroic strike level 28.

Now just gotta make sure my group can find 3 people for the Vault of Glass sometimes this week. Can't wait.

PS: Holy crap I just noticed I played for 52h... this game.
Possible dumb question, but is glimmer basically worthless for non-cosmetic end game items (i.e. weapons and armor)? As far as I can tell, all the good stuff needs crucible/vanguard marks, and the creepy guy wants the strange coins.
no. You need glimmer to upgrade weapons and armor
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