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Pachter Predicts: Xbox One outsold PS4 in September (dance, you puppets)




So, you're okay with what ever they do because they created Xbox Live?

That was just one example.

I've owned every system since the PS1 era and playing Xbox Live for the first time was such a magical experience for me. Now with all the updates they put into their system and some of the exclusives that keep me closer to my friends and family (playing Halo with my brother), I would be very upset if they left the console space and I lost that ability to have that experience.

They've done quite a bit of good for console gaming, the 360 was a fantastic system, sure they fumbled this generation, but I could see a return to form with their next console.

I think putting all the industries worst aspects all on MS is extremely unfair, IMO.

None of the console makers are perfect, they're all businesses.
You've got to be joking. There are plenty of people who are rooting for the XB1 to fail. All because they tried to sell people a product they found unacceptable.

It's like rooting for Coke to go out of business because you hated the New Coke they introduced in the 80's. Only New Coke never actually came out.

Ask anyone here why hate the X1 today and many of those reasons will be stuff that is not even featured on a X1 you can buy today at the store.
Funny tho that Destiny and 2K15 (e.g.) require you to be always online just like MS envisioned and many guys I know went all-digital anyways because the US store is so much cheaper than the EU one and preloading rewards.


Eh it’s not really like that; New Coke was just a product that people didn’t like. They could buy a can/bottle, decide they hate it and move on without much fuss.

If Microsoft had their way with the XBO people would have been stuck with a device that took some of their rights away, restricted their gaming abilities through mandatory daily online checks, taken people’s ability away to sell/lend a physical game etc.

And remember the only reason this didn’t come out was because Microsoft saw their pre-order numbers and panicked because demand was nowhere near what they arrogantly assumed it would be.

I say arrogantly because we had rumours of their plans at least 6-9 months before announcement and 99% of people hated what they read. Some insisted that it wouldn’t happen or that MS would see the threads and realise people wouldn’t want it but what happened? They went along with their plans anyway and then wondered why no one wanted it, especially in comparison to the PS4.

I have owned an Xbox, 2 Xbox 360’s and I honestly wouldn’t feel a thing if MS left the console space. They did help usher along online gaming (After the Dreamcast and PS2 of course) and they have had some great games (Voodoo Vince was a favourite of mine) but they have probably done a lot more bad for the industry than good and I fear for the day they become dominant and shape the market how they want it because that is the day of no return.

So it has nothing to do with XB1 and their initial always online strategy. You just hate the company if you feel that way.


My god...

I can't believe people actually think this way.

They're not perfect, I agree, but Xbox Live changed the way I play video games ever since it's conception (I'm not a PC gamer, or BIG into it at least).

Well, Microsoft did introduce the bullshit idea that it's acceptable to charge for P2P online. And now Sony has jumped on this, obviously. It's quite sad that I've seen people actively defend this in the past.

At least now Microsoft is using dedicated servers.


Yup, we got a $599 console precisely because there *was* competition, not because of the lack of it. Sony felt pressured to overspend and overachieve to meet their competition on as many fronts as possible. Not unlike what MS tried to do with the intro of the XBO this time around. Seems it's difficult in the console market to resist the allure of overextending the product as a means to face competition.

The PS3 was a great machine. I would be totally up for another cutting-edge console at that price point. I would prefer that to what we got.


Well, Microsoft did introduce the bullshit idea that it's acceptable to charge for P2P online. And now Sony has jumped on this, obviously. It's quite sad that I've seen people actively defend this in the past.

At least now Microsoft is using dedicated servers.

Look how fucking AMAZING Xbox Live was compared to PSN. I would gladly pay over and over again for a service as stable and secure as XBL.


Ask anyone here why hate the X1 today and many of those reasons will be stuff that is not even featured on a X1 you can buy today at the store.
Funny tho that Destiny and 2K15 (e.g.) require you to be always online just like MS envisioned and many guys I know went all-digital anyways because the US store is so much cheaper than the EU one and preloading rewards.
A couple games versus the entire system requiring always online is quite the difference. It was a fucked up, idiotic idea. MS got the slap in the face they deserved. I'd still love to see them come back and compete. I'll probs pick a One up next fall.

Jack cw

Ask anyone here why hate the X1 today and many of those reasons will be stuff that is not even featured on a X1 you can buy today at the store.
Funny tho that Destiny and 2K15 (e.g.) require you to be always online just like MS envisioned and many guys I know went all-digital anyways because the US store is so much cheaper than the EU one and preloading rewards.

Call me when the first single player game does this.
The ps3 was expensive because they shoehorned in the blu-ray player expecting another ps2 whitewash, and the quick recuperation of the investment. It wasnt a gift from sony, and it was also there to help establish the format.... Which they have a big stake in.

We all saw what they wrote on their financials this year regarding blu-ray.

It shocks me reading some of the things that people write in regards to sony. Like they are an overgenerous uncle. Giving us 800 dollars worth of kit at a cutdown price...

I think that the ps3 is a prime example of a company that believes that it can do as it pleases. They found out the hardway, just like microsoft doing now with the xbone
Oh don’t get me wrong, im not saying that Sony is doing any of this out of the goodness of their heart, far from it. Im just saying that while they did have a vested interest in getting Blu-Ray going, it did also help give developers more space to work with without the hassle of multiple DVD discs. It also gave people a very affordable Blu Ray player that was upgradable through firmware updates.

Also I don’t really like the whole ‘vested interest’ argument, one because of course they have a vested interest, they made the console to sell to people. Two, although the inclusion of the Blu-Ray drive was a negative to consumers in the form of a more expensive console, it didn’t take people’s rights away like some of Microsofts decisions with the XBO.

This is total bullshit and a very popular urban legend. But yeah... if it makes you feel good, please continue...

Hmm, maybe I am wrong with the amount of time but I know I read threads on gaf long before the actual reveal about the idea of Microsoft banning selling your games, being online only etc.


My god...

I can't believe people actually think this way.

They're not perfect, I agree, but Xbox Live changed the way I play video games ever since it's conception (I'm not a PC gamer, or BIG into it at least).

Well, they did introduce online multiplayer fee, started the DLC timed exclusive deals (feel free to correct me on that), ... The original vision of the Xbox One was pretty scary too. Their tendency to contract external studios or buy out exclusivity deals rather than building up their own studio portfolio could also be considered as a bad thing...

There are plenty of acceptable reasons to think that way. I don't necessarily agree with those, but it's not that stupid.


So it has nothing to do with XB1 and their initial always online strategy. You just hate the company if you feel that way.
Pretty much. There's a lot of this that goes on and these types just love to use how MS "almost killed gaming" as a reason to fuel said hate lol.


You said this:

Which is wrong. MS was getting bad reactions independent of Sony's good reactions around the time of DRMgate. Sony simply rode the wave that communities like GAF had created, and then after a while the anti-MS opinion merged with a pro-Sony one as Sony continued to build up a snowball of customer goodwill.

This. Thank you. =)

Anyway I do not understand why people are still on the hate train (shakes head). There are better things to do with your time. Dwelling on what's already past and done. The gaming market started gravitating to online connectivity before MS drm policy was revealed...Its been a digital era since steam opened the gateway. Besides, the gaming industry/studios were taking massive hits/losses because of all the game pirating and people being too cheap to buy games(Crysis warhead/crysis 2 as an ex.). So always online started appearing, along with free to play and dlc/season passes left and right. We the gamers helped create a market where its difficult create new ips because its too great of a risk to spend put loads of money to have something not be a hit because media will scrutinize the new ip and no one will try it, or someone will do a in depth analysis aka DF and turn people off because it is not refined as much to peoples liking. And yes I understand that DF helps keep people honest but sometimes its a hindrance on the industry in my opinion....Each company has had there shit moments, except this time it happened during a time where media/negativity have more sway in people due to people worldwide being more dialed in with technology. Each company manipulates and tries to play off the consumer. Sony did a far better job this Gen doing so which clearly shows but it does not mean one console is shit vs the other. Consoles are becoming great now only for exclusive items (or things want to play first for a yr or 2 before it heads to PC) because since this Gen are low-med end pcs (could build a better gaming pc for $500) but each have there own great exclusive content. Everything else you could just buy from steam or wherever. This Gen Ms and sony didn't bite the bullet enough like they did last Gen to help provide us with newest hardware possible which would ensure a longer console lifespan. So in my opinion both are kind at blame as a whole. If you look at the jump in console performance from xb~xb360 and ps2~ps3 it was huge in comparison.

Anyway, if patcher is right or wrong who cares.. Its should be about who is shelling out the next best ips and exclusives not a pissing contest with numbers. If Ms or Sony were to completely dominate the market.. We would lose the most as the consumer in the end.

This is just my $0.02
Eh it’s not really like that; New Coke was just a product that people didn’t like. They could buy a can/bottle, decide they hate it and move on without much fuss.

If Microsoft had their way with the XBO people would have been stuck with a device that took some of their rights away, restricted their gaming abilities through mandatory daily online checks, taken people’s ability away to sell/lend a physical game etc.

And remember the only reason this didn’t come out was because Microsoft saw their pre-order numbers and panicked because demand was nowhere near what they arrogantly assumed it would be.

I say arrogantly because we had rumours of their plans at least 6-9 months before announcement and 99% of people hated what they read. Some insisted that it wouldn’t happen or that MS would see the threads and realise people wouldn’t want it but what happened? They went along with their plans anyway and then wondered why no one wanted it, especially in comparison to the PS4.

I have owned an Xbox, 2 Xbox 360’s and I honestly wouldn’t feel a thing if MS left the console space. They did help usher along online gaming (After the Dreamcast and PS2 of course) and they have had some great games (Voodoo Vince was a favourite of mine) but they have probably done a lot more bad for the industry than good and I fear for the day they become dominant and shape the market how they want it because that is the day of no return.

But you're ignoring a key point in this discussion. No one was gonna make you buy this awful XB1. They presented a product to the public, and the public rejected that product. So they went back and changed what the public didn't like. This is business of retail 101. You come up with a product, and if people don't like it, you change it to make it more appealing.

No, it's a lot more like hoping New Coke crashes and burns so they'll go back to making Coke Classic. Which is, thankfully, exactly what happened. I'm sure there are some who wish Microsoft ill but there are many more who yearn for a return to the days when there was J Allard-like vision for how to improve gaming.

Buying exclusivity from third parties doesn't improve gaming. Features that let me watch TV at the same time as my game don't improve gaming. Kinect, sadly, didn't improve gaming beyond enabling Dance Central. Your analogy fails on several levels.

Microsoft writing a big check to Square Enix didn't help gaming? How do you know that check didn't help ensure that Crystal Dynamics keep making games for the next decade?

Also, your points about snapping TV and Kinect not improving gaming are silly. Offering more options to the consumer using your device doesn't detract from anything. No one is making you snap TV, or use Xbox Fitness with your Kinect. But if you shell out the money for this console you've got all sorts of options that aren't available to you on the other consoles.


Well, they did introduce online multiplayer fee, started the DLC timed exclusive deals (feel free to correct me on that), ... The original vision of the Xbox One was pretty scary too. Their tendency to contract external studios or buy out exclusivity deals rather than building up their own studio portfolio could also be considered as a bad thing...

There are plenty of acceptable reasons to think that way. I don't necessarily agree with those, but it's not that stupid.

Some of the things you listed didn't even start with Microsoft, why do people still think Microsoft started things that Sony did way earlier.

Anyways, I don't feel like arguing with people who are pretty set in stone in anti-MS sentiment.

Think what you want, you're entitled to an opinion.


Pachter is being a fool with this prediction. We'll have proof of this later today.


He's an analyst. His industry "predictions", obviously not just NPD, often form the basis of investment decisions for his clients.

These predictions are as he said more or less "just for fun" and don´t reflect what he takes into account to give advice to his clients.

Sony and MS also to accounts he does not follow AFAIK.


Ask anyone here why hate the X1 today and many of those reasons will be stuff that is not even featured on a X1 you can buy today at the store.
Say what? The ONLY reason they're not featured on the Xbone is because people kicked up a fuss about the shit they were trying to pull and MS were forced to backtrack on pretty much everything they said.


These predictions are as he said more or less "just for fun" and don´t reflect what he takes into account to give advice to his clients.

Sony and MS also to accounts he does not follow AFAIK.

Ah, OK then. Just assumed he was sharing some advice with us.


Doesn't matter who takes September. Maybe some will smile but at the end of the day the only benefactor will be both companies bank balance, so not sure why it matters so much who wins.

Also, all games companies have brought some great innovation. Without one the others wouldnt be as innovative. I love the competition and in a way all this drama that comes with it, but sometimes it goes too far.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Pretty much. There's a lot of this that goes on and these types just love to use how MS "almost killed gaming" as a reason to fuel said hate lol.

I don't know about anyone else, but i supported MS's first two consoles for 2 full generations, but what they almost introduced with X1, and their back-flips(and front flips) since the reveal have assured me that i don't need an Xbox One for their output.

If you want to call people like myself haters because of that...


Some of the things you listed didn't even start with Microsoft, why do people still think Microsoft started things that Sony did way earlier.

Anyways, I don't feel like arguing with people who are pretty set in stone in anti-MS sentiment.

Think what you want, you're entitled to an opinion.


Pachter is a fool, always has been. We'll have proof of this later today. Been saying this for a long time.

1/ I did say I could be wrong on some points, and asked for counter-examples should that be the case.
2/ I did say I did not endorse this opinion, I just said there were some reasonable point on both side.


Junior Member
Say what? The ONLY reason they're not featured on the Xbone is because people kicked up a fuss about the shit they were trying to pull and MS were forced to backtrack on pretty much everything they said.


Welcome to how Business works..... Every single product known to man, has changed at some point due to consumer or focus group feedback.
Some of the things you listed didn't even start with Microsoft, why do people still think Microsoft started things that Sony did way earlier.

Anyways, I don't feel like arguing with people who are pretty set in stone in anti-MS sentiment.

Think what you want, you're entitled to an opinion.


Pachter is a fool, always has been. We'll have proof of this later today. Been saying this for a long time.

Pachter isn't a fool. Do you really think he would be where he is if he knew nothing? You're the fool if you believe that.
Call me when the first single player game does this.

You can't go past the welcome screen in Destiny if you are not online.
So no story missions are playable offline too.
I'd say that MyCareer on 2K is an offline mode too (its like Career mode in FIFA if you don't know 2K so much) and you can only fully enjoy it if you are connected to the 2K servers.
(they have an offline version of the mode, but there you can't buy shoes, swag and tattoos etc. for your player).
Can I call you now?

Jack cw

You can't go past the welcome screen in Destiny if you are not online.
So no story missions are playable offline too.
I'd say that MyCareer on 2K is an offline mode too (its like Career mode in FIFA if you don't know 2K so much) and you can only fully enjoy it if you are connected to the 2K servers.
(they have an offline version of the mode, but there you can't buy shoes, swag and tattoos etc. for your player).
Can I call you now?

Call me what you want m8 but this in order to prevent cheating is legit actually and both games you have there are still MP focused. If the next mainline Elder Scrolls or something like that is online only with 24h checks you have a point.

Purest 78

I don't know if age has anything to do with it but socom on ps2 is still my best mp memory. Nothing on live ever came close to that for me. So I personally don't see live as a game changer. Party chat was cool, but I also think it killed in game chat.
I don't see why they couldn't. If their next system is a gimmick-free* gaming system and is on par (similar power/architecture)with the ps5, then why not? Whenever the question of xbone losing third party support due to low sales pops up, it is met with near unanimous answers stating that the xbone is so similar in architecture that it would be crazy to write off support. If Nintendo gets the finger out and works on network infrastructure, third party relations, such as good dev tools and documentation, then I don't see why they couldn't compete with Sony.

Because they're a decade behind on those things. That shipped has sailed for Nintendo, I don't think they'll ever have power parity again with Sony or whatever company has the leading console in the future. They seemed to have dug into their niche and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Also completely forgetting retail games which released earlier in the year (I:SS, TLoUR, TF) and also digital titles.

You DO know I wrote "holiday lineup", don't you? It doesn't seem so.

Talking about digital titles, the most anticipated one is not on Ps4,so there you go.

And Driveclub feels basically like a beta too, but one you have to pay 60 bucks for. I know because I did.
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