Spike Spiegel
(I'll finish the write-ups and header tomorrow. Sleep now.)
Let's check out some of the comics you'll be reading between bites of turkey and cornbread stuffing this November:
+Amazing Spider-Man #9 & 10 by Dan Slott and Olivier Coipel (Nov 5, 19).
+All-New Captain America #1 by Rick Remender and Stuart Immonen (Nov 12).
+Superior Iron Man #1 & 2 by Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar (Nov 12, 26).
+Avengers #38/New Avengers #26 & 27 by Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli and Kev Walker (Nov 19, 26).
+Spider-Woman #1 by Dennis Hopeless and Greg Land (Nov 19).
+Secret Avengers #10 by Ales Kot and Michael Walsh (Nov 26).
+The Kitchen #1 by Ollie Masters and Ming Doyle (Nov 12).
+Batman #36 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo (Nov 12).
+Harley Quinn #12 by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Chad Hardin (Nov 19).
+The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (Nov 19).
+Wonder Woman #36 by Meredith and David Finch (Nov 19).
+Gotham by Midnight #1 by Ray Fawkes and Ben Templesmith (Nov 26).
+The Fuse #7 by Antony Johnston and Justin Greenwood (Nov 5).
+Tooth & Claw #1 by Kurt Busiek and Ben Dewey (Nov 5).
+Intersect #1 by Ray Fawkes (Nov 19).
+Sinergy #1 by Michael Avon Oeming and Taki Soma (Nov 19).
+Ody-C #1 by Matt Fraction and Christian Ward (Nov 26).
+Southern Bastards #6 by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour (Nov 26).
+Ghost Fleet #1 by Donny Cates and Daniel Warren Johnson (Nov 5).
+Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #1 by Alex de Campi and R.M. Guera (Nov 12).
+Itty Bitty Comics: The Mask #1 by Art Baltazar and Franco (Nov 12).
+Resurrectionists #1 by Fred Van Lente and Maurizio Rosenzweig (Nov 12).
+BPRD: Hell on Earth #125 by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and James Harren (Nov 19).
+Tomb Raider #10 by Gail Simone, Rhianna Pratchett and Derlis Santacruz (Nov 26).
+Angry Birds/Transformers #1 by John Barber, Marcelo Ferreira and Livio Ramondelli (Nov 12).
+Ragnorok #3 by Walter Simonson (Nov 12).
+Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #40 by Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman and Mateus Santolouco (Nov 12).
+Transformers #35 by John Barber and Andrew Griffith (Nov 12).
+Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #6 by Louise Simonson and Derek Charm (Nov 19).
+Shadow Show #1 by Joe Hill, Jason Ciaramella and Charles Wilson III (Nov 26).
+Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 by Peter Milligan and Cary Nord (Valiant, Nov 5).
+John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1 by Ron Marz and Abhishek Malsuni (Dynamite, Nov 5).
+Terrible Lizard #1 by Cullen Bunn and Drew Moss (Oni, Nov 5).
+Deep State #1 by Justin Jordan and Ariela Kristantina (Boom!, Nov 12).
+Afterlife with Archie #7 by Roberto Aguirre Sacasa, Francesco Francavilla and Jack Morelli (Archie, Nov 26).
+Capture Creatures #1 by Frank Gibson and Becky Dreistadt (Boom!, Nov 26).
Harley Quinn #11; written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti; pencils by Chad Hardin; colors by Alex Sinclair; published by DC Comics (27pts)
Grayson #3; written by Tim Seeley and Tom King; pencils by Mikel Janin; colors by Jeromy Cox; published by DC Comics (25 pts)
Batman #35; written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV; pencils by Greg Capullo, Danny Miki and Kelley Jones; colors by FCO Plascencia and Michelle Madsen; published by DC Comics (19 pts)
Here's How It Works
In the last week of the month (or earlier, if you're confident about your choices), any GAF member can send me a private message with their personal picks for the three best single issues released that month, from any publisher. These picks should be arranged in order of rank -- first, second, and third place -- and each ranking will be worth a specific point value. A first place ranking for a comic is worth 5 points; a second place is worth 3 points; a third place, 2 points. Then before next month's COMICS! OT goes live, I'll tally the results and point values from each ballot, and post the top three overall winners in the next OP as last month's, GAF-approved, best of the best. Then, maybe at the end of the year, we'll have a showdown between the year's top finishers or something similar.
A Sample Ballot
This is an example of how a sample ballot submitted by you might look. You don't have to use this formatting but I do ask that, however you send it to me, you are CLEAR on which comics you are voting for and in what order they are ranked.
The Voting Rules
1. Only single issues released that month are to be considered for voting; no trade collections, and no "just caught up" considerations for issues released one/two/however many months ago. Sorry if this excludes you from the voting process, trade-only readers and mail-order folk. I didn't see any other way.
2. Each GAF member is allowed one ballot, and once that ballot has been cast you are done for the month. If an issue comes out and you think it's the best comic you've ever read or will ever read, but you already cast your vote the week before, that's too bad. In other words, there are no take-backs so VOTE THOUGHTFULLY.
3. Three comics per ballot, and no more. You could send me a list of the ten best comics that month, with full paragraph summaries on why you ranked them in what order; but in the end, I'm only going to tally points for the top three and ignore the rest. You CAN pick just one book as the best that month... but that one vote is still worth only 5 points.
4. No ties on the ballots, please. You have to pick three comics as the best that month, and you have to rank them "1st, 2nd, 3rd" so that I can assign points to each. If you're torn between two issues of two different series as the best that month, and you can't decide which one you loved more than the other, TRY.
5. To make things a bit easier on me when it comes to making the OP, I'm establishing a deadline for casting ballots of 6pm Eastern Standard Time on the last day of the month. You can cast your ballot at any time during the month that you wish; however once that deadline has passed, any ballots sent to me will be ignored.
6. Again, to make things easier I would prefer that your votes be cast via private message sent to me, rather than through an open post in the OT. In addition to keeping the voting process a secret, using the PM method means I won't have to search through thread pages for someone's vote posted as an afterthought to an unrelated discussion.
Failure to comply with any of the above rules MAY result in your ballot getting thrown out.
Other rules and stipulations may follow, but for now we'll roll with these for the first round and see how it goes. Have fun voting!
Spoilers. In the age of digital comics, they are increasingly becoming an issue in these threads, as the drive to be first to discuss the week's releases overrides common sense and good posting etiquette. So over the coming weeks and months, the members of Comic GAF will be collaborating on and will eventually be implementing a system of general rules for avoiding spoilers on new comics in the Comics OT thread. But for now, please abide by the temporary guidelines outlined below. And remember, you are being watched and judged by your peers.
1. Discussion of newly released comics that involves specific plot details shall be accompanied at all times by the appropriate use of the

Let's check out some of the comics you'll be reading between bites of turkey and cornbread stuffing this November:

+Amazing Spider-Man #9 & 10 by Dan Slott and Olivier Coipel (Nov 5, 19).
+All-New Captain America #1 by Rick Remender and Stuart Immonen (Nov 12).
+Superior Iron Man #1 & 2 by Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar (Nov 12, 26).
+Avengers #38/New Avengers #26 & 27 by Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli and Kev Walker (Nov 19, 26).
+Spider-Woman #1 by Dennis Hopeless and Greg Land (Nov 19).
+Secret Avengers #10 by Ales Kot and Michael Walsh (Nov 26).

+The Kitchen #1 by Ollie Masters and Ming Doyle (Nov 12).
+Batman #36 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo (Nov 12).
+Harley Quinn #12 by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Chad Hardin (Nov 19).
+The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (Nov 19).
+Wonder Woman #36 by Meredith and David Finch (Nov 19).
+Gotham by Midnight #1 by Ray Fawkes and Ben Templesmith (Nov 26).

+The Fuse #7 by Antony Johnston and Justin Greenwood (Nov 5).
+Tooth & Claw #1 by Kurt Busiek and Ben Dewey (Nov 5).
+Intersect #1 by Ray Fawkes (Nov 19).
+Sinergy #1 by Michael Avon Oeming and Taki Soma (Nov 19).
+Ody-C #1 by Matt Fraction and Christian Ward (Nov 26).
+Southern Bastards #6 by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour (Nov 26).

+Ghost Fleet #1 by Donny Cates and Daniel Warren Johnson (Nov 5).
+Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #1 by Alex de Campi and R.M. Guera (Nov 12).
+Itty Bitty Comics: The Mask #1 by Art Baltazar and Franco (Nov 12).
+Resurrectionists #1 by Fred Van Lente and Maurizio Rosenzweig (Nov 12).
+BPRD: Hell on Earth #125 by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and James Harren (Nov 19).
+Tomb Raider #10 by Gail Simone, Rhianna Pratchett and Derlis Santacruz (Nov 26).

+Angry Birds/Transformers #1 by John Barber, Marcelo Ferreira and Livio Ramondelli (Nov 12).
+Ragnorok #3 by Walter Simonson (Nov 12).
+Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #40 by Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman and Mateus Santolouco (Nov 12).
+Transformers #35 by John Barber and Andrew Griffith (Nov 12).
+Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #6 by Louise Simonson and Derek Charm (Nov 19).
+Shadow Show #1 by Joe Hill, Jason Ciaramella and Charles Wilson III (Nov 26).

+Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 by Peter Milligan and Cary Nord (Valiant, Nov 5).
+John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1 by Ron Marz and Abhishek Malsuni (Dynamite, Nov 5).
+Terrible Lizard #1 by Cullen Bunn and Drew Moss (Oni, Nov 5).
+Deep State #1 by Justin Jordan and Ariela Kristantina (Boom!, Nov 12).
+Afterlife with Archie #7 by Roberto Aguirre Sacasa, Francesco Francavilla and Jack Morelli (Archie, Nov 26).
+Capture Creatures #1 by Frank Gibson and Becky Dreistadt (Boom!, Nov 26).

Harley Quinn #11; written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti; pencils by Chad Hardin; colors by Alex Sinclair; published by DC Comics (27pts)
Grayson #3; written by Tim Seeley and Tom King; pencils by Mikel Janin; colors by Jeromy Cox; published by DC Comics (25 pts)
Batman #35; written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV; pencils by Greg Capullo, Danny Miki and Kelley Jones; colors by FCO Plascencia and Michelle Madsen; published by DC Comics (19 pts)
Here's How It Works
In the last week of the month (or earlier, if you're confident about your choices), any GAF member can send me a private message with their personal picks for the three best single issues released that month, from any publisher. These picks should be arranged in order of rank -- first, second, and third place -- and each ranking will be worth a specific point value. A first place ranking for a comic is worth 5 points; a second place is worth 3 points; a third place, 2 points. Then before next month's COMICS! OT goes live, I'll tally the results and point values from each ballot, and post the top three overall winners in the next OP as last month's, GAF-approved, best of the best. Then, maybe at the end of the year, we'll have a showdown between the year's top finishers or something similar.
A Sample Ballot
This is an example of how a sample ballot submitted by you might look. You don't have to use this formatting but I do ask that, however you send it to me, you are CLEAR on which comics you are voting for and in what order they are ranked.
Average GAF Member said:1st Place: "Super-Fun Team Adventures" #14 (Mystery Comics; story by Jack Johnson, art by John Jackson) [worth 5 points.]
2nd Place: "Children's Bedtime Stories, Only With Nudity and Cursing" #69 (Happy Puppy Publishing; story by Jane Doe, art by John Doelner) [worth 3 points.]
3rd Place: "Grimdark, Extreme, and McDarkerson" #474 (Amazing Comics; story & art by Smitty Smithengen) [worth 2 points.]
The Voting Rules
1. Only single issues released that month are to be considered for voting; no trade collections, and no "just caught up" considerations for issues released one/two/however many months ago. Sorry if this excludes you from the voting process, trade-only readers and mail-order folk. I didn't see any other way.
2. Each GAF member is allowed one ballot, and once that ballot has been cast you are done for the month. If an issue comes out and you think it's the best comic you've ever read or will ever read, but you already cast your vote the week before, that's too bad. In other words, there are no take-backs so VOTE THOUGHTFULLY.
3. Three comics per ballot, and no more. You could send me a list of the ten best comics that month, with full paragraph summaries on why you ranked them in what order; but in the end, I'm only going to tally points for the top three and ignore the rest. You CAN pick just one book as the best that month... but that one vote is still worth only 5 points.
4. No ties on the ballots, please. You have to pick three comics as the best that month, and you have to rank them "1st, 2nd, 3rd" so that I can assign points to each. If you're torn between two issues of two different series as the best that month, and you can't decide which one you loved more than the other, TRY.
5. To make things a bit easier on me when it comes to making the OP, I'm establishing a deadline for casting ballots of 6pm Eastern Standard Time on the last day of the month. You can cast your ballot at any time during the month that you wish; however once that deadline has passed, any ballots sent to me will be ignored.
6. Again, to make things easier I would prefer that your votes be cast via private message sent to me, rather than through an open post in the OT. In addition to keeping the voting process a secret, using the PM method means I won't have to search through thread pages for someone's vote posted as an afterthought to an unrelated discussion.
Failure to comply with any of the above rules MAY result in your ballot getting thrown out.
Other rules and stipulations may follow, but for now we'll roll with these for the first round and see how it goes. Have fun voting!

Spoilers. In the age of digital comics, they are increasingly becoming an issue in these threads, as the drive to be first to discuss the week's releases overrides common sense and good posting etiquette. So over the coming weeks and months, the members of Comic GAF will be collaborating on and will eventually be implementing a system of general rules for avoiding spoilers on new comics in the Comics OT thread. But for now, please abide by the temporary guidelines outlined below. And remember, you are being watched and judged by your peers.
1. Discussion of newly released comics that involves specific plot details shall be accompanied at all times by the appropriate use of the
tag function.
2. Direct posting of full-page images from newly released comics using the tags is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
3. Direct posting of images or spoilers from comics that have yet to be released is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
4. Covers, solicitation copy, and/or promotional materials shall not be considered spoilers and are allowed, unless their content involves specific plot details; in those cases, outgoing links with spoiler warnings should be used.
5. The unmarked posting of spoilers related to comics will be allowed after a period of one week (Wednesday to Wednesday) from that comic's release.[/b] ([u]NOTE:[/u] Longer? -Spike)
[b]6. Members of Comic GAF are expected at all times to exercise common sense and polite discretion as a matter of courtesy to fellow posters. I know, tough one.
7. If you are unsure of whether or not posting something would constitute a spoiler, err on the side of caution and use the [SPOILER] tags.[/b]
In short, don't be Stephanie Brown. Don't be... The Spoiler. For one thing, [b]you're[/b] not that loveable. >:|
Happy reading!
2. Direct posting of full-page images from newly released comics using the tags is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
3. Direct posting of images or spoilers from comics that have yet to be released is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
4. Covers, solicitation copy, and/or promotional materials shall not be considered spoilers and are allowed, unless their content involves specific plot details; in those cases, outgoing links with spoiler warnings should be used.
5. The unmarked posting of spoilers related to comics will be allowed after a period of one week (Wednesday to Wednesday) from that comic's release.[/b] ([u]NOTE:[/u] Longer? -Spike)
[b]6. Members of Comic GAF are expected at all times to exercise common sense and polite discretion as a matter of courtesy to fellow posters. I know, tough one.
7. If you are unsure of whether or not posting something would constitute a spoiler, err on the side of caution and use the [SPOILER] tags.[/b]
In short, don't be Stephanie Brown. Don't be... The Spoiler. For one thing, [b]you're[/b] not that loveable. >:|
Happy reading!