Eagerly awaiting.
Crrazy how Ubi will lose to their own game
Might as well cross post my thoughts on the game so far from the OT:
holy fuck I'm choking
What the hell is that freaky inside out head thing you guys keep posting is from? Is that a texture glitch in the game?
Hopefully, they get the message and will work on fixing the game.either way shit is going down. reviewers will praise it and Amirox will start his own french revolution.
or the game gets slammed hard.
ubi is in a bad pr moment here
Read and enjoy.What the hell is that freaky inside out head thing you guys keep posting is from? Is that a texture glitch in the game?
What the hell is that freaky inside out head thing you guys keep posting is from? Is that a texture glitch in the game?
HahahaReview parity with Assassins Creed 3?
7.8 only a few reviewers will dare to rate it below a 7.5.
Expecting a lot of, "It's a terrible, broken, piece of shit, 7.5/10" style reviews.
Repost from the other thread.
I'll bet IGN will mention some 'minor hiccups' in their review, before giving it 9.3
Guessing a metacritic of 85
I'm guessing 78 Metacritic. Lots of 'yeah performance sucks but the game is good 8/10', couple 'fuck performance game is amazing 10/10' and another few 'game sucks performance sucks 5/10'
I still expect 8s in spite of the bugs and framerate.
I bet 80-85.
Remember how kind reviewers were to AC3.
My guess over 82%.
Ubisoft + AC franchise + reviewers? I don't believe in lower meta scores.
I'm going for a solid 81, because critics can't resist giving The Ubisoft Game a passing grade.
10/10 with minor issue
Maybe it's turning into what it's like with movies where some negatively reviewed films are still really popular while you have smaller, less popular works that is adored by critics.Reviewers man... Are reviews really THAT important? Destinys reviews weren't that great, still sold a TON. I guess, Marketing and perception is way More important than reviews for a lot of "gamers".
What the hell is that freaky inside out head thing you guys keep posting is from? Is that a texture glitch in the game?