Football Thread 2014/15 |OT9| - How the Snitch stole all the banter

How many ways can the hive mind comment on Gaal?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
If your shit play it simple, stop faring about with it


il capo silenzioso
oh thank you for the reminder I forgot for some reason :p

so you aim to get 2-1 over the two legs

2-0 tomorrow

tough one
It really is, especially considering their defensive record (1 goal) and our shit finishing and defending

We are shit everywhere except the middle really
I don't know how anyone could have watched the finale of season 2 and continued with the show. That Freddy Krueger ending underground was unbelievable.
And pursuing a mass murderer with a crow bar, solo :lol


We're getting shat on.

Doesn't help that we're inviting so much pressure in ourselves because we can't pass the ball.
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