Xaero Gravity
The PS4 Theme has music. :O!
It's obvious they're sorting shit out. Give it some time before calling it on the theme.
Nothing shows up there. You preordered?
I will be calling them tomorrow to follow up with the manager and reference number I have. Fucking disaster and liars.
The PS4 Theme has music. :O!
Dude, calm down. I am sure you will get it sorted out. Jesus.Fucking disaster and liars.
Go under your account to your download list and select "download to my ps4"
Originally yes, but Byron was told directly by senior Sony support that it would be available for EVERYONE who bought the game tonight.
Oh my God it's been a few hours. You can wait a few days for a free theme of all things Jesus, clearly they're having technical issues and aren't intentionally lying to you.
You even got the game cheaper than the rest of us to boot.
No one will know the answer to this.When's the latest I can switch to Tank controls and still be eligible for the trophy?
And your constant "fucks" "liars" etc is really doing a ton as well.Thanks for the help! Real helpful stuff you're saying there.
what's that theme look like...they have previews now right? lol...the themes available for sale are laughable bad.
Thanks for the help! Real helpful stuff you're saying there.
Wait, you didn't get the theme? I thought they said everyone was supposed to get it due to the error. I hope you guys don't get screwed out of it after all this.=...(
Wait, you didn't get the theme? I thought they said everyone was supposed to get it due to the error. I hope you guys don't get screwed out of it after all this.
I searched the Vita store for Grim Fandango and nothing came up, can I only get it from the web store for now?
Thanks for the help! Real helpful stuff you're saying there.
Got the theme, but having the same issues as a lot of people (game can't download because it says start).
Theme is really good though, one of the better ones released so far;
Any way to change the voice language in the Steam version? Portuguese version defaults to spanish audio and there's no language tab under steam properties :C
16 hours left...
What. The. Fuck.
I'm on a wired 100mps connection.
I shouldn't have bought it until I knew the theme would be provided. Will likely get a refund in the morning if it doesn't pan out.
I searched the Vita store for Grim Fandango and nothing came up, can I only get it from the web store for now?
So... has any vita owner got it to show up on the download list yet?
I wasn't going to say anything but now I can't hold it in any longer: you sir are being a drama queen.
I wasn't going to say anything but now I can't hold it in any longer: you sir are being a drama queen.
16 hours left...
What. The. Fuck.
I'm on a wired 100mps connection.
I shouldn't have bought it until I knew the theme would be provided. Will likely get a refund in the morning if it doesn't pan out.
It's beautiful @_@
Webstore install worked for me after deleting the preload. Got the game to load up.
Too bad I have work to do tonight.
16 hours left...
What. The. Fuck.
I'm on a wired 100mps connection.
I shouldn't have bought it until I knew the theme would be provided. Will likely get a refund in the morning if it doesn't pan out.
I went back to the web store and now the page says "Choose a version"
And when I click that it has 2 different options for downloading to PS4.
Which one do I pick?
Sophie's Choice.
Just use the web store download list.LOL.
I went back to the web store and now the page says "Choose a version"
And when I click that it has 2 different options for downloading to PS4.
Which one do I pick?
Choose wisely.
Seriously don't fuck this up bananafactory. You get one shot at this!