‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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I'm so ready for tonight's ep!

So this episode coming on tonight seems to introduce a new type of enemy... should shake things up and make things more interesting. The writing was on the walls last episode.

Guess we'll see. I don't expect it so soon but you could be right.
What was that book about eating worms again.



Oh my god, water is not that hard to find in Georgia. There are rivers and creeks everywhere.

There's a unwritten three water sources at a time rule. If any more water sources show up, the other water source is dried up or drained two/three episodes later.


He was some of the heart and soul of the group. Very passionate dude. Yeah he was a punk ass a lot of the time, but still, good character.

Heart and soul?

I wouldn't say that.

He was another guy and he was another guy who was nice but didn't do much than eventually die.

We've had those before. We're surely have them to come.


That shot reminded me- what ever happened to the traveling zombie hordes plot point?

They're moving moving moving.

They come and go.

Kinda like the ones following now, they gather as they see something or think one is following something and then as they build in number keep going to form mega herds perhaps.

They just keep going and going and going....
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