coming back to the pics that tyrese was staring at.
Im pretty sure that Noah said he had twin brothers, as in 2 brothers as well as him. The pictures only showed 2 people and tyrese figured that there was Noah and his brother (who's dead on the bed), so he was safe, but actually there are 3 in total and then he turns round and the third little brother is there and chomps him.
Noah didn't look anything like the two twin brothers. I'm sure Tyrese wasn't thinking that. Also, he heard one of them when he was walking down the hall. By the time he saw the pictures he knew one was dead on the bed and figured the other was a walker in the house itself.
I think there continues to be a lesson in all of this.
Rick wakes up to a world that has shed its kindness, its hope. Shane is the teacher, showing that aggression and cold-blooded thinking is the surest path to survival. And Rick learns the lesson: when Shane opens the barn door, Rick shoots once... Sophia.
The next lesson is at the prison. A measure of safety, a chance to attempt a new normal. Rick is on the edge of crazy, but oddly enough it's the Governor's aggressiveness that returns Rick to leadership. The lesson is paid in blood again: there is no safety, there is no normal.
This year we've seen that you can't relax. You can't think about the future. A moment's hesitation kills both Dawn and Beth. Senseless? Yes, but again, shit happens when you lower your guard. While Rick and Michonne and Glenn chat about heading to Washington, about starting to hope again, and thinking of the future, one of their own is bitten.
At this point you have to ask why Rick, a former sheriff, doesn't have a better structure setup for handling these situations. Ty shouldn't have been left alone with Noah, who is basically defenseless. Leave Michonne and Ty with him, then Rick and Glenn forage. Always in pairs, always two warriors together. But it's the symbolism. The despair is meant to be a character, squashing hopes and dreams. It's bleak. For those who say it makes no sense, that's the point.
You fight, you survive, until you don't. There is nothing else. Hershel taught us this: "you go outside, you risk your life..."
For Ty it was taking a look at family pictures before clearing the house.
I think there continues to be a lesson in all of this.
Rick wakes up to a world that has shed its kindness, its hope. Shane is the teacher, showing that aggression and cold-blooded thinking is the surest path to survival. And Rick learns the lesson: when Shane opens the barn door, Rick shoots once... Sophia.
The next lesson is at the prison. A measure of safety, a chance to attempt a new normal. Rick is on the edge of crazy, but oddly enough it's the Governor's aggressiveness that returns Rick to leadership. The lesson is paid in blood again: there is no safety, there is no normal.
This year we've seen that you can't relax. You can't think about the future. A moment's hesitation kills both Dawn and Beth. Senseless? Yes, but again, shit happens when you lower your guard. While Rick and Michonne and Glenn chat about heading to Washington, about starting to hope again, and thinking of the future, one of their own is bitten.
At this point you have to ask why Rick, a former sheriff, doesn't have a better structure setup for handling these situations. Ty shouldn't have been left alone with Noah, who is basically defenseless. Leave Michonne and Ty with him, then Rick and Glenn forage. Always in pairs, always two warriors together. But it's the symbolism. The despair is meant to be a character, squashing hopes and dreams. It's bleak. For those who say it makes no sense, that's the point.
You fight, you survive, until you don't. There is nothing else. Hershel taught us this: "you go outside, you risk your life..."
For Ty it was taking a look at family pictures before clearing the house.
TWD threads on neogaf have turned into a Daryl/Michonne fanclub, and if they aren't putting down 3 dozen zombies in an episode, it's THE WORST EPISODE EVAR OMGEE. Just go watch Z-Nation on SyFy. It's got all the zombie thrills you psychos desperately and singularly crave for.
I enjoyed the episode, and so did my wife. She said it's one of the best episodes she saw. Only negative aspect I agree with is the ninja zombie kid, but to be fair Ty was fixated on that picture to pay attention to his surroundings.
Hmm... so this week's @midnight Wednesday episode featured Lauren Cohan, Josh McDermitt and Robert Kirkman. One of the topics was fake spoilers, a segment allowing them to partially liberate themselves of keeping secrets in their head all the time, but not really, since they ones they'll be revealing are totally fake.
Kirkman says his fake spoiler is [Comics]
a character named Negan getting introduced and bashing in Glenn's head with a bat named Lucille. Guess that means it won't be happening on the show, unless he's doing some next level trolling!
Hmm... so this week's @midnight Wednesday episode featured Lauren Cohan, Josh McDermitt and Robert Kirkman. One of the topics was fake spoilers, a segment allowing them to partially liberate themselves of keeping secrets in their head all the time, but not really, since they ones they'll be revealing are totally fake.
Kirkman says his fake spoiler is [Comics]
a character named Negan getting introduced and bashing in Glenn's head with a bat named Lucille. Guess that means it won't be happening on the show, unless he's doing some next level trolling!
TWD threads on neogaf have turned into a Daryl/Michonne fanclub, and if they aren't putting down 3 dozen zombies in an episode, it's THE WORST EPISODE EVAR OMGEE. Just go watch Z-Nation on SyFy. It's got all the zombie thrills you psychos desperately and singularly crave for.
I enjoyed the episode, and so did my wife. She said it's one of the best episodes she saw. Only negative aspect I agree with is the ninja zombie kid, but to be fair Ty was fixated on that picture to pay attention to his surroundings.
I am generally pretty positive about TWD, I just miss the suspense factor, where someone could just die at any moment. Now any character can die, but only after a dedicated episode out of the blue which explains what there outlook on life is and how it relates to their upcoming death. It's starting to get obvious, which is what I don't want, I want to be surprised. I mean when michonne hit that rebar stuck in the zombies neck in the episode, there was no sense of danger that she would get bit.
I made the mistake of watching my PVR'd Better Caul Saul first, and since it starts recording about 60 secs early I happened to catch (of all scenes) the grave marker with Tyreese' hat on it.
TWD threads on neogaf have turned into a Daryl/Michonne fanclub, and if they aren't putting down 3 dozen zombies in an episode, it's THE WORST EPISODE EVAR OMGEE. Just go watch Z-Nation on SyFy. It's got all the zombie thrills you psychos desperately and singularly crave for.
ive never seen one single gafer complaining about lack of zombies.
usually people complain about episodes that are BORING which happens too much for a show this size. And what makes an episode boring?
- deep talk
- characters being incredibly stupid
- deep talk
- blank stares
- full episode goes, story dosent move forward
- characters being incredibly stupid and annoying
- full season goes, story dosent move forward
- stealth zombies
I wish they focused on survival. Food, water, ammo. You can have a whole season of a really dynamic show without a single zombie if they focused on this points.
But no.
Everyday is deep talk, rick dosent know if he is a good guy anymore, someone on the group makes something stupid, stealth zombie
I just can't stand it when they start talking about life. Like that scene in the car with Tyreese and Noah for example. There are several of those littered throughout, and it just brings the pace to a halt. Hate it.
I just can't stand it when they start talking about life. Like that scene in the car with Tyreese and Noah for example. There are several of those littered throughout, and it just brings the pace to a halt. Hate it.
it shatters ratings every year, no one is getting tired lol. What are they gonna talk about new music, new movies, all those fun things they're doing, what happened at work, weekend plans?
Not saying the writing couldn't be better for those scenes but the scenes themselves are understandable. It makes the lighter moments carry more weight imo. Like pudding eating and comic book talk.
I've long accepted the show for the soap opera that it is. The vast majority of the time, nothing important can or will happen.
The pacing of the show could still be a lot better. Tyreese's hallucinations took way too long, so much so that they lost impact.
But really, the main thing that annoys is the "ninja zombie" trope they keep rolling out. These aren't clever beings. They're not sneaky, or able to "play dead." So when they're employed it just feels really, really cheap.
The episode was written by Heather Bellson (5.5 "Self Help" - the one where at the end we learn that Eugene's story is a lie) and was directed by Julius Ramsay (4.12 "Still" - The Daryl/Beth episode).
Guest stars for The Talking Dead are:
Lauren Cohan (Maggie)
Robin Lord Taylor (the Penguin from Gotham)
Seth Gilliam (Gabriel)
avoiding to read anything so i just searched the post reply button...
I'm catching up with the walking dead and HOLY shit at Season 3 Episode 4, shit really hit the fan there. I really hope they have a masterplan for this series and don't plan to milk it to death with endless seasons and end it when the numbers going bad.
I really hope they have a masterplan for this series and don't plan to milk it to death with endless seasons and end it when the numbers going bad. if the numbers ever go bad.
The Walking Dead comics are still going strong - it's of the most popular comic series out there in fact - with no end in sight. The TV show is one of the most popular shows on TV. It's insanely profitable. It's one of the hottest IPs in entertainment right now and it's not going anywhere. Unless something dire happens with the cast, we're guaranteed at least 5 more seasons.
There's really no reason for them to end it either - the "story" is merely the continuing survival of these characters - namely Rick and Carl. The "story" could conceivably run for decades until Rick is an old man. And why not?
They do have an idea of how they want to end things, but there's really no rush to get there.
looked at Kirkman with a surprised, almost anxious look on her face; maybe she's thinking they will do what you suggested. Either way, he caught even the cast by surprise when he said what he said, no doubt.
ive never seen one single gafer complaining about lack of zombies.
usually people complain about episodes that are BORING which happens too much for a show this size. And what makes an episode boring?
- deep talk
- characters being incredibly stupid
- deep talk
- blank stares
- full episode goes, story dosent move forward
- characters being incredibly stupid and annoying
- full season goes, story dosent move forward
- stealth zombies
I wish they focused on survival. Food, water, ammo. You can have a whole season of a really dynamic show without a single zombie if they focused on this points.
But no.
Everyday is deep talk, rick dosent know if he is a good guy anymore, someone on the group makes something stupid, stealth zombie
Thank God you're not a writer for the show. I can see it now. This week on The Walking Dead the group once again searches for canned goods. Luckily the all make perfectly wise decisions and safely gather the goods without any useless conversation. Tune in next week as they all stay perfectly on guard for the entire episode while looking for ammo.
Hopefully they fortify a place soon. I much preferred the Walking Dead when they were focused on surviving in a place and trying to make a living and not wandering around aimlessly.
Hopefully they fortify a place soon. I much preferred the Walking Dead when they were focused on surviving in a place and trying to make a living and not wandering around aimlessly.
So this episode coming on tonight seems to introduce a new type of enemy... should shake things up and make things more interesting. The writing was on the walls last episode.