Maybe it was the story he wrote about a UK journalist not disclosing her relations to Square -Enix when hyping up the original Tomb Raider remake? The UK journalist in question pulled out the libel card and Rab got fired from Eurogamer.
Or am I thinking of a different guy?
I keep forgetting we are on GAF. Where a genuine question wondering how people spend their working day translates in to "those lazy fuckers are sat on their arse all day!"
Dan and Alex are in a similar number of Quick Looks. Dan has written more reviews this year. Alex posts trailers. However, Dan also podcasts for 3 hours a week and runs (at least) two premium series and an extra premium podcast. If you broke it down to raw numbers and one of them had to be laid off - which would you choose?
Rab's making movies now. I'm pretty sure that's his main passion and career direction. He recently released a fantastic little indie horror (filmed for under a grand) called The House Of Him. Easily one of the most interesting films I watched last year. Fair warning: it is very much not a comedy.
A misogynistic masked killer prepares for the routine slaying of his 27th victim, Anna, in the comfort of his own home. As Anna struggles to break out of the role the killer has chosen for her, the dead women in the walls and floors play a last desperate card.
oh man I'd love Rab Florence to get the gig but hasn't he got a family? Doubt he'd up and move from Scotland to New York
Seems pretty entrenched with the local gaming scene there too
Crazy tech like and internet connection and a microphone.
GB is doing a commentary track on Rocky 4 on the same day as is releasing a commentary track on the movie Brazil...
Two worlds! hahaha
LPs isn't just screaming into a mic. Actually playing the game doesn't take too long, it's the editing, community interaction, forming contacts and outsourcing other kinds of work (like graphics design and theme music), dealing with companies (getting asked to do special functions or appearances, requesting review copies, talking with YouTube/ad companies to get pay in order), designing and setting up merchandise and expanding the brand. Let's Play'ers work a full 8 hours just like everyone else and it's not all fun.
Seriously though, how much goddamn free time do you have to consume the amount of content that came out recently?
Seriously though, how much goddamn free time do you have to consume the amount of content that came out recently?
just having to constantly commentate and keep people entertained during the slow parts of any game is actually pretty tough. I admire LPers who can keep a full LP consistently fun to watch even during "boring" or "slow" parts. talking while playing is also incredibly hard.
Seriously though, how much goddamn free time do you have to consume the amount of content that came out recently?
Seriously though, how much goddamn free time do you have to consume the amount of content that came out recently?
too lazy to look for the bombast thread. the whole talk about RDR's ending was great.
too lazy to look for the bombast thread. the whole talk about RDR's ending was great.
What's the time stamp for that talk?
What's the time stamp for that talk?
If you guys want even more bedroom content, Danny's got you covered
Hearing how they talked about RDR again made me realise that I need to stop fucking around. Ordered both Red Dead games shortly after.
I'm waiting for the Red Dead Redemption remastered edition. Gonna take a while![]()
I'm waiting for the Red Dead Redemption remastered edition. Gonna take a while![]()
Hm, I missed this announcement. On the other hand, who knows when/if I'm buying a PS4.
there was no announcement
well that explains it
so just a rumour, I presume?
Not even
Yea sometimes I flip my brain in corporate mode and wonder why on earth are Vinny and Alex getting paid for literally two Quick Looks a week.
I'm sure they'll pick up speed once their studio is done but also at the same time I wonder how much of a shock it'll be to finally have to work.
And, yes, I know it's not a 1:1 fair comparison but there are YouTubers making single handedly more money with tons of more content than GB combined and they work with a simple home setup. If a YouTuber can do 1080p/60 videos with a $150 Blue Yeti and a $300 capture card connected to a PC the two people doing an hours worth of content a week with a higher budget makes me scratch my head.
I just have no clue how inefficiently they spend their 8 hrs a day...
Hearing how they talked about RDR again made me realise that I need to stop fucking around. Ordered both Red Dead games shortly after.
I'm waiting for the Red Dead Redemption remastered edition. Gonna take a while![]()
If you didn't pickup the GOTY edition you should also get Undead Nightmare, it's basically the B movie spin off of Red Dead and it has a good chunk of new content as well.
You should just ask us rather than wonder. There are no secret conspiracies happening. What do you want to know?
You should just ask us rather than wonder. There are no secret conspiracies happening. What do you want to know?
You should just ask us rather than wonder. There are no secret conspiracies happening. What do you want to know?
If you didn't pickup the GOTY edition you should also get Undead Nightmare, it's basically the B movie spin off of Red Dead and it has a good chunk of new content as well.
Really sad, but he led a long eventful life.
You should just ask us rather than wonder. There are no secret conspiracies happening. What do you want to know?