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Fighting Games Weekly | Mar 2-8 | Capcom does the Monster Nash

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I said unduly though :p
Playing against legit Ram players is terror incarnate- would rather go back to marvel and fight Morridoom than deal with Ram.
I'd even rather fight Elph!

Random aside: do ya'll think street fighter or a game very similar to street fighter could work with a three button scheme (think light, medium, heavy- no separate punch/buttons). By 'work' I mean 'play similarly while losing minimal meaningful complexity.' In SF4, how many legit useful normals does the average character have?

I feel like most characters have normals that are only useful in super-specific circumstances.

The other day I just figured out that Elena j.lp is really useful against close-range divekicks.

I mean that's probably the case with a lot of jumping lights tho.


loves Arcade Sticks
In regards to new DB movie trailer.

(my thoughts and opinion only)
I think Gohan can go SSJ without fear of blowing up the world because his 'mystic' upgrade probably waned in this time of peace. Gohan is soft. Just like he was soft prior to Majin Buu.

In regards to Goku not going SSJ. It's just a trailer. I'm sure we'll see him go SSJ or maybe even SSG in the new movie. Bet it.

The real question is.



do ya'll think street fighter or a game very similar to street fighter could work with a three button scheme (think light, medium, heavy- no separate punch/buttons). By 'work' I mean 'play similarly while losing minimal meaningful complexity.' In SF4, how many legit useful normals does the average character have?
You would need a lot of command normals to make it work and even then you would probably need to make it 4 buttons instead of 3 and have some inputs be double (like LP + HP).

So let's say I want to translate Guile into 4 buttons (A and B are LP, HP, C and D are LK and HK), here's how I would do it:

cr.LP : Same
St.LP : Same
j.LP : Same

cr.HP : 3B
f+HP : Same
st.HP : Same
j.HP : Same

St. MP : 4B
cr.MP : 2B
j.MP : In the air, 4B
Overhead : A + B

cr.LK : Same
back + LK : Same
st.LK : Same
j.LK : Same

cr.MK : 3D
st.MK : C + D
back MK : 4D
j.MK : In the air, 4D

cr.HK : Same
st.HK: Same
back HK : 4 C + D
j.HK: Same
d/f HK : Same

Things will probably get a bit weird with close normals but still doable using a similar format.


yata is a sf style footsie based game with essentially 4 buttons. there are a healthy amount of command normals and everyones sweep is df+hk or hp for sword girls.

i dno how that really affects the game tho.


Might have an impact on some forms of option select but if user error is taken out of the equation then it shouldn't be a problem.


Define the average character

I assume if you watched enough high level matches of every character against a variety of other characters, you could hammer it out statistically. Like you could literally count how many different normals Guile used in a match over many matches and average it out. Then do the same for every other character and average that data to get some idea of many normals are really used per character per match on average. Of course, this would be a pain in the ass and I doubt anyone will ever do it- I asked it more to get people's general sense of how many normals you really need to have a 'complete' character in a street fighter-esque footsie-based fighter.

You could but it requires command normals

I assume it'd be at least 3 each (l, m, and h) of standing, crouching, and command normals.


Man, I'm mostly an online warrior.
I've been trying to play GG in MD for years, but time and money always an issue for me. I know people in the MD/VA group say its no excuse, but getting to Arbutus is a crazy struggle.

The Baltimore OGs got that old school arcade mentality, set your mind to something and make it work. Like Yoda to Luke, "Do. Or do not." Limit your mind to a single path and your brain will work out the way.

Time and money are legit concerns, especially after the recession. There's a lot less of either now a days. But what they are trying to get at is: Do you make these concerns obstacles to be overcome, or do you make them excuses to be lazy?

It's not too uncommon to see a new face walk through the door with something about how they spent the last couple of years working their ass off for a promotion so they could have the time/money to make it to Xanadu, or how they finished all their assignments and have kept ahead of their classes so they could have the time.

Is this something you want to pursue? I don't know what your situation is, but do or do not, just don't be half way about it. Being irresolute is just a waste of time and energy. You pop a quarter in to a machine, lose the first round and find out your roundhouse button is busted? You step away from the machine, it ain't gonna give you back a dime. You stay on for the whole quarter and make it work.

Xanadu isn't the only place to play. There's also CFAS in Manassas VA, and CoinUp in Waldorf MD. And between all the travel to and from Baltimore and NoVA, you may be able to find a ride with someone.

I need to pick up a bunch of new characters to help fill out some matchups we're missing in Maryland, so you might see me online more. I'm a free agent till Johnny is in.

LOL he could have killed you but he derped out. That ending though xD

Pretty sure guard damage is what killed

It did, but I passed through to the other side and that caused him to drop his FD.


Lets be real, almost every character was decent until Z happened. Hell, Yamcha was actually bearable, now he's a hasbeen.

master roshi was one of the strongest dudes in the world still and actually provided story use besides being a gimmick pervert
krillin was actually a rival for goku to some degree and usually kept up with someone who was wildly beyond his leagues naturally

yamcha had a real character arc which is fucking insane


The Baltimore OGs got that old school arcade mentality, set your mind to something and make it work. Like Yoda to Luke, "Do. Or do not." Limit your mind to a single path and your brain will work out the way.

Time and money are legit concerns, especially after the recession. There's a lot less of either now a days. But what they are trying to get at is: Do you make these concerns obstacles to be overcome, or do you make them excuses to be lazy?

It's not too uncommon to see a new face walk through the door with something about how they spent the last couple of years working their ass off for a promotion so they could have the time/money to make it to Xanadu, or how they finished all their assignments and have kept ahead of their classes so they could have the time.

Is this something you want to pursue? I don't know what your situation is, but do or do not, just don't be half way about it. Being irresolute is just a waste of time and energy. You pop a quarter in to a machine, lose the first round and find out your roundhouse button is busted? You step away from the machine, it ain't gonna give you back a dime. You stay on for the whole quarter and make it work.

Xanadu isn't the only place to play. There's also CFAS in Manassas VA, and CoinUp in Waldorf MD. And between all the travel to and from Baltimore and NoVA, you may be able to find a ride with someone.

I need to pick up a bunch of new characters to help fill out some matchups we're missing in Maryland, so you might see me online more. I'm a free agent till Johnny is in.

It did, but I passed through to the other side and that caused him to drop his FD.

What matchups are MD missing? And once I get my months paid and back in the black you can expect to see me around in April. (unless I find a ride earlier)


What matchups are MD missing? And once I get my months paid and back in the black you can expect to see me around in April. (unless I find a ride earlier)

Now that I think about it, if you look at it from someone starting on Xrd, we're pretty much missing every single matchup except Zato. Which is good because every tournament has a Zato in it. Everyone else is either a noob with their character, or they haven't come out enough to provide enough experience. I guess we also have the Slayer matchup, but everyone keeps telling me how much they hate fighting Slayer. I think they're getting more the Me matchup than the Slayer matchup.

Picking up Faust, I-No, Leo, Millia, and a Ky that isn't Steve H's is on my roadmap. We seem to be picking up a lot of new blood, relatively speaking. So my load may get lightened.

Mr. X

You can have a 3 button fighter. You need to decide what zones the normals cover.

Ryu is essentially crmk, crhp, cr/stlk. Every other normal is filler they've been trying to give a use to in since sf2.


but everyone keeps telling me how much they hate fighting Slayer. I think they're getting more the Me matchup than the Slayer matchup.

Weird. Honestly if anything, Leo's the scrub killer in this game compared to Slayer, even if they're both bad. Probably the You matchup.


I think most chars can find uses for a lot of their buttons in SF games guys. You're oversimplifying tool sets I think ;w;

Also a 3 button fighter already exists! It's called Akatsuki Blitzkampf.

I like the format of 3 different strength buttons, and then a fourth "special mechanic" button.

French Bread?


Now that I think about it, if you look at it from someone starting on Xrd, we're pretty much missing every single matchup except Zato. Which is good because every tournament has a Zato in it. Everyone else is either a noob with their character, or they haven't come out enough to provide enough experience. I guess we also have the Slayer matchup, but everyone keeps telling me how much they hate fighting Slayer. I think they're getting more the Me matchup than the Slayer matchup.

Picking up Faust, I-No, Leo, Millia, and a Ky that isn't Steve H's is on my roadmap. We seem to be picking up a lot of new blood, relatively speaking. So my load may get lightened.

Well I play Faust.
Just need to get out there.


I like the format of 3 different strength buttons, and then a fourth "special mechanic" button.

Jojo was the first to do this, no? Four buttons is nice because pad players can play using the four face buttons on any standard pad and stick players can leave their hand on four buttons naturally and not ever have to reposition (i.e., where L M H and S are on the default mvc3 layout)


I think most chars can find uses for a lot of their buttons in SF games guys. You're oversimplifying tool sets I think ;w;

Also a 3 button fighter already exists! It's called Akatsuki Blitzkampf.

French Bread?
I can't believe some random fighter was mentioned over VF as far as 3 button fighters go...


I was assuming we were talking 2D. If I'm not mistaken there are a couple 3 button fighters in the 3D world.


Neo Member
I think most chars can find uses for a lot of their buttons in SF games guys. You're oversimplifying tool sets I think ;w;

Also a 3 button fighter already exists! It's called Akatsuki Blitzkampf.

French Bread?
ABK's the only 2D fighter that's 3 buttons that even comes to mind. There's stuff like UNIEL and Melty but those have a 4th button that serves special functions.

I can't believe some random fighter was mentioned over VF as far as 3 button fighters go...

VF doesn't have a tank.
Jojo was the first to do this, no? Four buttons is nice because pad players can play using the four face buttons on any standard pad and stick players can leave their hand on four buttons naturally and not ever have to reposition (i.e., where L M H and S are on the default mvc3 layout)
I believe Last blade also had 4 buttons. I think the last button was a charge move only or something..
I believe Last blade also had 4 buttons. I think the last button was a charge move only or something..

Light Slash, Heavy Slash, Kick, and Deflect

Real Bout did the "3 attacks + special button" thing too with A = Punch, B = Kick, C = strong attack, D = jump to the background/foreground
Reading back through the thread, and finding the actual topic, I still can't believe there's gonna be a new Clayfighter...

in 2015

Like if you told me a couple years ago that we'd be getting Clayfighter before a Marvel patch, I would've laughed at you. Like, serious belly laughter. But now? I'm just at a loss for words. Right now, even, I'm struggling to put together a coherent sentence describing how astonished I am about this news.

Completely mind-boggling.


Reading back through the thread, and finding the actual topic, I still can't believe there's gonna be a new Clayfighter...

in 2015

Like if you told me a couple years ago that we'd be getting Clayfighter before a Marvel patch, I would've laughed at you. Like, serious belly laughter. But now? I'm just at a loss for words. Right now, even, I'm struggling to put together a coherent sentence describing how astonished I am about this news.

Completely mind-boggling.

lmao clay fighter is a fucking interplay property too

between new KI and new clay fighter what the fuck is going on

and MK revival and who even knows what's next
lmao clay fighter is a fucking interplay property too

between new KI and new clay fighter what the fuck is going on

and MK revival and who even knows what's next

The second fighting game boom is upon us. I wonder how long before the next crash hits and it's nothing but anime again tho


ABK's the only 2D fighter that's 3 buttons that even comes to mind. There's stuff like UNIEL and Melty but those have a 4th button that serves special functions.

VF doesn't have a tank.

So Akatsuki vs Waku Waku 7 for game of the century?


Here I know you guys like stuff like this so here's a thing to muse over today:

So, with P4U2 and DFC and even BBCP, I've noticed a trend in tier lists. There usually tends to be a small S+ tier of 2-3 chars, then a pretty big and wide S/A tier. In P4U2 you can see 10~ characters in the tier right outside of god tier, in DFC there are 2 S+ tier characters then like 6 S tiers. In BBCP2, you normally see like 3~ god tiers, then people will just throw anywhere from 6-10 chars in the next tier. It's usually because chars in teh 2nd tier are clearly strong but all fall into comparable strength.

Soooooo, how do people feel about that? Is it cause those gaps are smaller currently or people who make tier lists are just less strict these days?


The issue there is what the letters mean in tier lists aren't consistent from game to game, so it's meaningless.


It's not the letters, it's just the "2nd tier" or even the "3rd tiers" seem to be getting more characters in them lately.
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