Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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I'm afraid I've got some bad news
is he moving up or is the background scrolling downwards


The Unreal Tournament Unfinished bought back so many memories. MY favourite shooter of all time, and I'm glad of the return of the king. The textured map (the on developed by Epic) is graphically very impressive. I like the aesthetic more than UT3.
Cannot stand Dan in the latest MGS: Scanlon. One more of these and im out.

To what are you referring about with Dan's behavior? Not saying I'd disagree, because I felt the same a little. I wish he would just shut up sometimes, and not think he needs to explain every fucking thing to Drew, or to just constantly tell Drew why something is cool, and just let him enjoy it and appreciate it in his own way.


I find it amusing that over these three series I've noticed a lot of
"Drew is bad at the game and Dan is not telling him what to do"
and a lot of
"Dan is telling him too much, telling him what to do and is too excited about this, how annoying"
then by the end of the series people want them to do a play through of the next game immediately, while singing the series' praises.

Anyways, we all know Drew wouldn't try any of the weird crap in this series or explore that much without Dan urging him to do it.


I don't see an issue with Dan's "advice" so far he is just telling Drew to try things he hasn't tried yet and reminding him to use the codec, search areas, climb trees and change camo. He did not tell him how to deal with the ocelot unit until they were down to one and he wanted Drew to learn how to slit throats.


the problem is every time i'm like 'dan should shut up!' drew seems like he wouldn't actually find anything on his own without mucking around for a while

like if dan didn't prompt him, i don't know that drew would bother codec calling anyone since he seems more focused on getting to grips with the controls right now


Went ahead and bought the MGS HD collection on Vita, I should be able to play them sometime next year with these PSN speeds


seriously though dan hit a perfect mix of keeping quiet in mgs2 but with a faint bit of of "UH UH UH I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING" facial expressions that let drew know to try doing something
Went ahead and bought the MGS HD collection on Vita, I should be able to play them sometime next year with these PSN speeds

the vita download speeds are especially egregious. it took me 90 minutes to download Luftrausers when it came out

that game was like 70mb


the vita download speeds are especially egregious. it took me 90 minutes to download Luftrausers when it came out

that game was like 70mb

I don't understand how it can quite be this bad? Fair enough today is the new PS+ games day so their servers may be a bit more loaded than normal, but it's seemingly always like this.
I feel like this thread has just gotten so depressing and negative lately. Not one day or one thing of content can go by without bitching. Beg and beg for something, then it comes out and then there’s nothing but bitching because it's not done exactly how they want. In the past week we've had people bitching and questioning Vinny and Alex even working, we've had people questioning how many vacation days Dan has taken because god forbid he sits out of a podcast, bitching about Drew getting help in MGS or the lack of content, bitching about D&D, and probably so much more.

The past 5-6 months we've gotten some of the best and most content we've seen since I've been following Giant Bomb but for fuck's sakes it seems like the bitching has come tenfold along with it. It's just seems like it has become so damn negative in here. I'd rather have non-stop creepy weekend GB at all times than the negative shit show it is now.

Sorry for the rant. It's just kind of depressing popping in this thread as of late.
I feel like this thread has just gotten so depressing and negative lately. Not one day or one thing of content can go by without bitching. Beg and beg for something, then it comes out and then there’s nothing but bitching because it's not done exactly how they want. In the past week we've had people bitching and questioning Vinny and Alex even working, we've had people questioning how many vacation days Dan has taken because god forbid he sits out of a podcast, bitching about Drew getting help in MGS or the lack of content, bitching about D&D, and probably so much more.

The past 5-6 months we've gotten some of the best and most content we've seen since I've been following Giant Bomb but for fuck's sakes it seems like the bitching has come tenfold along with it. It's just seems like it has become so damn negative in here. I'd rather have non-stop creepy weekend GB at all times than the negative shit show it is now.

Sorry for the rant. It's just kind of depressing popping in this thread as of late.

stop bitching


I feel like this thread has just gotten so depressing and negative lately. Not one day or one thing of content can go by without bitching. Beg and beg for something, then it comes out and then there’s nothing but bitching because it's not done exactly how they want. In the past week we've had people bitching and questioning Vinny and Alex even working, we've had people questioning how many vacation days Dan has taken because god forbid he sits out of a podcast, bitching about Drew getting help in MGS or the lack of content, bitching about D&D, and probably so much more.

The past 5-6 months we've gotten some of the best and most content we've seen since I've been following Giant Bomb but for fuck's sakes it seems like the bitching has come tenfold along with it. It's just seems like it has become so damn negative in here. I'd rather have non-stop creepy weekend GB at all times than the negative shit show it is now.

Sorry for the rant. It's just kind of depressing popping in this thread as of late.

This is a GAF thread about GB, you can't get more cynical than this.


To what are you referring about with Dan's behavior? Not saying I'd disagree, because I felt the same a little. I wish he would just shut up sometimes, and not think he needs to explain every fucking thing to Drew, or to just constantly tell Drew why something is cool, and just let him enjoy it and appreciate it in his own way.

What hooked me during the first two playthrough's was Dan's deep knowledge of the games and nuggets of information that he kept sharing as certain events unfolded. Most of the stuff had Drew being genuinly surprised as he tied it all together with "Do you remember how he/she mentioned.." With MGS3 it's a completely different scenario where it more seems like Dan should be the one who's playing, because he is overly excited about everything that is unfolding. It does not come across very well with spectators that can hear his every word, or with him being in the position he's in.

You won't be lol.

Probably not ;)

No hate though, i LOVE what these guys are doing. I just wont continue watching this specific piece if it continues down this path. :|


I feel like this thread has just gotten so depressing and negative lately. Not one day or one thing of content can go by without bitching. Beg and beg for something, then it comes out and then there’s nothing but bitching because it's not done exactly how they want. In the past week we've had people bitching and questioning Vinny and Alex even working, we've had people questioning how many vacation days Dan has taken because god forbid he sits out of a podcast, bitching about Drew getting help in MGS or the lack of content, bitching about D&D, and probably so much more.

The past 5-6 months we've gotten some of the best and most content we've seen since I've been following Giant Bomb but for fuck's sakes it seems like the bitching has come tenfold along with it. It's just seems like it has become so damn negative in here. I'd rather have non-stop creepy weekend GB at all times than the negative shit show it is now.

Sorry for the rant. It's just kind of depressing popping in this thread as of late.

I can understand that sentiment, but the best thing is probably to just go ahead and bring the positivity.

Let's try this:


See? Works! :D
I'll never stop bitching until they QL Senran Kagura

actually Estival Versus will be for PS4 so maybe there's still hope

just don't tell them it's a musou game


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Giant bomb's alright, nobody worry bout gb
why you gotta give gb a fight, can't you just let it be


Did anyone get around to trying that F2P game Drew ended up liking? Heroe's Charge. It's actually quite nice and has some features to make the grind not so much of a grind.
Did anyone get around to trying that F2P game Drew ended up liking? Heroe's Charge. It's actually quite nice and has some features to make the grind not so much of a grind.

Yeah, I've gotten kind of hooked on it. It's a decent (very) low focus passive game to play. I like that it just has enough of the grinding/loot aspect. After I've gotten a little farther though, I just don't know how balanced the heroes are. It seems like there's a pretty big consensus usually on who's the best heroes in any given situation.

I'm still mostly on Monster Strike though, that shit has been like crack for me.


seriously though dan hit a perfect mix of keeping quiet in mgs2 but with a faint bit of of "UH UH UH I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING" facial expressions that let drew know to try doing something

I think part of it is, like Dan has said, the fact that he has close to no recollection about MGS3 and its intricacies whereas he seemed much more intimately familiar with MGS2/1, knowing most of the secrets and when to get a good codec call and when a good/tense part was coming up. Now we just have someone who remembers things as they happen and so there is no tempered excitement just Dan blurting something out because he just remembered something.

It'll be interesting to see how it progresses as he said/tweeted that he was starting his own playthrough so maybe he'll catch up/pass Drew and remember most of the stuff that happens.
Did anyone get around to trying that F2P game Drew ended up liking? Heroe's Charge. It's actually quite nice and has some features to make the grind not so much of a grind.
i want to try it because its all dota heroes with their exact abilities

its basically dota 3
man home sure was


i remember making a female avatar and chilling in the movie theater that didnt show anything other than a paramore music video for the first twilight movie and tons of people would come and try to talk to me

oh god and the load times they were like a full minute
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