Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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I just remember logging into Home when it came out and your avatar had to wait in a virtual line to do certain things and I had never felt more pessimistic about the future of virtual hell
I just remember logging into Home when it came out and your avatar had to wait in a virtual line to do certain things and I had never felt more pessimistic about the future of virtual hell
Yeah, I remember logging in to bowl and waiting 2 minutes before deciding I would do other things. Wanted a fun dress up sim but the customization options were really limited by default. Wish they would have stuck with the original idea of having a trophy room where you could show off your trophies in a larger fashion but alas it never came to be.
So they're going to do that commentary thing for The Substitute right? I'm going to assume Dan and Drew just wanted to try the movie thing and Jeff wasn't available so they didn't want to do The Substitute without him.
I have no reverence for Dragon Ball (i've only seen a handful of episodes) but this actually looks pretty fun.

yeah this looks like an unexpectedly decent game. it looks like they basically took a Dynasty Warriors game and changed the actual fighting to something that more closely approximates DBZ.

even that combo chart that Vinny said he's never seen is 100% Dynasty Warriors


Xenoverse is the best DBZ game since Budokai 3 (not that this means much to anyone who isn't a fan of Dragon Ball and plays the games.)

It's basically a mix between a fighting game and a lite version of Destiny, complete with grinding for loot with an RNG that will screw you!


So they're going to do that commentary thing for The Substitute right? I'm going to assume Dan and Drew just wanted to try the movie thing and Jeff wasn't available so they didn't want to do The Substitute without him.

I hope they do Hunt for Red October.

They need to alternate between "new movies" for Drew and Dan (or any other people they want in on it)
its still weird seeing a MGS game coming to pc at all, even after GZ.

What was the last one... 2?
The only numbered MGS games that haven't seen a PC release are 3 & 4.

So the best and worst games of the series haven't come over.

I hope that they're working on getting the HD collection out on the PC before MGSV but I think they would've announced that by now.


Oh fuck yes... A new Wolfenstein game... Here's your chance to finally get on a GOTY list!

The 2014 game was criminally overlooked during the GOTY talks.


Enjoyed the quicklook. As a fan of the Budokai games who hasn't really been that interested in the subsequent entries of the DBZ video game series (Tenkaichi 2 is where I fell off) I have an inexplicable urge to play Xenoverse. Unfortunately, I heard there are some serious issues with the online stuff, which is what the main draw is for me.


Shit, I have to buy Dragonball Xenoverse. What version are they playing in the QL? Looks like it renders at a weird resolution, there's no weird shit like that going on with the PC version, right?
Man, that was such a good podcast.
8-4 worked on the localization for Baten Kaitos? I wonder if they were responsible for that terrible recorded-inside-a-paper-bag English voice acting as well?
They worked on Star Ocean IV too, VA wonder title, but I believe they didn't get input into the voice recording sessions (they've made comments to that effect before).


No, 8-4 did NOT work on the original Baten Kaitos with shit VO. They worked on the prequel Baten Kaitos Origins.
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