The Digital Network was fun, flying about fighting things (yeah still early, been distracted playing FFXIV mostly). Botamon is either at or near 200% scan and Punimon is at 200% scan just because I didn't want to exit the Network too soon (It was fun like I said haha)
edit: I am having such a hard time now deciding what Digimon to bring with me. I've even digivolved one to it's Baby 2/In-training stage (Pabumon -> Tanemon -> back to Pabumon) just so I can digivolve it to another form.
Currently I have (and this is early still, just after I
Party: Terriermon, Nyaromon, Koromon, Pukamon
Farm: Pabumon (Leader, used to be Nyaromon but I switched out Pabumon and put Nyaromon into my party), Poyomon (just converted him from scan data), Wanyamon (ワニャモン?) who I don't really know much about lol.
But yeah, it's going to be hard deciding who to have in my party and I foresee a lot of grinding for digivolution/devolution in the future.