NPD Sales Results for March 2015 [Up1: Nintendo numbers, PS4 placing]


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Now that Arkham Knight comes out just after E3, rather than just before it, it could be the first game to really benefit from hardware price drops. $50 price difference and free Halo games isn't doing it for Microsoft, so I expect they will initiate something. PS4 production has to be in a position where Sony could respond if they needed to.

I wonder if Battlefield is going to maintain a large enough audience on each platform to handle the premium vs. vanilla split. People buying the extra maps has to take a hit with Battlefront being out in seven months, guaranteed to have its own "premium" DLC. Doing that twice in one year still seems crazy to me, but I'm not as into multiplayer shooters anymore.

Yu Narukami

Yesh. Because why not? :p

What's this dish called? It looks delicious.


Mario Party fatigue never really happened. The series has always been a million-seller. In fact, Mario Party 8 is by far the best-selling one at 8 million. The fact that it took them five years to make another one after that is actually surprising... Or maybe not so much when you consider what happened to Hudson between those two games.

They released Wii Party between MP8 and 9, which sold really well worldwide but rather badly in the US (due to being a forced bundle with a regular Wiimote iirc).
I thought it was the other way around? I distinctly remembered COD Ghost being on Microsoft's E3 2013 presentation.

CoD was at MS's E3 2013 presentation, and so was Battlefield 4. Hardline showed up at Sony's presentation last year with a trailer and then there was the exclusive early beta put out on PSN during E3. (I forget if it was during EA or Sony's press conference)
What's this dish called? It looks delicious.

It is Singaporean Laksa. It is absolutely delicious.

CoD was at MS's E3 2013 presentation, and so was Battlefield 4. Hardline showed up at Sony's presentation last year with a trailer and then there was the exclusive early beta put out on PSN during E3. (I forget if it was during EA or Sony's press conference)

I believe the beta was during EA's conference.


type 0 did bad right? if so that makes me happy should have released a psp/vita version assholes.

Nah I'm thinking was the price point more so than lack of handheld SKU. While I didn't have any issue paying $60 for FF Type 0 alone j can see I'm in the extreme minority. I think if it had sold at $40 instead it would've sold significantly more copies


Can we have Advance Wars back now?

You're the reason everything announced is either a sequel, a port, or a sequel port of a remastered port sequel.

no, enjoy your two versions of the latest Fire Emblem instead :p

inb4 next Advance Wars also has two versions

I for one, would enjoy more of two of anything if they actually end up fully fledged games, especially Fire Emblem. :p
01: > 1000
02: < 390
04: < 270
10: > 200

Wow. Bloodborne exceeded my expectations.

DS2 : <350k 25 days
BB : <390k 12 days

Thats pretty astonishing. Outselling the predecessor despite it being on multi platforms, having twice the tracking period and having a considerably larger install base.

1: 43%
4: 40%

4: 79%
1: 21%

Bundle: 47%

Same as UK iirc. That could put ww totals 90%+ on PS4......yeah expect more PS4 exclusives from SE.

Isn't KH3 going to be even more skewed? Well the thing does sell 5 million so even with 5-10% of sales that should be enough to justify a XB1 port.

Mory Dunz

Can we have Advance Wars back now?

I wonder which Nintendo developer has the most fans... "pulling them from different directions". If you know what I mean.

For Int Sys, there's vocal groups for Advance Wars and Paper Mario especially. Then maybe Wario games. FE seems satiated. Kirby RPG?

For Next Level Games, there's Mario Strikers, Punch Out, LM2 for Wii U...?

For Retro, theres Metroid, new IP that is perfect in every way imagineable, help with/make Zelda, and more Donkey Kong

For Game Freak, there's Pokemon Stadium, Console Pokemon game, or a handheld pokemon but more open/3D, more pkmn stuff

And then the EAD groups with all the dormant IPs...

Just thinking outloud
Two of the top three games selling better on Xbox and PS4 sells more software for the month? Seems odd to me. I'm probably just not thinking through it properly. It's early.

Fake edit: oh Bloodborne sold more on PS4 than GTA did across all platforms? Ah that explains it.


BF : Hardline Xbone/PS4 sales gap is 3%. So, basicaly nothing.

3% is arbitrary. 3% of a million is 30,000 (which is nothing indeed) but 3% of a trillion is quite a bit. Let's not even get started on 3% of infinity!

(Percents are meaningless, I hate percents.)


Media Create Maven
Wait... Mario Party 8 did 314k in its opening month on Wii? Interesting... I realize it was selling for only 2 days, and then had a June like this: 01. Wii Mario Party 8 -- 426.2k (thanks to old GAF NPD threads :) ).

So didn't Mario Party 10 do really well considering it's on Wii U?

Also considering legs, it seems like that MP10 could at least outsell Mario Party: Island Tour (which I hear was pretty crappy even for a Mario Party game).

Year Platform Title Sales
(in Millions)
1998 Nintendo 64 Mario Party 2.70
1999 Nintendo 64 Mario Party 2 2.48
2000 Nintendo 64 Mario Party 3 1.91
2002 GameCube Mario Party 4 2.46
2003 GameCube Mario Party 5 2.15
2004 GameCube Mario Party 6 1.63
2005 GBA Mario Party Advance < 1 million
2005 GameCube Mario Party 7 2.04
2007 Wii Mario Party 8 8.85
2007 DS Mario Party DS 9.31
2012 Wii Mario Party 9 3.11
2013 3DS Mario Party: Island Tour 1.14
2015 Wii U Mario Party 10 Unreleased (already @ 410K sold w/ US + JP)
type 0 did bad right? if so that makes me happy should have released a psp/vita version assholes.

I kind of felt that the PS4/Xbone version should have been priced lower, like 10 or 20 dollars lower than its retail price.

it's called Laksa; a Malaysian spicy dish.

I thought Malaysian Laksa has a darker color to the soup like this one:

The one I linked earlier was Singaporean Laksa, which I've always recognized as having a much lighter (more milky/creamy) color to the soup.


Finally caught up:

  • Cream was really generous with the numbers this month
  • Bloodborne at 389k, amazing
  • OTOH poor Chobel </3
  • Type-0's ratio mirroring the UK, Kagari was right
Also considering legs, it seems like that MP10 could at least outsell Mario Party: Island Tour (which I hear was pretty crappy even for a Mario Party game).

And if it outsells Island Tour, it'll also be within spitting distance of some of the N64/GC titles. Warms the cockles of my heart to see the Wii U put up decent software numbers. By the end of the gen, the Wii U probably won't be a total wash, so it has that going for it, which is nice.


I meant to tone down my predictions for the 3DS family by about 15k and Wii U a tiny bit but missed the deadline because I got my dumb ass banned for a week. I would have been very close to those two if I had. I have a feeling I overshot the PS4 and X1 as well - possibly by a great deal cumulatively.

I'm surprised Hardline did so well. It seemed to drop in price quickly, so I figured that was a sign of poor performance. EA just must have wanted to move a lot of copies after the week-one rush.


Neo Member
I kind of felt that the PS4/Xbone version should have been priced lower, like 10 or 20 dollars lower than its retail price.

I thought Malaysian Laksa has a darker color to the soup like this one:

The one I linked earlier was Singaporean Laksa, which I've always recognized as having a much lighter (more milky/creamy) color to the soup.

oh, both dishes anyway are so delicious.
Fantastic debut for BB. I had it down for a five or below, but number 2 is damn impressive.

Order nowhere to be seen. Hasn't it gone on sale in the US yet?


Perhaps you are blissfully ignorant of Bloodborne actually selling less than each of the next gen BF:H SKUs.

BF:H XB1 > BF:H PS4 > Bloodborne


Kinda sapped the joy out of the Bloodborne figures for me.

Bloodborne is pretty niche though. There's an understandable reason some people hate these games. People liking shooters more isn't hard to grasp. Shooters can be a ton of fun and are easier for people to get into due to multiplayer with friends.

That said, too bad the shooter in this instance is one of the more generic games this year.


I thought Malaysian Laksa has a darker color to the soup like this one:

The one I linked earlier was Singaporean Laksa, which I've always recognized as having a much lighter (more milky/creamy) color to the soup.
This is called Asam Laksa here in Malaysia, while the previous one you posted is Curry Laksa. I dislike both of them. :p


Bloodborne is pretty niche though. There's an understandable reason some people hate these games. People liking shooters more isn't hard to grasp. Shooters can be a ton of fun and are easier for people to get into due to multiplayer with friends.

That said, too bad the shooter in this instance is one of the more generic games this year.

I fully expected BF:H to outsell Bloodborne but I figured Bloodborne would eek it out as a single SKU. BF:H pulled some seriously insane numbers for NPD though. Way beyond anyone's expectations especially my own. It's just really depressing to me that what essentially amounts to a mod for a yearly release franchise outsold Bloodborne PS4. It makes me sad man. It makes me real sad.


Looking back at those "Bloodborne will flop/sell a lot less than DS2" posts from the run up to the game's launch is pretty funny now. Glad to see the game do well.

Type 0 continuing to do better than it probably deserves.
Perhaps you are blissfully ignorant of Bloodborne actually selling less than each of the next gen BF:H SKUs.

BF:H XB1 > BF:H PS4 > Bloodborne


Kinda sapped the joy out of the Bloodborne figures for me.

It's Battlefield, it was always going to beat it out. It's just awesome Bloodborne was stronger than Dark Souls 2.


I fully expected BF:H to outsell Bloodborne but I figured Bloodborne would eek it out as a single SKU. BF:H pulled some seriously insane numbers for NPD though. Way beyond anyone's expectations especially my own. It's just really depressing to me that what essentially amounts to a mod for a yearly release franchise outsold Bloodborne PS4. It makes me sad man. It makes me real sad.

EA did the right thing delaying it till March though. That game would've gotten destroyed by Call of Duty if it released as scheduled.
I fully expected BF:H to outsell Bloodborne but I figured Bloodborne would eek it out as a single SKU. BF:H pulled some seriously insane numbers for NPD though. Way beyond anyone's expectations especially my own. It's just really depressing to me that what essentially amounts to a mod for a yearly release franchise outsold Bloodborne PS4. It makes me sad man. It makes me real sad.

Bloodborne was really close.

BF H did > 1 million, biggest sku was XB1 with >430k. PS4 BF >400k. BB did 390k. Considering how big the BF IP is, BB was surprisingly close.


Perhaps you are blissfully ignorant of Bloodborne actually selling less than each of the next gen BF:H SKUs.

BF:H XB1 > BF:H PS4 > Bloodborne


Kinda sapped the joy out of the Bloodborne figures for me.

I don't know why another game selling a certain amount should make me care less about Bloodborne's performance :p


I fully expected BF:H to outsell Bloodborne but I figured Bloodborne would eek it out as a single SKU. BF:H pulled some seriously insane numbers for NPD though. Way beyond anyone's expectations especially my own. It's just really depressing to me that what essentially amounts to a mod for a yearly release franchise outsold Bloodborne PS4. It makes me sad man. It makes me real sad.

I'm annoyed with the BF:H figures too. I know game mods is foreign to a lot of people so they probably don't see how BF:H is a mod. And not even a really well-done mod. It still feels like it's in beta or something to me.

What's sad is I own a copy of BF:H on PS4 but that's because it was a gift. I've invested maybe 6 hours total into it. I've been a fan of the series since it was a PC-exclusive title. Even thought BF4 was broken beyond belief at launch, it's a solid multiplayer shooter these days. I can load that up any day of the week and have fun. BF:H is one of those games I don't even check my stats on. I think I'm a 0.40 k/d because Hotwire is the easiest way to grind cash and get an MVP award. Such a mess of a game.

My prediction was in the ballpark for ~11k higher for PS4. I'm ashamed of my Xbox One prediction. It did much better than expected.

What were the Xbox One numbers? I've been dealing with an eBay potential scammer all morning and jumped to the end of this thread.
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