Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY


Jason has appeared in the Living Towers box on the main menu for me.

I assume he won't be playable until the Premier Tower refreshes, which is in two days.


Fucking Scorpion and his minion attack is giving me trouble when playing with my Cassie. I guess is time to learn her other two variances.


Jason has appeared in the Living Towers box on the main menu for me.

I assume he won't be playable until the Premier Tower refreshes, which is in two days.

So you are saying we get the chance to kill Jason before he's playable?

Edit - going to try and play the tower Jason is on.

Gonna record a video of me Fatality-ing the hell out of him.

EDIT again - So he apparently isn't even in the PC version Premier Tower. bummer.

No killing Jason I guess.


It's starting to seem like all you need to be good online at this game is a quick "rush" type attack (like a teleport or low dive like Scorpion's scissor kick) and an overhead. Mixing up those moves constantly seems to win most matches... I just ran into a Scorpion that has almost 200 wins and like 2 losses and he literally just spammed his overhead, scissor kick, and teleport and destroyed me.

Dunno what it is about online, but it seems insanely hard to react to anything, and combos that I could get easily in practice never seem to come out, which may be why so many people have figured it's just way more practical to spam some choice special attacks. I don't wanna sound like I'm complaining since I really love the game so far, and I'm sure that after a lot of practice this stuff will be trivial, but it really seems like this kind of play is dominates the beginners level in ranked which makes it hard to learn. What am I missing and what is it that makes these tactics so amazingly effective online? I may just give up on ranked for a while if this is what I can expect.


Glorious game, online is such fun. If anyone wants to give it a try add me: C0D10X (ps4)

Btw: where can I get other costumes for scorpion? I only got the normal one and the tournament one. I know I get one by beating story, but what about the others?
It's starting to seem like all you need to be good online at this game is a quick "rush" type attack (like a teleport or low dive like Scorpion's scissor kick) and an overhead. Mixing up those moves constantly seems to win most matches... I just ran into a Scorpion that has almost 200 wins and like 2 losses and he literally just spammed his overhead, scissor kick, and teleport and destroyed me.

Dunno what it is about online, but it seems insanely hard to react to anything, and combos that I could get easily in practice never seem to come out, which may be why so many people have figured it's just way more practical to spam some choice special attacks. I don't wanna sound like I'm complaining since I really love the game so far, and I'm sure that after a lot of practice this stuff will be trivial, but it really seems like this kind of play is dominates the beginners level in ranked which makes it hard to learn. What am I missing and what is it that makes these tactics so amazingly effective online? I may just give up on ranked for a while if this is what I can expect.

I think online you will be fine if you just learn to consistently block and punish thr unsafe stuff people throw out all the time. I know scorpion in mk9 played with a vortex where you kind of have to guess overhead/low. Im 99% sure its his style here too, havent tried.


It's starting to seem like all you need to be good online at this game is a quick "rush" type attack (like a teleport or low dive like Scorpion's scissor kick) and an overhead. Mixing up those moves constantly seems to win most matches... I just ran into a Scorpion that has almost 200 wins and like 2 losses and he literally just spammed his overhead, scissor kick, and teleport and destroyed me.

Dunno what it is about online, but it seems insanely hard to react to anything, and combos that I could get easily in practice never seem to come out, which may be why so many people have figured it's just way more practical to spam some choice special attacks. I don't wanna sound like I'm complaining since I really love the game so far, and I'm sure that after a lot of practice this stuff will be trivial, but it really seems like this kind of play is dominates the beginners level in ranked which makes it hard to learn. What am I missing and what is it that makes these tactics so amazingly effective online? I may just give up on ranked for a while if this is what I can expect.

Yep. I can get out D'vorah's F11 EX grenade combo starter 100% of the time offline, but my success ratio online is like 20%, maybe even lower.


I am fairly committed at this point to just do Takeda.

You get a fair amount of the same tools as Smoke does. Fairly simple combos.

Highly recommend him. Find the YT video of Chris G combos as Shin variant for him.

He felt similar to Smoke to me too.
Just gotta get comfortable with it I guess.


So you are saying we get the chance to kill Jason before he's playable?

Edit - going to try and play the tower Jason is on.

Gonna record a video of me Fatality-ing the hell out of him.

EDIT again - So he apparently isn't even in the PC version Premier Tower. bummer.

No killing Jason I guess.

Jason always comes back, you 'killing' him does nothing.


Hail to the KING baby
Damn, I updated on PS4 and now I'm getting an error screen right after the title screen every time. Gr. Probably going to have to wipe and re-dl I imagine.


Is there any way to simulate input lag in training mode like USF4? I know you can run a training mode online with another person, but that's not always possible.


Damn, I updated on PS4 and now I'm getting an error screen right after the title screen every time. Gr. Probably going to have to wipe and re-dl I imagine.

No need to do that. Just disconnect from the internet until you get past the splash screens and then reconnect.


I had to force myself to put it down so that I could get ready to sleep. I haven't been this caught up in a story for a while. I know I'll be bummed out when it's over.

My only issue with the story is that I played it over 6 or 7 sessions and each time I came back to it it skipped over the next fight.


Gold Member
My only issue with the story is that I played it over 6 or 7 sessions and each time I came back to it it skipped over the next fight.

I've noticed that, too. Tonight was my third session and it skipped a fight when I jumped back in. That's a weird issue.


It's good but coulda done without the lame QTEs (made even worse with the framerate skipping) and the cheesy mushy stuff. It was also really short.

Have to remember MK 9 had 3 games worth of story to use. I wish they would add more story as DLC though. I'm sure it would sell really well.
MKX didn't have any bullshit like fighting Goro and Kintaro on a team, so MKX's story mode wins over MK9's story mode for me.

As far as the story itself goes, I'd probably say MK9 has the edge, but it did have a lot of filler stuff. Like Jax's chapter, Stryker's chapter, Kabal's chapter... a lot of the chapters didn't really add anything to the story, and were really just there to add another character to play as. Whereas I feel like most of the chapters in MKX advance the story in some way.

MKX definitely has the better cutscenes, too. MK9's cutscenes have definitely aged in the short 4 years since that game came out. The fight scenes are hilariously bad.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Probably no gameplay footage of Jason yet? I'm not completely sold on his design, but hoping he looks cooler in motion/fighting.
This netcode is utter garbage. Private games online and my move comes out 25% of the time and it definitely isn't execution because offline I perform fairly well.

This is super frustrating.
I created a really easy combo with Scorpion that can be done on any jump kick connecting, probably not corner due to teleport not working near corner setups.

Any Jump Kick followed up by Teleport, BP, FP, Spear, Neutral Jump BP, Uppercut.

It only 7 hits, but it does a respectable 28% damage, So doing almost a 3rd of an entire life bar that uses no meter and it's only requirement is to land a jump kick makes this highly practical to use in matches.

Instead of uppercutting, I added a forward jump punch (or may have been kick) followed by a enhanced teleport and then a grab just before the opponent lands. It results in 13 hits but just 29% lol
This netcode is utter garbage. Private games online and my move comes out 25% of the time and it definitely isn't execution because offline I perform fairly well.

This is super frustrating.


I was just having a few matches with a gaffer and lag was still affected my combos. God I wish Iron galaxy were the one's handling the netcode, at least they know their shit.


Man, Sonya (Covert Ops) is so so good. Fast with high mobility. She has a parry she can play the close game with her various grabs she has a move that she can still zone with if she needs to. I'm not super good at finding combos but I'm guessing her downfall might be not being able to pull of super damaging combos. On the bright side though again, I think her X-ray is the best in the game because I'm pretty sure it parries pretty much anything instantly.


I'm frustrated.

I really don't win online ever in ranked. I get matched with 100 wins, 0 losses non stop bull shit. What... am I the only scrub fucking left?

I actually hate chip on block... I try to poke out with my fastest normals and still get gang banged.

Takes forever to get a match.

I feel like I play too smart for my own sake. People mash me stupid, and I try to block and look for openings. Ugh.

I suck at pulling off combos I have practiced 9083908 times offline without issues too. Maybe I just need to face that I'm ass at this game and should stay a spectator only. :/

I feel about the same bro. I know I'm better than this. I haven't played a ton online but I've yet to win.

I was just having a few matches with a gaffer and lag was still affected my combos. God I wish Iron galaxy were the one's handling the netcode, at least they know their shit.

Something needs to be done. This is disgusting. I know the other person I am playing with has a good connection. Rainbow Six lag on my 56k modem didn't affect me like this is here... so frustrating.
On offline I can pull of a number of combos fairly easy, i go to online and that turns to 1-2 combos due to input delay which leads me to miss blocks, fish for uppercuts and hope my specials moves take the win.

I really hate this -_-

Something needs to be done. This is disgusting. I know the other person I am playing with has a good connection. Rainbow Six lag on my 56k modem didn't affect me like this is here... so frustrating.

So true, my connection is solid and hardly lags playing other games.

I really hope NRS fixes this
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