Spin's 300 Best Albums of the Past 30 Years (1985-2014)

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It's fine.

It could be worse.

If it were my list there would be both Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock from Talk Talk

I would have put The Age of Adz by Sufjan Stevens as well.


merriweather higher than sung tongs let alone the absence of feels or strawberry jam? this list has some serious conflicts
Avalanches as low as 186? Boo.

I have more memories tied up in Discovery than any other album, so yay for 4.

Emperor Tomato Ketchup as Stereolab's representation? Eh, that's what you name when you don't want to actually dig into their albums.

The Woods as the highest Sleater-Kinney album? Strange.


Junior Member
remember when she released this


Pretty much a career ender

She had three great albums before that.


Parachutes is kind of low. I mean they're not Radiohead obviously, but Coldplay is currently one of the biggest bands on earth.

also no muse or megadeth
The Spin editors originally had 1,000 albums but dwindled it down to 300, so there is obviously a lot of omissions that could be included. I know everyone likes to shit on lists, but music is subjective. Calm down a bit, tbqh. Some peoples faves on the list got their props and obviously you can't fit every great album everyone has ever liked in a top 300 list.

I will have to say, looking through the list again I'm glad that Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space got included. What a great album and really deserves it's place in any best album list.



Does his best thinking in the flying car
I wish it woulda been this cool to hate on Nirvana back in '93. That Oklahoma City show was full of jerks.

I see some records I like in there... more than I expected


The Spin editors originally had 1,000 albums but dwindled it down to 300, so there is obviously a lot of omissions that could be included. I know everyone likes to shit on lists, but music is subjective. Calm down a bit, tbqh. Some peoples faves on the list got their props and obviously you can't fit every great album everyone has ever liked in a top 300 list.

I will have to say, looking through the list again I'm glad that Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space got included. What a great album and really deserves it's place in any best album list.

I'll agree with this. Having such a small list you cant fit everyones favs on it and that is understandable. (Side note im happy about some of my favs making it tho )
I wish it woulda been this cool to hate on Nirvana back in '93. That Oklahoma City show was full of jerks.

I see some records I like in there... more than I expected

Honestly, a lot of fanbases are jerks. There is a big segment of Nine Inch Nails fans that are douche bags, but that doesn't make me enjoy a NIN live show any less.


Ok. Who in thier right minds would put a Tyler the Creator album in a top 300 overall albums list? You're telling me that Tyler has put out better music than Michael Jackson who didn't get on the last at all?(the fuck...)

And this is coming from someone that enjoyed Goblin and Bastard

Blueprint is higher than Illmatic and Reasonable Doubt(Jays best album) is nowhere on that list. This shit is suspect.

Michael Jackson's "Bad" didn't make it into a top 300 list....

no words

Worse that Dangerous didn't get on it imo...


How the fuck did Michael Jackson's Dangerous make the list, but not Bad? Bad is his best album in this list's time frame lol.

Also LOL at Nirvana being number one.

And would love to see Yngwie Malmsteen's Eclipse get some recognition. Ah well.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Honestly, a lot of fanbases are jerks. There is a big segment of Nine Inch Nails fans that are douche bags, but that doesn't make me enjoy a NIN live show any less.

Don't get me wrong, it was a great performance, but it was a weird scene & I left feeling bad for KC. He talked about The Flaming Lips for a while--about how much he admired them--since we were in their hometown, and the crowd either didn't know about or didn't give a shit about The Flaming Lips. Stuff like that. It's hard to explain.

I wasn't surprised when he died, I guess this show was about 5 or 6 months before that. I just wasn't.

EDIT: I also thought In Utero was a much, much better record, but the impact at the time was made by Nevermind. All those hair metal bands vanished overnight. Crazy


These lists never work. They are much better off doing multiple lists by genre.

There's a lot of genre defining albums that aren't the bands best work (IMO).

For example, Dookie and Enema of the State shaped pop-punk. But both American Idiot and blink-182's self-titled are better albums.


The Spin editors originally had 1,000 albums but dwindled it down to 300, so there is obviously a lot of omissions that could be included. I know everyone likes to shit on lists, but music is subjective. Calm down a bit, tbqh. Some peoples faves on the list got their props and obviously you can't fit every great album everyone has ever liked in a top 300 list.

I will have to say, looking through the list again I'm glad that Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space got included. What a great album and really deserves it's place in any best album list.


Saw them (him) perform it live in its entirety last year with a string section and choir. Simply amazing! Truly one of the best records ever.


Where is Slowdive

The genre is underrepresented now, the album Northern Exposure was one of the best DJ mixes of the 90s
I try to make it a rule to never comment on lists, but every rule has exceptions...

MBDTF and The Blueprint over Illmatic got my head spinning hard.

Respect for the Wu at #2, though.


It's amazing that Nevermind is still held in such high regard, the other two Nirvana records are so much better. Maybe someday people will wake up and realize that Smells Like Teen Spirit is a garbage song, at least one can hope.
Eh, such a safe and very underwhelming list. I really couldn't disagree more with their choice of number 1. I'm okay with Nirvana but... really? There's at least 50 albums on that list better than Nevermind.
Disclosure over the Avalanches?
Usher over Demon Days?
Nicki Minaj over G!YBE?
Acid Rap over Doggystyle?
The Fame Monster over Selected Ambient Works 86-92?
FutureSex/LoveSounds over fucking Madvillainy?
Nostalgia Ultra over Channel Goddamn Orange?
Dookie over Illmatic AND Kid A?

This list is beyond garbage. This list shouldn't even exist. Why hasn't someone jettisoned this list into the goddamn Sun?
Disclosure over the Avalanches?
Usher over Demon Days?
Nicki Minaj over G!YBE?
Acid Rap over Doggystyle?
The Fame Monster over Selected Ambient Works 86-92?
FutureSex/LoveSounds over fucking Madvillainy?
Nostalgia Ultra over Channel Goddamn Orange?
Dookie over Illmatic AND Kid A?

This list is beyond garbage. This list shouldn't even exist. Why hasn't someone jettisoned this list into the goddamn Sun?

Since I Left You is phenomenal and deserves so much better.
It's like Spin decided to make a list of albums, and then just put the top 300 albums on Metacritic and some pop albums into a hat, and pull them out one by one.

My jimmies have been very rustled by you, Spin.

And the Avalanches deserve a much higher placement. Who actually believes that Pink Friday is a better album then Since I Left You?
Male R&B rise and peak didn't happen 87-97 other than Dangerous and D'Angelo


That stuff, R&B groups, was popular as shit and this gaggle of goofballs manages to forget it existed, a colossal fuck up.


They did a breakdown of the list on their site. Here's some albums that just missed out...

What Were the Albums That Just Missed the List?
301. Slowdive, Souvlaki (Creation, 1993)
302. Pearl Jam, Ten (Epic, 1991)
303. Best Coast, Crazy for You (Mexican Summer, 2010)
304. Talking Heads, Little Creatures (Sire, 1985)
305. The-Dream, Love-Hate (Radio Killa, 2007)
They did a breakdown of the list on their site. Here's some albums that just missed out...

What Were the Albums That Just Missed the List?
301. Slowdive, Souvlaki (Creation, 1993)
302. Pearl Jam, Ten (Epic, 1991)
303. Best Coast, Crazy for You (Mexican Summer, 2010)
304. Talking Heads, Little Creatures (Sire, 1985)
305. The-Dream, Love-Hate (Radio Killa, 2007)

Souvlaki deserves top 30.


I'll never understand why people like MBDTF. All of his albums previous destroy it. Late registration is when Kanye peaked.

To me felt like a combination of all his previous albums. Maybe that's why it gets such high praise.

I can't believe it came out five years ago.
Hahahaha Sunny Day Real Estate is on there that's awesome.


This tongue in cheek post bought to you by the Emo Lives Society

But srsly Diary is fantastic. I'm happy with that.
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