Thanks for the mini IB train Colonel, scarlet, rnilla, lun, and hoodbury. Got my Hunter to rank and I gotta say, the pirate boots from lord Saladin look a bit ugh stupid.
Nice games. Those are some serious pirate boots.Thanks for the mini IB train Colonel, scarlet, rnilla, lun, and hoodbury. Got my Hunter to rank and I gotta say, the pirate boots from lord Saladin look a bit ugh stupid.
2 spots for Skolas.
My buddies needed to go bed....
Bring your best void snipers guys![]()
Here you go guys. Start of a group.
Anyone have 2 spots open on an ib train, or just want to start a new one? We keep getting matched against teams of 5 and 6 and it's getting kinda old.
Anyone have 2 spots open on an ib train, or just want to start a new one? We keep getting matched against teams of 5 and 6 and it's getting kinda old.
Anyone have 2 spots open on an ib train, or just want to start a new one? We keep getting matched against teams of 5 and 6 and it's getting kinda old.
Anyone have 2 spots open on an ib train, or just want to start a new one? We keep getting matched against teams of 5 and 6 and it's getting kinda old.
Edit: space for one more!
I didn't play any destiny today due to real life. I miss you all...
Looking for one more for a level 32 PoE... Anybody interested?
PSN: HidingMyThunder
Rolled Shot Package and Final Round on Felwinter. Is it worth the risk of trying to get Hammer Forge as well?
EDIT: Nevermind. I got Shot Package, Smallbore and Final Round. Not risking it.
Final round and luck in the chamber seems like a weird pick on a thing that should kill in one hit anyways.
rerolled an arc Ash Factory with Tripod, Javelin/Flared Magwell and Grenades and Horseshoes.
Ah shhhhh... Watch out Mercury, here comes the colonel.
rerolled an arc Ash Factory with Tripod, Javelin/Flared Magwell and Grenades and Horseshoes.
L35 PoE.whats the most efficient way to farm the 1000 points for the cipher bounty?
Wow ib is a lag fest for sure, this is almost unplayable
Any VOG hm going? or Crota hm? Two of us almost always looking for those
PSN Abylim
L35 PoE.
Wow, the Messenger was destroying me in IB,
exactly my thoughts last night
Well Destiny GAF, I'm reporting to you the crazy thing that has happened to me and why I've been silent
Most of you here know I fractured my left leg and was down for the count for 9 weeks
From Mid-February till End of April
Got discharged and had a stay at my house for a week, before I fell out of my bed and hurt my back
Was in a new hospital for roughly a month then transferred to another hospital just last week
Finally got a MRI which shows I have Spinal Stenosis of my Thoracic Spine
So yeah this Warlock even with Sunsinger abilities is ducked at the moment
Later on Today @11AM EST I will be going in for spinal surgery
Wanted to thank all of you that. I got to know and have fun with, not trying to be a drama llama here, but if last word I can say I have it said on DGAF
Thanks for being cool peoples and letting me become legend alongside you all
If I come out ok I maybe a 2.0 version hopefully of my former self
Good news to wash the depressing convo, I have roughly lost 110lbs since Mid-February
Went from 475lbs to 366lbs so far
So yeah big day for me tomorrow, hope to join the ranks of you all again soon, if any complications happen for whatever purpose all I can say is Thank You for letting me be a part of your lives
Well Destiny GAF, I'm reporting to you the crazy thing that has happened to me and why I've been silent
Most of you here know I fractured my left leg and was down for the count for 9 weeks
From Mid-February till End of April
Got discharged and had a stay at my house for a week, before I fell out of my bed and hurt my back
Was in a new hospital for roughly a month then transferred to another hospital just last week
Finally got a MRI which shows I have Spinal Stenosis of my Thoracic Spine
So yeah this Warlock even with Sunsinger abilities is ducked at the moment
Later on Today @11AM EST I will be going in for spinal surgery
Wanted to thank all of you that. I got to know and have fun with, not trying to be a drama llama here, but if last word I can say I have it said on DGAF
Thanks for being cool peoples and letting me become legend alongside you all
If I come out ok I maybe a 2.0 version hopefully of my former self
Good news to wash the depressing convo, I have roughly lost 110lbs since Mid-February
Went from 475lbs to 366lbs so far
So yeah big day for me tomorrow, hope to join the ranks of you all again soon, if any complications happen for whatever purpose all I can say is Thank You for letting me be a part of your lives
Always waiting to play with you again Grave, take care of yourself and foremost.
You guys don't need to farm bosses to finish the ciphers. Just do 32 -35 and it'll complete itself. Got both the Lord and Queenbreaker just by doing that.