OP, there's nothing "pragmatic" about alienating women and minority voters in ad ready sound bites in a 21st century electorate.
Dude is thin skinned to a fault. If you publicly point out his idiocy, and stand firm, he turns into a name calling child. That may be what grievance fueled white men butthurt that the 60s are over want, but they aren't going to decide the general. The moderate, thoughtful, between the forty yard lines types do. They don't want a reality show host who brags about conning and scamming bankruptcy creditors to control their nukes and pick SCOTUS judges for lifetime appointments.
Megyn Kelly has bigger balls than any other man on last night's debate because she called him on his shit, and he's acting predictably on twitter as a result. Just wait until the Dem oppo comes out, and another woman publicly hits him, prompting another halting, incoherent stream of consciousness diatribe that comes nowhere near a rational thought. Christ, this guy would quadruple down on eating babies if put to the test.