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The left of America should worry about Trump

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The only Latinos voting for Rubio are Cubans. Mexicans ain't fucking with Rubio.

Sure, but they're the only ones that really matter to the GOP.

They'll still win Texas and Arizona. They'll still lose Colorado, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, California, and most likely New Mexico. Of the biggest latino population states Florida is the only swing and Rubio is a direct play to those latinos and that state.

He stated that juuust obtusely enough to explain it away if pressed on it. I'm always concerned that his bombastic comments will go one step too far and kill the momentum, but it seems like he could call people with cancer losers and it would boost his polls presently. For the sake of the country & supreme court nominations & down-ticket races, I hope Trump sticks around to muddy the waters at least to the end of the year.


I want single-payer healthcare. Is that what you're talking about? I want it whether it's Trump or Sanders advocating it. I'm not sure I understand the OP.


He stated that juuust obtusely enough to explain it away if pressed on it. I'm always concerned that his bombastic comments will go one step too far and kill the momentum, but it seems like he could call people with cancer losers and it would boost his polls presently. For the sake of the country & supreme court nominations & down-ticket races, I hope Trump sticks around to muddy the waters at least to the end of the year.

Nah. I think he knows the limits better than anyone. Most of the stuff he would get pressed on he never actually says as he did here. Plus he knows when to double down and when to back down.


What makes Hilary so such a good option I always see everyone say hilary has such a lockdown on this but what says that?


Some small part of me wants to see what will happen to this country if Trump somehow magically becomes president.


Gonna hit a few points covered across this thread:

1. Trump ain't nothing to worry about for the Ds. His unfavorables are absurd with most of the population. He turns lean right voters into hard left votes, hence why HRC beats him in a recent poll done in Kentucky. Fucking KENTUCKY. He gets the extreme right fringe out in droves though, and the Tea Party has turned that into the dominant force in the primaries.

2. Sanders is not Obama. Hell, Obama isn't/wasn't Obama. He was a valid candidate to be sure who got early traction with a strong showing in Iowa, but what really did Clinton (and McCain) in was that Obama's campaign was literally a decade ahead of the field in utilizing social media to rally voters, organize voting pools and, most importantly, extract funding. His outreach machine was unprecedented across the globe. It is now effectively being rolled over to HRC, I'm sure as some sort of horsetrading for Bill Clinton's ardent public support and campaigning last election.

3. Where did this "Hillary has no personality" bullshit come from? She has always been a unique, charismatic individual. She's a damn good interview, whether that is on the Daily Show/Colbert where it's superficial politics and jokes or in a hard hitting political wonk session with the more "serious" journalists. Her campaign is going to get about a year of negative/attack ad free play before the general to mend her negatives that do not stem from a lack of personality, they stem from the fact that when it comes to politics she's a cold, calculating, strategist who knows what she is doing 99% of the time. Basically, she's the HBIC but nobody actually likes the HBIC, they just respect the game. They'll soften that image before any rich white guy from the GOP starts lobbing grenades at her, and then much of it will look like angry white man syndrome run amok.

4. The best strategy the GOP has is Kasich/Rubio as POTUS/VP. The other way doesn't work because Rubio is still wet behind the ears and made a flat out statement last night that HRC's resume trounces the GOP field. Kasich has governor credentials, is moderate enough to not alienate the massive middle swath of voters, and would pull Ohio red. Rubio helps with hispanics and pulls Florida their way as well. That is the GOP ticket with a chance, but it's looking more and more like Kasich is going to get slapped down by the John Huntsman Effect (i.e. moderates and lefties consider him pallet-able, so GOP primary voters just assume he's awful).

5. People seriously under-estimate the "first woman president" pull HRC is going to get, or the bounce she'll see from older democrats who secretly didn't want to pull the lever for a black guy with a weird name. If you think black voter turnout is going to decline shortly after cops have been murdering black kids in the streets of most major metropolitan areas while the GOP claps from the sidelines you're fucking high.

Everything is queued up, HRC and Bill are too damn good on the big stage and this time she's running effectively unopposed. They didn't see the coming of social media as a major political force. Obama and Axelrod did. That is the one time they've ever been tripped up. You're talking about a couple who took Jeb's daddy's job when he was the sitting POTUS on the heels of St. Ronnie and actually had the country headed on a decent enough path. They live for that Red v. Blue chess match.


You summed it up perfectly.


I want single-payer healthcare. Is that what you're talking about? I want it whether it's Trump or Sanders advocating it. I'm not sure I understand the OP.
Trump has disavowed his position on single payer. He wants to go backwards to the old system essentially.

Some small part of me wants to see what will happen to this country if Trump somehow magically becomes president.

Why? Climate change, foreign policy, Supreme Court justices and unraveling the social safety nets aren't exactly things I am cool with just for some LOL's.
What makes Hilary so such a good option I always see everyone say hilary has such a lockdown on this but what says that?

She's the only candidate who is well-known, has tons of experience and is sensible. No other candidate has those three traits to the extent that Hillary does. Her only weakness as a candidate is that she isn't terribly personable.

Policy-wise, though, I'm really pulling for Bernie Sanders.
Trump supporters are cray cray but they are not the majority by any means.

I mean, America ain't perfect but it's not >50% of this:
Some small part of me wants to see what will happen to this country if Trump somehow magically becomes president.

Judging from how hard Bush tried to screw it up and failed, and how hard Obama tried to fix it and failed, I would say not a whole lot would happen. People really think the President has more power than he does.

Arnold's stint as the Governator of California was notable for how uneventful it was. I would hardly think Trump's hypothetical Presidency would be that interesting either for the same reason Arnold's Governating was, the actual career politicians mostly ignored Arnold and fought among themselves as usual. Trump as President would have the same effect, with no political experience to speak of he would be unable to direct his party in any meaningful capacity and Congress would just spend 4 years being completely gridlocked.


Trump is not winning shit in a general election but I'm sure those on the right who buy into his persona want him to win. He's a worse general election candidate than Mitt Romney and that says something.


Why? Climate change, foreign policy, Supreme Court justices and unraveling the social safety nets aren't exactly things I am cool with just for some LOL's.

Not sure why. Just to see how awful he would be. It's only a small part of me. I know better than to vote for him if by some miracle he got that far.


Judging from how hard Bush tried to screw it up and failed, and how hard Obama tried to fix it and failed, I would say not a whole lot would happen. People really think the President has more power than he does.

Arnold's stint as the Governator of California was notable for how uneventful it was. I would hardly think Trump's hypothetical Presidency would be that interesting either for the same reason Arnold's Governating was, the actual career politicians mostly ignored Arnold and fought among themselves as usual. Trump as President would have the same effect, with no political experience to speak of he would be unable to direct his party in any meaningful capacity and Congress would just spend 4 years being completely gridlocked.

Jobs report came out today bro, unemployment at 5.3%.

Bams is a little democratic loyalty away from removing Iran as a nuclear power for the next ten years. That's a big deal because the alternative is probably something like late 2016 to mid 2017. Ten years from now science will have advanced to the point where a nuclear bomb could be manufactured by any country or large multinational corporation in a few months. Stalling for those ten years is basically avoiding another war in the MI.

He's normalizing relations with Cuba. CUBA. So we're going to stop letting an island full of people suffer and starve because some geriatric military dictators are clinging to life. Any GOP candidate will reverse that progress day one.

Obamacare sucks and is still a massive improvement over the previous system.

No Child Left Behind policies are being fixed left and right.

The SCOTUS (thanks to Obama appointees Sotomayor and Kagan) has ruled gay marriage unconstitutional, that people have the right to vote for a non-partisan redistricting committee, etc. etc..

We aren't in another war in Syria already, thanks to Obama.

The POTUS does a lot of shit bro, just not play dictator. They do get to set a huge portion of the foreign policy agenda and the U.S. overreach in foreign policy is exactly what has built 99% of the nation's current problems. Less overreach = less military spending. No twin wars in Iraq and Afghanistan sucking up all that Clinton surplus. Propping up fewer boogie men so that mainstream Americans can stop voting out of fear and vote with a clear head.

Obama has been far from perfect, but he's been a damn sight better than any of his recent predecessors.

As for Arnold, he was married into the Kennedys. He was just an appendage of their political dynasty and as a result pacified soft dems to vote for him while also having a very clear road map on what political policies he was to follow/observe. He played by the rules, did this bit, and then banged the maid when he got out. He might have had an (R) after his name, but that was because it made the most sense in the state at the time from an electioneering standpoint.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't worry about the chance that Trump will get elected.

I DO worry that with the media's attention focused solely on him, they'll make the other morons in the race (like Jeb and Walker) seem more "moderate" in comparison. THAT'S the real threat from Trump.


Trump is an openly racist and misogynist piece of garbage. He's not going to steal many votes at all on the left if he runs in the general.

But he's making waves on the right, and raising a shitload of uncomfortable questions for them.

Those words are thrown around a bit too easily these days.


"Illegal Mexican immigrants are rapists" and "that woman only disliked me because she was on her period." are pretty much as racist and misogynistic as you can get?

The statements(paraphrased) can arguably be construed as such, arguably.

Does it a person make? No.

This applies to everyone, everyone.


The statements(paraphrased) can arguably be construed as such, arguably.

Does it a person make? No.

This applies to everyone, everyone.

It makes him a person willing to make a joke that implied we shouldn't take Megyn Kelly seriously because she is a woman and may have been on her period. This is a man who routinely brags about how powerful he is and how many people he employs. I really don't think it's overly politically correct to say that is an inappropriate combination. He could have defended himself by saying his insults are mostly not gender based, and that he has no shame insulting men, but instead he turned it into a "hur dur period" joke.

It's a lack of class; a trashy not really funny or "fun" joke as Trump would defend himself with.
Trump is good at rallying up the batshit crazy and extremely vocal Republican base but he (and any GOP candidate, really) is going to get steamrolled at the general election so there's not much to worry about. We can sit back and watch Fox News' bullshit backfire and sink the Republican party without a care in the world.


It makes him a person willing to make a joke that implied we shouldn't take Megyn Kelly seriously because she is a woman and may have been on her period. This is a man who routinely brags about how powerful he is and how many people he employs. I really don't think it's overly politically correct to say that is an inappropriate combination. He could have defended himself by saying his insults are mostly not gender based, and that he has no shame insulting men, but instead he turned it into a "hur dur period" joke.

It's a lack of class; a trashy not really funny or "fun" joke as Trump would defend himself with.

That is your takeaway from it. If you don't find his sense of humour palatable, you don't like it.

But a joke is a joke. It's a lighthearted take on something. Doesn't mean he hates women. Otherwise, it's crazy that he has such affection for his daughter.

Lack of class, I agree. I don't like humour related to bodily functions myself.
The statements(paraphrased) can arguably be construed as such, arguably.

Does it a person make? No.

This applies to everyone, everyone.

Donald Trump has made racist and misogynist statements. When called on those statements, he has not reflected, recanted, or apologized for them. In fact, judging by last night's debate, he stands by them firmly.

What is the magical line when you'd call someone sexist personally? Or is no one ever sexist to you?

But a joke is a joke.

Ah. Huh. Interesting.


He's Frakenstiens monster, and he'll either rip the GOP apart or he'll damage their brand beyond the toxic view most sane people already think of it.

The left has nothing to fear there. Their problem, as always, is their GOTV effort. They suck at it.


Donald Trump has made racist and misogynist statements. When called on those statements, he has not reflected, recanted, or apologized for them. In fact, judging by last night's debate, he stands by them firemly.

What is the magical line when you'd call someone sexist personally? Or is no one ever sexist to you?

Ah. Huh. Interesting.

Word was misogynist. Not sexist.
Word was misogynist. Not sexist.

I'd say Donald Trump, judging by his recent comments about Kelly, is quite "strongly prejudiced against women". Let's try Misogyny on it's own: "dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."

Note, you didn't touch racist, another word you said was overused.

So where is your line? How many racist/sexist statements are required before you go, "Huh, that person is a racist/sexist"?
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