Your grievances are fine, but your anger is COMPLETELY misdirected. You are protesting your closest ally. You are sending a message to someone who already gets the message. You are being stupid.
Do you guys really believe this? A post with no citation of this claimed fact? It's really insulting to me.
Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.
Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.
Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.
But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.
Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.
We will be able to say, loudly and clearly, that for repeat, violent, criminal offenders three strikes and youre out. We are tired of putting you back in through the revolving door, remarked the then-first lady.
Clinton also noted that the crime bill would help build more prisons.
We will also finally understand that fighting crime is not just a question of punishment, although there are many dollars in the crime bill to build more prisons, she said. It is also a question of prevention. We want to give police officers the tools to help young people stay out of trouble. We want to begin to give young people something to say yes to, not just to have to face the bleak, alienated streets that too often push them in the wrong direction.
Here's a bang-up idea: You let them talk, and then you respond.
O'Malley got it. Why can't Bernie?
Clinton is barely campaigning. She's hiding. That being said her campaign has invited some BLM leaders to event.
Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.
Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.
But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.
Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.
Take your fucking pick. Pathetic.
I'm glad Bernie hasn't engaged the black community like Hilary has, cause apparently shoving black people into prison and throwing away the key is "engaging"
Engage how? Those guys are going there and literally making it impossible for him to speak. Please enlighten us how this progressive movement is doing anything but making themselves looks like idiots in this instance.
No, and that's the problem.Did I say a single word about Hillary?
Here's a bang-up idea: You let them talk, and then you respond.
O'Malley got it. Why can't Bernie?
Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.
Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.
But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.
Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.
Here's a bang-up idea: You let them talk, and then you respond.
O'Malley got it. Why can't Bernie?
Eh what? You're advocating preaching to the choir. That's the most useless thing. Get people involved that are... not yet involved. There's no reason to protest to people who most likely are already involved.But the people who listen to him are most likely to resonate with the message of Black Lives Matter. If they protested a Trump rally, that's just blind noise. By protesting Sanders, they get the attention of an audience willing to help.
This is what happens when people with useless degrees like asian/woman's studies get so infatuated with making "change" and bring the "voice of a minority" that they end up eating their own side.
Go squshopping a Republican rally instead of crashing a art Asian infusion bistro on the basis of gentrification.
This is Tumblr in action people, and it gets nothing done
Not only is Bernie on message in the past as already demonstrated in this thread, but he's been talking about Race plenty if people would listen:Here's a bang-up idea: You let them talk, and then you respond.
O'Malley got it. Why can't Bernie?
Take your fucking pick. Pathetic.
I'm glad Bernie hasn't engaged the black community like Hilary has, cause apparently shoving black people into prison and throwing away the key is "engaging"
I know, I know, but it's the only source I can find that isn't completely insane. The rest are inforwars and so forth take that for what you will.
I see someone responded while I was trying to find a better source. Oh well.
Did I say a single word about Hillary?
You are completely wrong. People do care about what Bernie Sanders did, and it does matter. Your past accolates in politics say about what sort of politician you are and how accountable you are. Saying that doesn't matter sounds absolutely crazy to me.
Secondly, it doesn't sound like BLM was in any way shape or form wanting to engage in a dialogue. You engage a group of people whose only agenda is to heckle you. It's just bullying at that point.
Word on the street is she has ex-Blackwater running security for her.
Here's a DailyKOS description of what happened:
The focusing on Bernie has made BLM look weak - going after Sanders because he's tried to keep his campaign as open and as accessible as possible, while not a quip at other candidates' events - and the words being spoken at the Sanders rally soars into hyperbole (coming from me, I know, a hoot, but still) that makes it impossible to have an honest discourse. It's put the candidate who would do the best for BLM's goals into a lose-lose situation. Either get extra security and cut them off, looking like a racist pseudo-progressive, or keep letting them dominate and shut down events before they can even start, not even letting him speak and talking down to him like this is getting ridiculous. Scanning Twitter there were progressives of all races expressing frustration about this, and now the meme going around is they were bought out by Hillary/Soros.
At the end of the day shit like this is just going to get Hillary elected, or worse yet, get whoever winds up the Republican nominee elected - which would only make things even worse for black Americans. Sanders is the best thing we've got going and Hillary has one of the most racist records a Democratic candidate in recent history has under her belt. It's foolish to think she'd do anything BLM demands while taking kickbacks from the prison-industrial complex.
This is what happens when people with useless degrees like asian/woman's studies get so infatuated with making "change" and bring the "voice of a minority" that they end up eating their own side.
Go squshopping a Republican rally instead of crashing a art Asian infusion bistro on the basis of gentrification.
This is Tumblr in action people, and it gets nothing done
Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.
Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.
But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.
Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.
It's not that his past deeds don't matter, but when people are asking you for specifics and more of a dialogue on racial issues as they affect our country today, saying "Bernie marched with king! Bernie was arrested in 1962!" is not at all a response to that.
So as long as Clinton says her views are different now, then it's all good? Okay then with that logic, people convicted of crimes should be let free as long as they say they won't do it again.Is that really supposed to convince him? All of that shit is well in the past. What he is saying is that the present is the thing that matters, not the past. Personally, I think that just makes good sense. It certainly isnt bad as some Republican claims that black people should vote Republican because of Lincoln, but it certainly is in the same sort of vein. What matters is their opinions now and what they will do now and what they will emphasize in their campaign. I think the Emphasis might be the key point in this situation.
Also, Is Clinton in favor of that now? If not, why does it matter?
Washington Times was owned by Sun Myung Moon and is now owned by one of his companies. He was pretty scarily connected guy.
She and Bill pushed the mass incarceration / tough on crime policies that disproportionately targeted minorities.What?
Wtf..i didnt know black lives matter was a group...thought it was just a hashtag or saying.
It's not that his past deeds don't matter, but when people are asking you for specifics and more of a dialogue on racial issues as they affect our country today, saying "Bernie marched with king! Bernie was arrested in 1962!" is not at all a response to that.
But Hillary took selfies with Kim Kardashian, surely that makes up for advocating for policies that have imprisoned a couple of generations of black youth.I would sooner define a politician by what they have done in the past than by what they claim they will do in the future.
As immigration and incarceration issues become central to the 2016 presidential campaign, lobbyists for two major prison companies are serving as top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton.
Corrections Corporation of America and the Geo Group could both see their fortunes turning if there are fewer people to lock up in the future.
Last week, Clinton and other candidates revealed a number of lobbyists who are serving as bundlers for their campaigns. Bundlers collect contributions on behalf of a campaign, and are often rewarded with special favors, such as access to the candidate.
Richard Sullivan, of the lobbying firm Capitol Counsel, is a bundler for the Clinton campaign, bringing in $44,859 in contributions in a few short months. Sullivan is also a registered lobbyist for the Geo Group, a company that operates a number of jails, including immigrant detention centers, for profit.
As we reported yesterday, fully five Clinton bundlers work for the lobbying and law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison company in America, paid Akin Gump $240,000 in lobbying fees last year. The firm also serves as a law firm for the prison giant, representing the company in court.
Akin Gump lobbyist and Clinton bundler Brian Popper disclosed that he previously helped CCA defeat efforts to compel private prisons to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests.
Hillary Clinton has a complicated history with incarceration. As first lady, she championed efforts to get tough on crime. We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders, Clinton said in 1994. The three strikes and youre out for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets, she added.
In recent months, Clinton has tacked left in some ways, and now calls for alternatives to incarceration and for greater police accountability. And while Clinton has backed a path to citizenship for undocumented people in America, she recently signaled a willingness to crack down on so-called sanctuary cities, a move that could lead to more immigrant detentions.
The future of both criminal justice reform and immigration are critical for private prison firms. The Geo Group, in a disclosure statement for its investors, notes that its business could be adversely affected by changes in existing criminal or immigration laws, crime rates in jurisdictions in which we operate, the relaxation of criminal or immigration enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction, sentencing or deportation practices, and the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by criminal laws or the loosening of immigration laws.
It's not that his past deeds don't matter, but when people are asking you for specifics and more of a dialogue on racial issues as they affect our country today, saying "Bernie marched with king! Bernie was arrested in 1962!" is not at all a response to that.
Well here is the presentIs that really supposed to convince him? All of that shit is well in the past. What he is saying is that the present is the thing that matters, not the past. Personally, I think that just makes good sense. It certainly isnt bad as some Republican claims that black people should vote Republican because of Lincoln, but it certainly is in the same sort of vein. What matters is their opinions now and what they will do now and what they will emphasize in their campaign. I think the Emphasis might be the key point in this situation.
Also, Is Clinton in favor of that now? If not, why does it matter?
As immigration and incarceration issues become central to the 2016 presidential campaign, lobbyists for two major prison companies are serving as top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton.
Corrections Corporation of America and the Geo Group could both see their fortunes turning if there are fewer people to lock up in the future.
Last week, Clinton and other candidates revealed a number of lobbyists who are serving as bundlers for their campaigns. Bundlers collect contributions on behalf of a campaign, and are often rewarded with special favors, such as access to the candidate.
Richard Sullivan, of the lobbying firm Capitol Counsel, is a bundler for the Clinton campaign, bringing in $44,859 in contributions in a few short months. Sullivan is also a registered lobbyist for the Geo Group, a company that operates a number of jails, including immigrant detention centers, for profit.
As we reported yesterday, fully five Clinton bundlers work for the lobbying and law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison company in America, paid Akin Gump $240,000 in lobbying fees last year. The firm also serves as a law firm for the prison giant, representing the company in court.
Akin Gump lobbyist and Clinton bundler Brian Popper disclosed that he previously helped CCA defeat efforts to compel private prisons to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests.
Hillary Clinton has a complicated history with incarceration. As first lady, she championed efforts to get tough on crime. We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders, Clinton said in 1994. The three strikes and youre out for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets, she added.
In recent months, Clinton has tacked left in some ways, and now calls for alternatives to incarceration and for greater police accountability. And while Clinton has backed a path to citizenship for undocumented people in America, she recently signaled a willingness to crack down on so-called sanctuary cities, a move that could lead to more immigrant detentions.
The future of both criminal justice reform and immigration are critical for private prison firms. The Geo Group, in a disclosure statement for its investors, notes that its business could be adversely affected by changes in existing criminal or immigration laws, crime rates in jurisdictions in which we operate, the relaxation of criminal or immigration enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction, sentencing or deportation practices, and the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by criminal laws or the loosening of immigration laws.
BLM is funded by Soros, a huge Clinton supporter.
I'm pretty sure they won't settle for less than violence against blacks being the centerpiece of his platform and the central issue of his campaign. And you know what? I don't know if I can blame them. I mean, I don't think they're going to get it, but given the issue that's being discussed, namely how often people get away with murdering black men and women in this country, an attitude of "no, literally nothing else matters as much as this" isn't unsympathetic to me
No they aren't. They aren't allowing him to do what he's supposed to do. The guy is trying to fight a whole lot of good fights for more than just BLM, AND without utilizing huge campaign contributions from the billionaires. He's got his work cut out for himMaking it impossible for him to speak? They are literally asking him questions that he is choosing to not respond to.
I'm sure all that private prison money is for policies that make the lives of black people better.
Not only is Bernie on message in the past as already demonstrated in this thread, but he's been talking about Race plenty if people would listen:
If the BLM isn't ready to understand Bernie is on their side then they have lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned. They are being manipulated by the Hilary campaign to get her elected at any cost.