Beach House - Depression Cherry 8/25

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Disappointing album

It only gets worse after the first track. All the songs and productions seem half baked.

Their sound seems to be stagnating or at least they seem stuck in a comfortable zone. I'm not sure if I like Sparks anymore either. The first track, levitation? Great song.

I don't think they'll touch Teen Dream anytime soon. Hopefully I'm wrong and they can give us songs on the level of Take Care or Zebra again.


Yeah, I don't like this album much. Bummer. They've regressed to Devotion-era blandness. Oh well, there's always next time (maybe).


Junior Member
They haven't "regressed" to anything.

The songwriting is Teen Dream- and Bloom-like in its comprehensiveness of narrative and maturity, but they've chosen to make music in the style they're more comfortable and familiar with, The music isn't even as stripped away as Devotion.

Musically, it's certainly closer to Devotion and Beach House, especially with its downplayed drum-machine beats, than the two albums that preceded it, but even though the songwriting isn't as big and full-song epic, there are still plenty of big-room singular moments on every song.

I suppose if you only started listening to Beach House during the Teen Dream-Bloom run, you might not enjoy this album as much. Then again, it wasn't made with you in mind, anyway.
I think people who are into Teen Dream the most would find Depression Cherry a regression, because Teen Dream was such a "sunny" record, with its soaring choruses and grander crescendos. Bloom furthered that sound with songs that were downright anthemic (Wild, Myth). DC definitely scales things back to the Devotion-era sound, with more somber moods and restrained vocals. But it's not a complete return, as DC doesn't lean as much on the bedroom drum machine and organ formula.

I too first caught wind of Beach House through Teen Dream, but it was the first two albums that really made me fall in love with the band. Naturally I was excited when they came out and said they were returning to that stripped-down sound, so even though there was an initial disappointment over not having those majestic Beach House "bangers," I've come to appreciate the subdued beauty in DC. What I really want though is for them to return to the seance-core of the earlier albums.

big ander

They haven't "regressed" to anything.

The songwriting is Teen Dream- and Bloom-like in its comprehensiveness of narrative and maturity, but they've chosen to make music in the style they're more comfortable and familiar with, The music isn't even as stripped away as Devotion.

Musically, it's certainly closer to Devotion and Beach House, especially with its downplayed drum-machine beats, than the two albums that preceded it, but even though the songwriting isn't as big and full-song epic, there are still plenty of big-room singular moments on every song.

I suppose if you only started listening to Beach House during the Teen Dream-Bloom run, you might not enjoy this album as much. Then again, it wasn't made with you in mind, anyway.

The songwriting's as mature as it was on Teen Dream and Bloom but I just don't find it enveloping—haven't been able to get lost in some of these songs the way I have with essentially every other previous Beach House song. "Days of Candy" being the major exception, it's one of their absolute best songs ever.
Maybe some simply prefer the Teen Dream & Bloom sound like you say in your last graf—personally, while Teen Dream was when I got into Beach House, it and Devotion regularly swap my top spot of theirs. I'm not less-than-in-love with Depression Cherry because it's similar to Devotion and the s/t, but because it attempts to harken back to those records and isn't entirely successful.


I've never been able to get into their first, self-titled album, despite 30+ listens. The others are all great and have 90+ listens from me. I liked some of Bloom when it was released, but really started digging into the band during the past year.

I think Depression Cherry is a good mix of their older and newer styles. You still have the song progression that were more common in the later albums with the more laid back sounds of their earlier stuff (with a few exceptions). I think that Space song is the best crossover track for people who mainly listened to Bloom and/or Teen Dream.
Just got it in the mail after listening to the download for a week, and man didn't know anything about the red velvet. What a nice feel!

Can't wait to play it in the car. My sister loves the shit out of it.


Junior Member
5. "Wedding Bells"
4. "Saltwater"
3. "Myth"
2. "Levitation"
1. "Zebra"

The two-three-four stretch of the rankings was really difficult for me. I could probably switch them into any order on any given day. I prefer the music of "Saltwater" to that of "Myth," but it's a little weak in the lyric and imagery departments. The ending is fantastic, though. Of the three, "Levitation" seems to have the best blend of modern Beach House lyricism with the smooth, washed-out production of their older works. Still, I might feel differently about the rankings on another day.

I like "Wedding Bells," but it just feels off to me. I think there's too much going on with the mix and production.

"Zebra" was an easy number one, though.

big ander

I'd go:
5) Myth
4) Wedding Bell
3) Levitation
2) Saltwater
1) Zebra

My 2-5 are pretty neck-and-neck as well, though. And I'll double down with closers:

5) Heart and Lungs/Rain in Numbers
4) Days of Candy
3) Take Care
2) Home Again
1) Irene
1. Saltwater - One of my favorite BH songs, so naturally
2. Myth - Huge arena opening. Love it
3. Zebra - Majestic
4. Levitations - Hasn't fully sunk in yet, but it's pretty
5. Wedding Bells - Sorta nondescript


PPP is by far my favorite track.

Still really bitter I missed out on the Fonda shows. Maybe I'll get desperate and buy some scalped tickets online ;_;

They're playing at The Observatory on the 7th. Just in case you can get tickets.

Edit: Nevermind they sold out in two minutes.


Really enjoying the album, but I do think Bloom is a bit better. Can't get enough of 'Space Song'.


Junior Member
5. "Heart and Lungs"/"Rain in Numbers"
4. "Home Again"
3. "Days of Candy"
2. "Take Care"
1. "Irene"/"Wherever You Go"

Overall, this was even more difficult for me than the openers. My top two choices were fairly easy. "Irene" is one of the most beautiful songs Beach House has ever done. It's an immaculate ode to Legrand's mother. "Take Care"'s melody is infectious. The imagery is incredible. The chorus just wraps itself around the listener. The crescendo that leads up to every "I'll take care of you" is exhilarating.

The order for the final three was so difficult, though. That could probably change on any given day. I think I prefer the hidden "Rain in Numbers" to the preceding "Heart and Lungs," although the latter isn't a bad song in the slightest. I love the dream-like sound of the production, but for most of the verses, Legrand's vocals are a little too washed out. "Home Again" is wonderful and features some very inventive imagery as well as a fairly good narrative for early Beach House. The use of water lyrics with Scally's guitar slides that sound like whales is a great touch. "Days of Candy" is so melodic. It makes me feel as though I could fall into a trance. Legrand's voice is top notch just above the wonderful background harmonies. Then the drum-kit beat kicks in and gradually picks up steam. Fuck, this song is good. Great lyrics, too.


Junior Member
Beach House absolutely kills it with track threes. Every fucking time, track three is a masterpiece.

Beach House—"Apple Orchard"
Teen Dream—"Norway"
Depression Cherry—"Space Song"

5. Wedding Bell
4. Levitation
3. Saltwater
2. Zebra
1. Myth

Although I would rank the albums Teen Dream> Bloom>Devotion > Depression Cherry > S/T

Edit: Closers? I'll need a minute


not really feeling this album. the first half is the best of the album and none of it comes close to Teen Dream or Bloom.

right now I slightly prefer Tamaryn's new album for my dream pop, but that album has some of the same issues I have with Depression Cherry (too much pop emphasis, weak guitars).


Finally got a chance to sit down and listen to the whole album tonight and I really dig it. I doubt they will ever be able to top Teen Dream but I don't care, this is gorgeous listening.

right now I slightly prefer Tamaryn's new album

Had no idea they had something new out, thanks.


The album is growing on me, after being incredibly put off by the first single, Sparks.
The worst song of the album hands down for me.
Levitation, Space Song, Beyond Love and Wildflower are my fave ones, so far.
Saw them in New Orleans tonight


played a lot of stuff from Teen Dream and Bloom and every song off the new album except Wildflower and Days of Candy

Also opened with Wherever but I hate the space of nothing and barely listen to it because of that so I didn't recognize it oops



I have the chance to see them in Glasgow, but then then realised they were playing Pitchfork Paris so decided to book that instead. But now i'm thinking I could do both... I do fucking love this band.
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