Did you guys see this? Nintendo Life made a database for Mario Maker levels. You give them the name, the code, a summary, even the URL of the miiverse post and they grab the preview screenshot!
Seems like a really good tool.
NSMB is by far the best style.
Also I'm utterly shocked at the completion rate for my Yoshi stage. I thought I made it a super simple introduction to the concept but only one out of the four people that played it beat it. I shudder to think what the clear rate of a more complex stage would be.
Thanks for playing. It's amazing how, because you're building a level and have a premise in mind, you assume everyone else will get what you were doing. Obviously not!
The clown car bit is supposed to be Agent Mario flying to Evil Bowsers Volcano base. It's a deliberate flying part. The rest is exploring the base. For the Bowser encounter. Thanks for playing anyway - I guess this is a case where I need to remember the old adage "Keep it simple, Stupid"Depending on where you are determines where he fires at you. So you need to be up on the platforms so he disintegrates the blocks that hold the P switch. The P switch will then fall. Bowser will then, at some point, jump on the switch. This will cause the barrier to slowly lower. You can then either use a fire flower or take a bomb up to where the star is being held to finish off bowser and see the ending.![]()
Cool puzzles, but I got stuck after getting the giant shoe. I know I have to get a regular size shoe to advance, but couldn't find any working pipe to get back.
Only had 5 plays of this in 2 days, and it was loads of effort. I need advice on whether what you need to do on that big bit in the middle of the map is too obscure or not.
Did you guys see this? Nintendo Life made a database for Mario Maker levels. You give them the name, the code, a summary, even the URL of the miiverse post and they grab the preview screenshot!
Seems like a really good tool.
It seems like you need to, but frankly getting that far into the level is so tedious that if you die there the will to start over wanes, especially with the hammer bros earlier in the level.toss a shell so it goes toward the wigglers, then chase it by going up the path with the spike tops and arrows
I made a new course:
Treasure of the 99 Dead Pirates
The challenge is to find all 99 coins, but I designed it in a way it should hopefully also be fun if you just try to find the exit. It took me about 5 hours to make and fine-tune this.
Let me know what you think! I'll make sure to give your stages a try as well.
ID: 47E7-0000-003E-A10A
R-Type in Mario!
What I meant by pointless is that you allow the player to fly off screen and skip all the obstacles. Why not put some blocks or enemies at the very top so the player has to engage everything you have placed below?
I got the P switch on the floor in the boss fight, but even after 2 minutes or so, he never stepped on it.
I'll play these. Please play mine. Here's my 6 from newest to oldest.Alright reposting some of my levels since this thread breezes by so fast! As always, quote me with some levels and I'll happily play them! And if I see you put work into it I'll gladly give you a star unlike some fellow gaffers!
Anyways here are the codes
Castle Siege
ID: CA34-0000-003A-B3C8
This level showed up on stream yesterday and got probably two real tries on it and probably had like 45 seconds worth of attempts and I don't think it's been given the justice it deserves! Yeah it's a little long and not exactly for Mario n00bs, but it's fair the whole way through!
The Path Less Taken
ID: 28CB-0000-003B-0BBC
Ghost Mansion in SMW! Some paths are treacherous meant to put a damper on your mood, while other paths are meant to reward and excite!
Race Against The Machine
ID: 5D18-0000-003B-1DE5
Get the shroom before its all over!
Waluigi's Cloud Spectacle
ID: 6C9A-0000-003B-C305
Not for the faint of heart, but for the Waluigi lovers
ID: 47E7-0000-003E-A10A
R-Type in Mario!
Gripvine Central
ID: F91D-0000-0043-888D
Remodified vine scroller! Maybe this time around it won't stop people from putting stars because it was a tad hardDefibitely scaled down the difficulty
Mushroom Rise
ID: 8071-0000-0043-F087
Simple vertical level! Could easily be placed in a World 1 if not maybe 1-1 itself
Class In Session
ID: 5193-0000-0012-CEEA
My oldest uploaded level with the most stars (5 /cry) and challenging especially towards the end with some tricky goomba jumps
Guys I really wanna upload more levels D: stuck at 34 stars! Help a fellow gaffer out! And as I stated up top, quote me with some levels to play!!
I don't wanna spend 5 hours course editing today so I am gonna play and critique some gaf levels. If you posted more than 2 I pretty much will pick any 2 so if anyone really wants some shit playtested let me know. Gonna go for an hour or so
Shameless plug about if you wanna help a brother out after you finish your thang try my ish haha.
There is no limit of starred levels list (as far as I know).How does collecting other people's levels that you like work? Is there a hard limit to how many you can keep track of, and do you just have them in a favorites list or does it work differently?
Only had 5 plays of this in 2 days, and it was loads of effort. I need advice on whether what you need to do on that big bit in the middle of the map is too obscure or not.
Want to try this one for sure. I've been trying to think of how to do a shooter in this game. I started to throw a few ideas around and wasn't really happy with it. I also attempted a Contra-style level (which I uploaded) but it's a bit of a disaster. Any other examples of good shooter style levels?
I don't wanna spend 5 hours course editing today so I am gonna play and critique some gaf levels. If you posted more than 2 I pretty much will pick any 2 so if anyone really wants some shit playtested let me know. Gonna go for an hour or so
Shameless plug about if you wanna help a brother out after you finish your thang try my ish haha.
Thanks...so about your list of starred levels, is there a way to filter the list, or is it just a long list that you run through when you want to replay one?There is no limit of starred levels list (as far as I know).
You can also follow people, which IDK if it has a limit. I followed 20 people so far.
The problem is there is no way to search users which is BS.
So I searched the thread but did not find an answer and I'm kinda stumped. Exactly how does one leave a course comment at a specific point in a level? Every time I've tried leaving a comment, it's just a general Miiverse comment and I see no option to place a little marker in the level for my comment to show up at.
At the part with the ghosts, I guess you have to stand in the right spot to have a shell smash all the blocks? I couldn't really figure it out and gave up.
The message appears at the spot you're standing when you leave it. Pause the game at any time and comment, and that's where it goes.
Sure: 266D-0000-0044-90F6
It's a simple level, similar to something you'd find in an early level from SMB or SML. A few secrets, a bit of explorations, etc.
Are your level IDs collected somewhere I could check out? I'll give a few of them a go when I get home from work this evening.
Gnat Attack is such bullshit. It's way too hard and you have to start over from the beginning every time you fail.
That boss could really use ten less hits to kill
It seems really well designed. I starred it but I found it too hard. For example, At one point, I emerged from a pipe and two ghosts were just sitting above me, so I had no choice but to jump into them. Happened to me on another pipe also. I also found the combination of the ghost circle and vines hard. I will play this again because it could just be me who is unskilled! Personally, if it was a little easier, I would enjoy it more.
A great filter would be game type so I don't have to suffer any NSMBU levels.
I'll play these. Please play mine. Here's my 6 from newest to oldest.
Clear The Path For Yoshi - 3B08-0000-0046-0FE6
Climb Away From Mushrooms - 93F4-0000-0043-2E6D
Get Those P Switches! - 0E3C-0000-003F-227D
Cape Fun - 863C-0000-0038-4E54
Flying Spring 2 - 3681-0000-002F-ECEB
flying spring - EA5C-0000-0013-CE21
Let me know which ones were your favourite/least favourite.
Introducing my greatest, most elaborate level yet. It will also give you a great sense of accomplishment, as there is a deep story just waiting to unfold before your very eyes.
The question is, "Can YOU save Crab Mario"?
Only enter this code if you're sure you're ready.
Bridges & Boos
So I played your level. Very reminicent of a world one world 2 SMB level. I didn't really have any glaring criticism. Getting to the top of where the goobas are when they start coming out full tilt is really tough. I think you accomplished your goal over all though. Its a good early level.
quoting for when people are awake
quoting for when people are awake
Oh yeah, I played this one yesterday and it was pretty good, I was stumped momentarily until I realised you could spring out of Kuribo's shoe like a sacrificial Yoshi jump.