[EU] PSN SALE - Diablo III, Game of Thrones, MK X, more..... [Great Selection]


i buyed hotql firefly diary.

i wanted the samurai warriors costume dlc but i cant, it says that i already own it even though i just got one pack from the ps4 anime edition, it sucks.


Despite showing at the discounted price, VLR is full price (£11.99) for me when I add it to my basket.

Guess I'll wait until they fix it.

Edit: just noticed that the standard edition of VLR has now been removed from the ps blog sale update, so assume it was a cock up. Congrats to those that grabbed it, wish if been quicker!
Do I need to play Persona 4: Arena before I play Ultimax? I have been waiting for it to go on sale for some time. Still not sure if the bundle on the US store is better value.

Edit: How is Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend for Vita and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for PS3? It's a shame the Vita version isn't also on sale.


Despite showing at the discounted price, VLR is full price (£11.99) for me when I add it to my basket.

Guess I'll wait until they fix it.

Edit: just noticed that the standard edition of VLR has now been removed from the ps blog sale update, so assume it was a cock up. Congrats to those that grabbed it, wish if been quicker!

Still shows as discounted in the Netherlands. Perhaps it's just inconsistent pricing across different countries' stores?

Side note, since learning about it in the sale last thread, I can't recommend the following site enough for finding stuff on sale for each platform. Product pages have direct links to store pages, Metacritic, and you can view pricing history. You can also sort by the date a sale will end, which is super useful. Have a look:

Oreshika for £4.80. That's tempting, but I'm not sure I'd like it. It's very long and repetitive by all accounts right? That's a big neddy no no in the JRPG stakes for me. It does look lovely though.


Oh crap I'd forgotten about the marvel flavoured LBP Vita , I was going to buy a physical copy of that but I may get it digitally now it's so cheap.

Is there still an active community and plenty of levels to download? The OT seems dead.

I think I'll get the first Prinny game too, unless it's one of those cases you should go directly to the sequel...


Was waiting for Diablo 3 (PS4) but caved and already got it from the recent US sale (29.99 $) with PSN credits from Amazon.com.

Add me: PSN: donos_de (GMT+1). Only have a Demon Hunter who is capable of GR25 - 30 but i also just like to farm GR15-20 and easy bounties.


I noticed that sonic unleashed is listed on sale and shows discount yet when i put it in basket it shows full price...eek!

Yeah I noticed that too. Pity since I really wanted to get it, but even a day later it still shows up as full price when I put it into the cart.


Bought over ten games in the retro sale and got still enough on my backlog, but I`m in love with JnRs at the moment and will buy LBP Vita. Is it still possible to play Communitylevels?


Still shows as discounted in the Netherlands. Perhaps it's just inconsistent pricing across different countries' stores?

I think it must have been an error. The discount still shows up on the store, but when you add it your basket it goes back to the original price £11.99. It has also been removed from the PS Blog sales post, along with some other titles (Sonic & Sega All Star Racing being another).

I think the standard version of VLR was already on sale at £11.99 anyway, so my suspicion is that they accidentally discounted it on top of the original discount, realised the error, and withdrew it.



Heh, I just got my copy of Diablo III UEA from the US in the mail, since it was on Amazon for cheap. Oh well, at least the install size isn't nearly as big as the EU version, so I'm still winning out, and I only paid a little more than this sale price for a physical version :p
Is the Persona 4 Arena: Ultimax discount also an error? It's listed as 50% off on the webstore, but when I check the basket, it shows as full price.


bought Left Behind, I was waiting to get a PS4 + TLOU:R but that's a sweet price.

EDIT: oh for fuck's sake, why do I have to deal with the shitty internal downloader? Goddamnit Naughty Dog ;_;
Why is Virtue’s Last Reward Complete Collection double the price of the normal version? The description says the only difference is a bunch of avatars. WTF?

I think it must have been an error. The discount still shows up on the store, but when you add it your basket it goes back to the original price £11.99. It has also been removed from the PS Blog sales post, along with some other titles (Sonic & Sega All Star Racing being another).

I think the standard version of VLR was already on sale at £11.99 anyway, so my suspicion is that they accidentally discounted it on top of the original discount, realised the error, and withdrew it.


Oh, ffs...


Heh, I just got my copy of Diablo III UEA from the US in the mail, since it was on Amazon for cheap. Oh well, at least the install size isn't nearly as big as the EU version, so I'm still winning out, and I only paid a little more than this sale price for a physical version :p

It's 60 gigs because it's multilanguage. I own an Eastern Europe version with only three languages on the disc and it needs 24GB.


Just remember that if some bundles are far pricier than their regular edition it's because they didn't bother to discount the bundle.

Do I need to play Persona 4: Arena before I play Ultimax? I have been waiting for it to go on sale for some time. Still not sure if the bundle on the US store is better value.

Edit: How is Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend for Vita and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for PS3? It's a shame the Vita version isn't also on sale.

Ultimax has a DLC for P4A's story. Grab that if it's discounted and you're good to go.

I would suggest not getting CS Extend; this is the last update for CS (Being BlazBlue 2). Right now BlazBlue CP (bb3) Extend got released recently and next year will have BB4 releasing on PS4 and Vita.
The game takes up like 3-4 gb on your Vita too, so I'd advise against it for now.
GG XX AC+R is worth it though and has a story mode.
This sales pretty great, I'm trying to hold off because I'm saving everything for the big xmas sales ><

Hnngh the temptation is real. Especially since I don't expect some discounts to return later D:

On a side note, anyone thinking of getting the Prinny games on vita:

Beware, u'll probably end up mashing hard on the face buttons, the game is absolutely stressful but addicting as hell!


Is Tales from the Borderlands any good even though you have never played any of the other Borderlands games and how does the ps3 version run?


Is Tales from the Borderlands any good even though you have never played any of the other Borderlands games and how does the ps3 version run?

I've yet to play any BLand game but what I little I played of Tales from BLands was good and fun. So yes you don't have to have played the BLand games to enjoy it :)
Also Telltale games run like dogshit on PS3.


There's lots of stuff I already bought in previous sales, but I'm cool with it as that means I'm not filling up the backlog this time around. I ended up buying Goat Simulator, as it's now at a price where I feel I can justify its crapness.


So VLR only has native Japanese voices in the European release. For some reason I thought that the Vita version had both. I got it again after playing it on 3DS to replay it with new VA, but I guess I should've done better research! Will have to hunt down a North American copy now.


So VLR only has native Japanese voices in the European release. For some reason I thought that the Vita version had both. I got it again after playing it on 3DS to replay it with new VA, but I guess I should've done better research! Will have to hunt down a North American copy now.

US release is dual audio; European release is JP voices only.


So I'm trying to buy Resonance of Fate at the discounted price but the payment screen is still showing it as £11.99? What's going on here?

Fuck it, the physical release is barely more expensive, I'll just get that instead.
So VLR only has native Japanese voices in the European release. For some reason I thought that the Vita version had both. I got it again after playing it on 3DS to replay it with new VA, but I guess I should've done better research! Will have to hunt down a North American copy now.

The Japanese voice work is really good!


Neo Member
Did they ever manage to fix the PS4 version of Ether One?

As far as I know the initial release was full of bugs...


Did they ever manage to fix the PS4 version of Ether One?

As far as I know the initial release was full of bugs...
They fixed and fixed and fixed... It's in a better state now, but I can almost garantuee you that you won't have run without game breaking/game impacting bugs.
I picked up Diablo 3. Really enjoying it so far.

It's a fantastic game and that is such a good price, I have 100s of hours in that game. Going for platinum, just have the Hardcore stuff to do.

I only bought it a few months ago at that same price physical second hand. Wish I had digital just for convenience.

Enjoy many lost weekends man.

Think I might for for Goat Simulator (for shits and gigs, its a funny game for £3.70) and Bastion, I have it on Steam and iOS but I think I'll actually play it to completion on PS4.


Neo Member
They fixed and fixed and fixed... It's in a better state now, but I can almost garantuee you that you won't have run without game breaking/game impacting bugs.

Thanks for the clarification.

In this case it might be better to stay away from it...


I'm thinking Oreshika and the Prinny games for me. I know they're radically different from the Disgaeas but are they actually any good or would one be enough and in that case which?

Speaking of Disgaea was it ever confirmed that those NIS price drops from a few weeks ago in which D3 and D3 came down to £14.99 are permanent? I'd rather have a physical D4 but that's a hard price to beat for hundreds of hours of game.
I might pick up Mortal Kombat X for that price! Really enjoyed IX, and even though I am not good at fighting games, there's probably enough single-player content to satisfy me.


Might bite for Yakuza 4 - is it good? And how high is the level of violence? Too much violence is a big turnoff for me.


Yakuza 4 is really awesome. The characters, the story, the way they captired the feel of Japan... I love it! But it is violent.
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