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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


Why are we thinking a RBY remake is gonna happen? Anniversary or something?

That's the only reason I can think of. Though I did have an amusing thought a while back that if they remade the Kanto games for the anniversary and went with Blue rather than Green, we'd have three sets of red and blue colored games this generation =p

I still feel like a Mew giveaway is an easy and not unlikely way to celebrate the anniversary, though. But we'll see.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Thing is, you could probably do a RBY anniversary game pretty well by setting it in the XY/ORAS universe and as its hook they can just make Mega evolutions for the remaining 2/3rds. Thus pitting the gen wunners against mega evolution haters.


So much of XY feels like a damn RBY remake that what's the point. They even gave the starters and Mewtwo Mega Evolutions right off the bat and you know that'd be the "hook".

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So much of XY feels like a damn RBY remake that what's the point. They even gave the starters and Mewtwo Mega Evolutions right off the bat and you know that'd be the "hook".

I fully expect that if Mega evolutions continue that we'll see a Charizard Z one day.


I don't think a Gen 1 remake will happen as X and Y pretty much acted like a gen 1 remake.

Why not?

They have unique designs, with explanations of them.
They came up with backstories about them (as seen on official sites)
They were crafted carefully for balance for both stats and abilities (though Parental Bond needs nerfing)
They considered new moves in the Pokémon's movepool for the specific Mega Evolution e.g. Misty Terrain for Audino, High Jump Kick for Lopunny etc.

Aside from no name change and no number, and their special evolution mechanic, they are essentially new Pokémon.

Even official material classes them as new Pokémon

If I can't use them outside of battle or evolve them via traditional means with their evolution being permanent, then in my eyes they don't count as new Pokémon period.

So the official material may classes them as new "Pokémon" but I will never accept it and will just treat them as form change built purely for competitive battle only.

Why are we seriously arguing with him about Megas again?

Because I am a sad lonely bitter man.

Anyway I don't mind Mega existing nor do I mind if more exist but not at the cost of new Pokémon or new evolution for past gen Pokémon.

As it stand all I got to play with in gen 6 was 72 new Pokémon and I have already used the bulk of them, barring legendary as I don't use them.

Hence why I felt disappointed with gen 6 and come across bitter regarding to megas.

So much of XY feels like a damn RBY remake that what's the point. They even gave the starters and Mewtwo Mega Evolutions right off the bat and you know that'd be the "hook".

Not to mention Snorlax blocking the bridge, the Kanto birds being the Kalos trio (that was dumb on Game Freak part) and Santalune Forest being a redesign of Viridian Forest.

Not to mention some of the Kalos gym leader puzzle were throw back to gen 1 gym leader puzzle.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So, since Ash doesn't get Mega Sceptile, that means he's still got a space open on his team...

Weird thought, he doesn't have a Grass-type Pokemon, but we've got merchandise showing Quilladin/Chesnaught for the XY&Z series...what if they keep Clemont's Chespin as Chespin so they can have the cute mascot, yet then give Ash a Chesnaught going for the 2/3rd Starter deal he did in Diamond and Pearl. You think they'd do something like that?

Still hope he gets Snover.

Hmm, a recent episode I watched of XY had another Dunsparce fake-out---wonder if that's actually leading up to something?

If Game Freak thinks that giving Mega Pokédex entry will get me to accept that Megas are new Pokémon than form change then they can think again.

I will never accept them as new Pokémon.

To be honest I think giving Mega Pokemon their own PokeDex entries would be a big step forward though. That and making them more prevalent among the in-game trainers---you know I don't even need to use them myself during the scenario, but I wanna fight them. In fact, I think using them as bosses but restricting them to the post-game in single player actually isn't a bad move either.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Why though? They usually never dub over pokemon cries that don't speak their names. And the original Moltres cry was glorious.


My Z hype is in full swing. Finished my Living Dex (708/720, all my event legendaries are still in gen 5) last weekend, been doing a TON of breeding (got my ideal Zoroark and Excadrill) and general screwing around Hoenn and Kalos. I hear the XY seasons of the anime are pretty good, so I'm planning on checking it tonight for the first time since Advanced.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I've been tempted to replay through X, guess I'll finally get around to moving all the Pokemon to ORAS so I can reset it. Really wanna give Kalos another shot, but then again I don't want to possibly ruin the "third trip" we might be getting soon.

My Z hype is in full swing. Finished my Living Dex (708/720, all my event legendaries are still in gen 5) last weekend, been doing a TON of breeding (got my ideal Zoroark and Excadrill) and general screwing around Hoenn and Kalos. I hear the XY seasons of the anime are pretty good, so I'm planning on checking it tonight for the first time since Advanced.

XY is weird.

It's got a lot of fillers, every episode Team Rocket basically does the same scheme ending with more or less the same fight against them, and the lack of New Pokemon means you don't really have constant debuts to look forward to...

But I find it to be incredibly charming for some reason, and I legitimately enjoy it. The main cast works very well together, the show is rather nice to look at and comfortable, especially how well the backgrounds of most episodes look, and I like the music. It's just a very comfortable show.


I posted this in the XY thread but that seems a bit dead...

I recently bought and beat Pokémon X. I reached the postgame but I have only one friend (thanks Seil!) so my Friend Safari sucks haha. Anybody want to add me so that we can expand our safaris?

My FC is 4356-3015-6154 and my safari has Dwebble, Rhydon and Magcargo. If you're interested add me and shoot me a PM or respond here.

By the way, if this thread isn't good for this, where should I post this?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Eh would I disagree in filler. XY is pretty good at balancing the quality and references. Hell the Pokeball Factory is a Tom and Jerry homage.


Sounds good. Any good place to watch official or legal subs? I've got Netflix/Hulu/Crunchyroll. Otherwise, I'm totally cool with the dub.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well you just have to search for pocket monsters subs, though it seems gogoanime is using proper subs as well in their stream
So, since Ash doesn't get Mega Sceptile, that means he's still got a space open on his team...

Weird thought, he doesn't have a Grass-type Pokemon, but we've got merchandise showing Quilladin/Chesnaught for the XY&Z series...what if they keep Clemont's Chespin as Chespin so they can have the cute mascot, yet then give Ash a Chesnaught going for the 2/3rd Starter deal he did in Diamond and Pearl. You think they'd do something like that?

Still hope he gets Snover.

Hmm, a recent episode I watched of XY had another Dunsparce fake-out---wonder if that's actually leading up to something?

To be honest I think giving Mega Pokemon their own PokeDex entries would be a big step forward though. That and making them more prevalent among the in-game trainers---you know I don't even need to use them myself during the scenario, but I wanna fight them. In fact, I think using them as bosses but restricting them to the post-game in single player actually isn't a bad move either.

He's not getting Mega Sceptile as his sixth? What new info came out or was leaked?


I wonder if they're actually working on two games for next year. Z and a RBY remake. It would be completely against their pattern so far but I feel it could happen.

I don't think another gen I remake is happening...yet, I could see it for the 25th anniversary.

"Z", however, is coming, the question is... is it another "Director's cut" version like Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum or is it a sequel like B/W2? One or Two games?

I really hope we get some news soon.


Neo Member
I don't think another gen I remake is happening...yet, I could see it for the 25th anniversary.

"Z", however, is coming, the question is... is it another "Director's cut" version like Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum or is it a sequel like B/W2? One or Two games?

I really hope we get some news soon.
No way they're doing another directors cut game. That ship has sailed long ago
There's a big chance we'll see Gen VII on 3DS. I don't expect them to hop on NX or whatever the next handheld is so soon

DS could support two generations because it had enormous hardware sales and significantly better software sales for Gen IV than expected. 3DS does not have these factors in play, and the technical aspects of the 3DS hardware has repeatedly proven to not being up to what Game Freak were intending.

I expect Gen VII to be out in Autumn 2017, a year after the NX Handheld launches. Black and White launched on the DS before the 3DS launched in Japan, and there's about zero chance that Gen VII is going to be ready before the NX launches. Never say never, but I'd be astonished if Game Freak weren't moving to the NX full-bore after Z is out the door.


Neo Member
I really hope we get another Diancie event. last time I was away from home and my 3DS so couldn't download it. Just 3 days to download it

come on!


How do you cure pokemon fatigue ?

The trick is to pace yourselves, after I have finished a Pokémon game I just play a non Pokémon game or let some time pass.

I don't think another gen I remake is happening...yet, I could see it for the 25th anniversary.

"Z", however, is coming, the question is... is it another "Director's cut" version like Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum or is it a sequel like B/W2? One or Two games?

I really hope we get some news soon.

Black and White 2 killed the "Director's cut" version, "Pokémon Z" is very likely to be a two version deal.

The question is who will be on the box?


DS could support two generations because it had enormous hardware sales and significantly better software sales for Gen IV than expected. 3DS does not have these factors in play, and the technical aspects of the 3DS hardware has repeatedly proven to not being up to what Game Freak were intending.

I expect Gen VII to be out in Autumn 2017, a year after the NX Handheld launches. Black and White launched on the DS before the 3DS launched in Japan, and there's about zero chance that Gen VII is going to be ready before the NX launches. Never say never, but I'd be astonished if Game Freak weren't moving to the NX full-bore after Z is out the door.

I bet my butt that Game Freak was probably the first developer to get the NX development kit and are already working hard on gen 7.
I bet my butt that Game Freak was probably the first developer to get the NX development kit and are already working hard on gen 7.
They were one of the first to get 3DS kits, Gen VII probably started preproduction immediately after XY shipped and I would assume they are getting pretty deep into actual development. I think it's pretty likely we'll see Gen VII in 2017.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I finally restarted Y, doing a Nuzlocke---and I gotta say, I'm hooked on Pokemon again! Played seven hours straight, and not using the EXP Share certainly made things feel differently. I realize though I really find Amie and Super Training tedious and not worth bothering with though.

Only lost two dudes so far---first Bulbasaur to Tierno's Corphish, who is a MONSTER. Almost took down my entire team and I had to keep rotating them, Bulbasaur dying was the only reason I could beat him since I got a hit in on the switch-in. I didn't mind too much, since I didn't wanna use him much anyway and I just got him. And just now I got cocky against a Tentacool on the way to Grant, and he took out Bunnelby, who I actually think may be my favorite Early Rodent ever thanks to the show. You will be missed---now with Grant I've got a pretty good Skiddo, and a Floette to take care of Tyrunt, but I'm still nervous going against his Amaura. XY's way easier than the time I tried to do a Platinum Nuzlocke (got wiped out by Jupiter's Skuntank) with the variety, but I've had a lot of close calls like with Team Flare and the Smeargle Trainers near the Daycare.

I totally forgot Pokemon got a boost if you keep them unevolved past the evolution level---did that with Weedle to get Bug Bite on Beedrill.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I totally forgot Pokemon got a boost if you keep them unevolved past the evolution level---did that with Weedle to get Bug Bite on Beedrill.

This reaches it's peak in gen 3. There's a lot of good moves you can either only learn or learn a lot earlier if you're willing to use a much weaker early evolution into the 40's.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I thought that was a generic tettra "scan"


EDIT: oh my god, that Future Sight nuke lol
Olympia's infinite more times better in the anime than the game

Frogadier loves Ash so much lol

Oh and nice to see that they bring up Ash NOT being a novice trainer as a plot point

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hehehe I like this "Carrie is a Johto immigrant" fanon. She doesn't know who Sycamore is, acts like a bit of a hick, and her character art resembles a Johto-nese character.
Hehehe I like this "Carrie is a Johto immigrant" fanon. She doesn't know who Sycamore is, acts like a bit of a hick, and her character art resembles a Johto-nese character.

then again, Olympia didn't know who Sycamore was, so it just doesn't sound like handsome professor is that popular

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
then again, Olympia didn't know who Sycamore was, so it just doesn't sound like handsome professor is that popular

Nah she knows him (at least, from what was implied in XY93), apparently Carrie just goes off without probably waiting for Olympia's orders.

oh god 3 days until XYZ.


If RBY remakes happen again, I hope they save it for NX. XY engine is played out already. It would also be cool if they expanded the sevii islands and included Johto.

Speaking of implausible wishes for the series, I hope they're working on bringing Riding and Gliding as permanent features, but we've only seen tiny glimpses because they really wanna flesh it out, along with unique surfing pokemon models and bringing back Pokemon following you. Sort of like how in DPPt there was that park where you could only walk the starters, and later in HGSS it came back as a full-feature. I am ready to look back on this post and laugh/cry though.
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