Xbox Breaks Xbox Black Friday Records; Windows 10 Gaming Continues To Rise


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Xbox One was 1,2 million November 2014. They don't say they're up 22% in November as a whole, but if they're up on Black Friday they likely got a decent increase on the whole month as well.

None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.


It's not hyperbole when they actually did do want to fuck us over. They've improved massively since, but not out of any innate goodness, simply because carrying on as they intended would have lost them even more marketshare and money.

And yes, the TR exclussivity is indefensible bollocks that benefited no one, screwed over most if the series fanbase, myself included, and has buggered the games sales and potentially done permenant damage to the franchise.

If you're seriously dismissing any criticism of MS's behavior this gen and getting personally offended by people expressing valid critiscm, then frankly you're just deluding yourself.

Seriously, what company acts of some kind of innate goodness? They're all after our money. Even the "good guys" at Nintendo. Yes, Microsoft fucked up the Xbox One reveal. I was watching it live and as an Xbox 360 player I was indescribably disappointed. But they did change. Phil Spencer has been pretty candid about what went wrong and why.

Because they're after our money, just like any other company, you can't really blame them for trying to increase interest in the platform with time exclusives like Rise of the Tomb Raider. If you don't want to buy an Xbox One to play it, don't. You can wait for the PC or PS4 version then.


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

I guess we'll find out. This year Xbox One has been up YOY basically every month, if I am not mistaken.
It's not hyperbole when they actually did do want to fuck us over. They've improved massively since, but not out of any innate goodness, simply because carrying on as they intended would have lost them even more marketshare and money.

So Sony improved from the PS3 generation out of their innate goodness then? Can you post examples of companies with "innate goodness"?

You're trying to act as if you're speaking sense, but I'm just seeing a lot of double speak.
I guess we'll find out. This year Xbox One has been up YOY basically every month, if I am not mistaken.

Well last year Microsoft was still trying to sell 500 dollar Xbox ones for half a year and when they did drop to 400 it didn't include a game. This year the console was 350 with a game.

This year's black Friday sales weren't notably better than last year's.


So Sony improved from the PS3 generation out of their innate goodness then? Can you post examples of companies with "innate goodness"?

You're trying to act as if you're speaking sense, but I'm just seeing a lot of double speak.

People love to forget that Sony would bend them over and fuck them sideways if they could get away with it.

Remember $599? Oh you can't afford that? Get two jobs bitch.


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

Except a full weekend of free game + $50 gift card or controller for BLOPs and a full week of free game of your choice during Battlefront.

Not saying they will or won't be down yoy for the month, but they did not have "nothing".


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

They dropped $50 dollars on every console except the Kinect bundle people bought the Gears of war Xbox for $299 that a solid ass price point, and you could get a Tera-byte console for like$349.99


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

Really? So you're going to conveniently ignore all the great promotions they had? The free game and controller deal? The Gamestop $250 trade in credit towards any XB1 bundle that also included the free game and controller? Now I'm not saying they won anything but you can't say they had nothing before BF either.


If XBO is down YoY (which I think it will be the case) then the main reason for that happening won't be because this year deals were worse than last year's, it will be because PS4 was very competitive this year. I mean PS4 and XBO are basically fighting for the same audience.

Last year, XBO had almost no competition in the weeks before BF.


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

They had better deals at the beginning of the month. I got the 1tb holiday bundle, Halo 5, and a $50 gift card for $359, BF didn't come close to this. There were promotions all over the place.


Hope they did well, it's clear MS is aware how much work they have to get back to square one with the core gamers. They have made good progress and the xbone, for me anyway, is a must have system.
They will have their work cut out for them next year once the big hitters and other software delayed to 2016 starts rolling out


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

Xbox One doesn't sell just because of deals. Black Ops 3 and Fallout 4 should've been pushing consoles.
That is exactly what they are doing. Microsoft lists the factors like saying point one, two, and three, and then says what those points led to. Let's break down the PR statement into the points being made and follow that with the conclusion:

  • Point #1: Worldwide Xbox Black Friday sales in the Xbox Store broke records with an increase of 57 percent across Xbox One and Xbox 360,
  • Point #2: global Xbox Live Gold subscriptions were up over 40 percent,
  • Point #3: and U.S. Xbox One console sales at retail were up 22 percent over the same period last year,
  • Conclusion: making it the second biggest Black Friday week in 15 years of Xbox history in the U.S.
An analogous sentence structure would be: You eat my food, don't clean up after yourself, and late paying your share of the the rent, making you the worst roommate I've ever had.

The key is the ", and" between point #2 and point #3 indicating that all three phrases should be taken as items in a list. Without that interpretation Point #1 and Point #2 aren't grammatically correct. They'd have to be followed by periods, not commas.
This is correct, actually.

That'd only be true if PR statements were not crafted intentionally to deceive. That's the whole point of PR. Have you seen the amount of tortured logic politicians use to make statements favorable to themselves? If you are not looking for double meanings and intentional ambiguities in PR statements then you are likely being dupped. Microsoft has a history of being misleading so it's not out of the normal to think they'd do so again. In fact you'd have to expect it.
This is also correct.

With Halo 5 they said games and hardware so was clear they're "innovated" including Xbox One console sales.

Now they just said "second biggest in 15 years", after commenting on Xbox One sales, so It's not clear that refer to consoles, games, accessories, and all.
Sorry, but EvenHorizon nailed it. We've established and agreed that he's saying this was the second-biggest week ever for XBox, right? Yet you simultaneously hold the contradictory position that he's claiming it was the second-biggest week for an XBox, when he said nothing of the sort. He says three factors contributed to this being the second-biggest week in XBox History; strong worldwide sales in the XBox Store, a global increase in Gold subscriptions, and an increase in US Bone sales. I know the way he wrote it makes it very confusing, but the scope of the contributing factors does not affect the scope of the examined result. Here's another example. "Consumers flocked to the launch of the 2016 Camero, making this the third-best quarter in GM's 150-year history." That doesn't mean they sold a billion Cameros though. It just means the Camero sales helped push them past the former Third-Best-Quarter-of-All-Time. Without the increase in Camero sales, they prolly just woulda had the fourth-best quarter.

So yeah, I was trying to give them a little credit and not distract from the main point — which is that in no way did he say Bone sold ~800k last week — but it's pretty clear that last week was the second-best Black Friday Week for XBox Family in terms of revenue. So here's the even shadier part. A big part of the reason revenues were so high was because they sold so many Bones, right? And a big part of the reason they sold so many Bones was because they were effectively knocking like $100 or more off of the price through discounts and add-ons, right? Except all of the discounts and add-ons don't actually reduce the revenue they book. A $350 console on sale for $250 is booked as $350 in revenue, and then $100 in "marketing expenses" are tallied in a completely different part of the spreadsheet. So while we know their XBox revenue was the second-highest ever, that doesn't tell us anything about their cost-of-revenue. I suspect that was also their second-highest ever, actually. Likely, they were both second to the 2014 results.

Just thinking, Black Friday falls on a different date each year doesn't it? So saying 'the same period' could mean a date range rather than the specific days of Black Friday weekend?

Or am I just overthinking it a little?
Probably. Black Friday Week would just refer to the reporting period that includes Black Friday. Reporting periods run Sun-Sat in the US, and Mon-Sun in Asia. I think EU follows US, but I'm not sure.

I think it's pretty easy to understand how this can be the biggest Black Friday week in Xbox history

LOL. Ok, wow, never knew all these things until you pointed them out to me. Thanks so much for the life advice.

Pretty snarky response for someone who just advised we stop wasting time trying to figure out what actually happened.

If XBO is down YoY (which I think it will be the case) then the main reason for that happening won't be because this year deals were worse than last year's, it will be because PS4 was very competitive this year. I mean PS4 and XBO are basically fighting for the same audience.

Last year, XBO had almost no competition in the weeks before BF.


People love to forget that Sony would bend them over and fuck them sideways if they could get away with it.

Remember $599? Oh you can't afford that? Get two jobs bitch.

So they screwed people on purpose even though they lost money on it, you're a genius dude.


Ms PR threads are mind bendingly hilarious. People praise that team, but when you have to parse info and there is always a residue of doubt as to the actual meaning, the company ends up looking slimey. And there is no need for it, they are a money making powerhouse. Contrast that to the way Apple or Sony communicate.

They need a new team that puts communication and plain language first, ahead of spin. There is a reason people hate politicians.

Yo, seriously, wtf you talking about? Apple has some of the most absurd PR and exec hype on the planet. And are you forgetting some of the shit Sony said and did last gen?

This is a marketing PR announcement, every company in the world does this. Calm down there breh, get a hold of your rage.


Yo, seriously, wtf you talking about? Apple has some of the most absurd PR and exec hype on the planet.

Actually Apple is widely known and praised for clear PR statements and their readable legalese. Exec hype sure whatever, but I dunno what that has to do this topic.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Xbox One doesn't sell just because of deals. Black Ops 3 and Fallout 4 should've been pushing consoles.

Of course not, they sell a baseline amount of consoles every month. Are you expecting 400k in the quite three weeks before BF? I would think not, you have to take into account those who are holding off for BF - I would say sales slow before BF, not even staying flat.


Would seem obvious, they are down from last November. If they have the ability to track sales that took place just a week ago and know sales were up 22%, they easily have sells for the whole month and could have stated how much they were up for the month.
Why are people still surprised that Microsoft makes deliberately misleading PR statements? It should not be surprising at this point.


So they screwed people on purpose even though they lost money on it, you're a genius dude.
When you overengineer a piece of kit with features that aren't needed for gaming, so much so that you eat up consumer confidence and then have the gall to expect people to get second jobs to pay for the overpriced shit... Yes that is screwing your fans.
Similar to how ms is taking a pounding and losing tons of marketshare over the last 4 years because the designed content (Kinect) that their core audience doesn't want and console that offers features your core audience doesn't care about (xbone)
The ps3 screwed PlayStation fans


So they screwed people on purpose even though they lost money on it, you're a genius dude.

Unless they were planning on being a loss-leader, they had every intent to charge people as much as possible. That's how business works. I guarantee Sony wasn't thinking "Hey let's purposely lose money on this product because we <3 <3 our fans"
Conclusion: making it the second biggest Black Friday week in 15 years of Xbox history in the U.S.
Ha! I just realized he got me too. The talk of global increases in game and Gold sales threw me off, but this wasn't the #2 BFW for XBox; it was just the #2 US BFW for XBox. ><

I see why you're making the big bucks, Mr. Hyrb.


Of course not, they sell a baseline amount of consoles every month. Are you expecting 400k in the quite three weeks before BF? I would think not, you have to take into account those who are holding off for BF - I would say sales slow before BF, not even staying flat.

I think the point is that software like Fallout, BO3 etc can drive more sales when compared to last year November outside of BF.


None of the follows, but the PR is working.

Even if Black Friday week was up, the month could easily be down. Last year they had a fresh $349 price driving sales up across the whole month. This year they had nothing until BF.

That's not true. Some people felt some of the deals leading up to Black Friday were better than the Black Friday offerings.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I think the point is that software like Fallout, BO3 etc can drive more sales when compared to last year.

Because last November didn't have game releases too? COD, FC4, DA:I, MCC, GTAV, etc. XB1 also had a price drop in November last year. Meanwhile sales in pre BF were slow for XB1 in 2015. I don't think they had a console in the Amazon hourly top 40 for weeks.

That's not true. Some people felt some of the deals leading up to Black Friday were better than the Black Friday offerings.

For example?


So they screwed people on purpose even though they lost money on it, you're a genius dude.
No, they just arrogantly assumed that ps3s would fly off the shelves like their two previous consoles.. And that they would make bank on royalties. They learnt a very expensive lesson.

A lesson which Microsoft is now taking.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.


No, they just arrogantly assumed that ps3s would fly off the shelves like their two previous consoles.. And that they would make bank on royalties. They learnt a very expensive lesson.

A lesson which Microsoft is now taking.

This makes no sense in the context of Dakilla13s original post though. The fact that they thought PS3s would be flying off shelves was them "bend[ing] them over and fuck[ing] them sideways"?

How so? The PS3 may have cost Sony a lot and the BOM was high but nothing about it was built to "fuck you sideways", on the contrary it was the console that gave us region free, that gave us non proprietary memory, standard HDDs, and even had free online play. Very little to nothing was designed to fuck you sideways.


I still don't see how selling an expensive product is trying to screw people over. It's in a completely different ballpark than taking dodgy measures and being completely unclear about them till the last minute.
There's also that whole thing with Microsoft wanting to fuck us all over at the start of his generation, and doing so with a hilariously inferior system to the PS4, while only giving a shit about the US, then even while back-pedalling like crazy ever since, still taking the time to be utter wankers with stuff like the Indie parity clause, and bought Tomb Raider exclusivity, all while spewing double speak bollocks in every PR statement.

But no, you're right, it's all just petty console warriors and butt hurt Sony fanboys, nothing at all to do with enjoying watching them suffer the consequences of their own stupidity coming back to bite them in the arse.

That little rant didn't really help your case.

Chocolate & Vanilla

Fuck Strawberry
Yeah, this line really bothers me. I know the whole thing is just PR painting the console in the best light possible, but this in particular is literally a lie. Let's take a look:

Halo 5 - Metacritic score of 85
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Metacritic score of 86
Forza Motorsport 6 - Metacritic score of 87
That's an average of 86/100 across three titles

Halo 3 - Metacritic score of 94
Project Gotham Racing 4 - Metacritic score of 85
Mass Effect - Metacritic score of 91
BioShock - Metacritic score of 96
That's an average of 91.5/100 across four titles
(Even if we add the more lukewarm Scene It! Lights, Camera, Action into the mix [73 Metascore] that only brings down the average to 87.8/100 across five titles)

I have checked Wikipedia and I don't think there are any I've missed. 2007 was an absolute beast of a year for the 360 and to try and claim that "holiday" 2015 has been a better year for software is a flat out lie.

Edit: somehow misread.

Can't disagree. There isn't even some clever spin there at all.


When you overengineer a piece of kit with features that aren't needed for gaming, so much so that you eat up consumer confidence and then have the gall to expect people to get second jobs to pay for the overpriced shit... Yes that is screwing your fans.
Similar to how ms is taking a pounding and losing tons of marketshare over the last 4 years because the designed content (Kinect) that their core audience doesn't want and console that offers features your core audience doesn't care about (xbone)
The ps3 screwed PlayStation fans

At least PS3 was one hell of a machine that you got for 599,-

Sony took big loses with every console that was sold. You got one of the first affordable Blu-Ray player and even if the FW was very feature lacking in its first year it became later one of the best multimedia devices on the planet.

Not so with Xbone where MS intentionally put weak components in the console so they could bundle Kinect with it and stay under 500,- and still make profit on day one with every console sold.

PS3 saw the biggest jumps in quality in games when devs finally mastered the cell (well mostly first-party devs). You won't see this with Xbone because it is what it is. No secret sauce or cloud computing can change that fact.
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