One Punch Man TV |OT| Just an average guy who serves as an average hero.

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I would doubt that.
The Garou arc is extremely long. Murata hasn't even gotten to the real thick of it yet, instead he is doing a side story about Metal Bat. It's going to take him a long ass time to finish it.

Yeah a side story that is actually a long part of the manga. I can't wait for one volume to called
One Punch Man who doesn't even appear in the volume
Let me hope


After reading through ONE last week, his art isn't so bad that it would be impossible I guess. You can still make it out perfectly fine and it would work decently as a storybaord, from what I saw of Imaishi's storyboards for Kill la Kill people have worked with way worse. But since they would be going outside of the Murata versions, they wouldn't have anything to push for sale since I think ONE is still just a webcomic.


Clearly. They should though, at least more than they currently do. It would do a lot to increase the marketability of a lot of their products worldwide. Make themselves some extra cash and that's what all capitalistic industries want no?

I'd certainly like more diversity, but when the only mainstream outlet at least in the U.S. is one night on Toonami, I doubt the international revenue streams bring in that much. Maybe the Crunchyroll revenue is ok? Not to mention this started out as a webcomic that probably figured it would never even get big in Japan. I'm also pretty certain every character in the show/manga is Japanese.

Definitely agree on the gender representation though which OPM is bad at by even other manga standards.

Also, I do criticize One Piece for a lack of race diversity when many of its countries take inspiration from real places.

And yeah. The gay stereotypes are bad and way too prevalent in manga in general.


Uhh.. I don't think making him go from "I want to abuse cute boys, but that's bad so I lock myself up.... but criminals are bad, so it's just punishment for them!" to "wink wink, I'm a prison rapist" is an improvement.

Er at no point did that cross my mind nor was that my intention. He just seemed like the type of guy who likes to wink a lot because he has a bit of a playful side to him. I don't know if that's on you for making bad assumptions or on me for not anticipating people would make those assumptions. It seemed clear from my intent that I wouldn't condone something like that but perhaps I failed to convey that? Sorry? Either way, to be clear, I DON'T MEAN ANYTHING LIKE THAT!

Russ T

Er at no point did that cross my mind nor was that my intention. He just seemed like the type of guy who likes to wink a lot because he has a bit of a playful side to him. I don't know if that's on you for making bad assumptions or on me for not anticipating people would make those assumptions. It seemed clear from my intent that I wouldn't condone something like that but perhaps I failed to convey that? Sorry? Either way, to be clear, I DON'T MEAN ANYTHING LIKE THAT!

Hah, I see someone else thought the same thing. Yeah, I don't believe it was an intentional implication, but the stereotype is so prevalent (at least in American culture) that it's difficult to see it any other way, for me.

Unrelated, there's another character not yet introduced in the anime (or even in Murata's version) who is also problematic as fuck (based on the name, and a little based on costume - personality wise they seem fine, I think?).
Slicing Sheman

It really sucks when something you love just keeps introducing more shitty things. ):


Er at no point did that cross my mind nor was that my intention. He just seemed like the type of guy who likes to wink a lot because he has a bit of a playful side to him. I don't know if that's on you for making bad assumptions or on me for not anticipating people would make those assumptions. It seemed clear from my intent that I wouldn't condone something like that but perhaps I failed to convey that? Sorry? Either way, to be clear, I DON'T MEAN ANYTHING LIKE THAT!

It's this bit mostly

Plus, there aren't many other places you'll have so many cute guys gathered in one place! *innocent wink*"

It just screams "and I get to have my way with them there"


Just gonna say that as a black guy, I don't really want diversity just because

Like, if a creator wants to have a black character because that's what they want, cool.

but just putting it in for no reason other than diversity means nothing

just how I feel
Metal Bat is pretty cool tho
For sure. As much as I want Murata to catch up with ONE, I love all the additional content in the manga. The current focus on Metal Bat is awesome. There are so many cool and/or hilarious Heroes scattered throughout the classes that are just as entertaining to watch as Saitama.

Russ T

Just gonna say that as a black guy, I don't really want diversity just because

Like, if a creator wants to have a black character because that's what they want, cool.

but just putting it in for no reason other than diversity means nothing

just how I feel

As a white dude, I'm tired of seeing white dudes everywhere! Especially when walking down the street in some places around where I live and work I'm MORE likely to see non-white dudes.

EDIT: Also, by the same token, you could say "I don't really want non-diversity just because", which is usually the reason it happens. Just because. ):
And then theres threads on the subreddit with people asking if tatsumaki wears panties or bloomers. And people posting shots from the show of her butt. Maybe I just shouldn't be a part of anime fanbases.


For sure. As much as I want Murata to catch up with ONE, I love all the additional content in the manga. The current focus on Metal Bat is awesome. There are so many cool and/or hilarious Heroes scattered throughout the classes that are just as entertaining to watch as Saitama.
And it's refreshing. Only Saitama would get exhausting fast, but seeing people struggle or at least needing to make an effort feels good.
And then theres threads on the subreddit with people asking if tatsumaki wears panties or bloomers. And people posting shots from the show of her butt. Maybe I just shouldn't be a part of anime fanbases.
You should look in the average Monogatari Series reddit thread. it's 10% meaningful discussion and unravelling the mysteries, 10% giggling over references and 80% perving around.


Just gonna say that as a black guy, I don't really want diversity just because

Like, if a creator wants to have a black character because that's what they want, cool.

but just putting it in for no reason other than diversity means nothing

just how I feel

I just want artists to have complete freedom, I see no real reason to think for others, someone out there somewhere is going to get upset anyway so why bother.
Creators should do what they think is best.


I just want artists to have complete freedom, I see no real reason to think for others, someone out there somewhere is going to get upset anyway so why bother.
Creators should do what they think is best.

Pretty much exactly how I feel.

Tats bros know what's good


And then theres threads on the subreddit with people asking if tatsumaki wears panties or bloomers. And people posting shots from the show of her butt. Maybe I just shouldn't be a part of anime fanbases.

Depends on the community. I love the Megaten series, but I don't really care for the reddit for it, and at this point, I don't think I like any Gamefaqs forum.


Sucks at poetry
"little girl"

I guess anyone that's flat is a little girl now

That's how it's been for a long time here in the good ol west. Unless it's a cow-tittied monster mega milf, then it's obviously a little girl. And we're extremely uncomfortable. And someone, somewhere, is a pedo. They have to be!


I just want artists to have complete freedom, I see no real reason to think for others, someone out there somewhere is going to get upset anyway so why bother.
Creators should do what they think is best.
Complete freedom is a bit much, there are many limits that should apply, like hate speech. But freedom within a reasonable big range is important, yes.
That's how it's been for a long time here in the good ol west. Unless it's a cow-tittied monster mega milf, then it's obviously a little girl. And we're extremely uncomfortable. And someone, somewhere, is a pedo. They have to be!
I always had in mind to start a discussion of what people here think about real life small people like Lupe Fuentes in her early career and if anyone would be allowed to have sex with or masturbate to them. But I am not brave enough.
That's how it's been for a long time here in the good ol west. Unless it's a cow-tittied monster mega milf, then it's obviously a little girl. And we're extremely uncomfortable. And someone, somewhere, is a pedo. They have to be!

Uh no? I already said its the head to body proportions that makes her look like a little girl. Saitama in this very episode said she looks like a child.
Mangaka generally have a lot of creative freedom compared to a Western comic book writer. Mangaka own their series and its generally tied to one persons creative vision and not like Superman or Spider-Man which have had a hundred different authors over the years.

.I always had in mind to start a discussion of what people here think about real life small people like Lupe Fuentes in her early career and if anyone would be allowed to have sex with or masturbate to them. But I am not brave enough.

probably not a good idea

this is what i mean when i say that Murata's drawing probably took a long, long time


That's how it's been for a long time here in the good ol west. Unless it's a cow-tittied monster mega milf, then it's obviously a little girl. And we're extremely uncomfortable. And someone, somewhere, is a pedo. They have to be!

The Pedo thing is weird

Someone tried to shame me for thinking Ryuuko was hot, they were all like but she's 17 you creep

I'm only 2 years older than her

guess i'm a pedo tho



I'd certainly like more diversity, but when the only mainstream outlet at least in the U.S. is one night on Toonami, I doubt the international revenue streams bring in that much. Maybe the Crunchyroll revenue is ok? Not to mention this started out as a webcomic that probably figured it would never even get big in Japan. I'm also pretty certain every character in the show/manga is Japanese.

Definitely agree on the gender representation though which OPM is bad at by even other manga standards.

Also, I do criticize One Piece for a lack of race diversity when many of its countries take inspiration from real places.

And yeah. The gay stereotypes are bad and way too prevalent in manga in general.

I mean everything you've said here is true but I still think one of the reasons Attack on Titan has done so well overseas, even though its actually a pretty mediocre series with most poorly written characters, is in part because it does gender representation well. So I think being more aware of these issues can improve international appeal which in turn will improve international disc/book sales, increase the prices Japanese IP holders can ask for anime/manga/merch licensing, improve con attendance, get non or lapse anime fans more interested in anime in general and willing to look around for other, more nich titles that may appeal to them, etc.

Hah, I see someone else thought the same thing. Yeah, I don't believe it was an intentional implication, but the stereotype is so prevalent (at least in American culture) that it's difficult to see it any other way, for me.

Unrelated, there's another character not yet introduced in the anime (or even in Murata's version) who is also problematic as fuck (based on the name, and a little based on costume - personality wise they seem fine, I think?).
Slicing Sheman

It really sucks when something you love just keeps introducing more shitty things. ):

It's this bit mostly

It just screams "and I get to have my way with them there"

Well it seems more than one person thought I meant this which means probably a ton of lurkers do to. I clearly didn't think that sentence through hard enough. My bad :(

Also, yeah
Slicing Sheman
makes me uncomfortable and seems like a trainwreck waiting to happen. Not that writing
pre-op/no-op transexual characters
should ever be off limits but that character gives off no vibes that it will be handled well.

Just gonna say that as a black guy, I don't really want diversity just because

Like, if a creator wants to have a black character because that's what they want, cool.

but just putting it in for no reason other than diversity means nothing

just how I feel

Nobody is saying just stick stuff in all willy nilly or for no reason or to meet a quota. They are just saying that besides the obvious fact that seeing different types of people in media has a positive effect on the people who consume media, that more "diversity" allows for a larger and more interesting spectrum of character designs, character personalities, character back stories, character interactions, powers, etc. It's a good thing. Also, the superhero genre was pioneered and is currently spearheaded by American interests. So while it did start white as fuck (Superman, Batman, etc.) I think the expectations are naturally different than if this was say a Samurai manga/anime or whatever.


Nobody is saying just stick stuff in all willy nilly or for no reason or to meet a quota. They are just saying that besides the obvious fact that seeing different types of people in media has a positive effect on the people who consume media, that more "diversity" allows for a larger and more interesting spectrum of character designs, character personalities, character back stories, character interactions, powers, etc. It's a good thing. Also, the superhero genre was pioneered and is currently spearheaded by American interests. So while it did start white as fuck (Superman, Batman, etc.) I think the expectations are naturally different than if this was say a Samurai manga/anime or whatever.

I mean, you are right, different races can lead to good different kinds of characters. I'm not against it at all, I'm just against it being done because people whined about it.


Well it seems more than one person thought I meant this which means probably a ton of lurkers do to. I clearly didn't think that sentence through hard enough. My bad :(

Also, yeah
Slicing Sheman
makes me uncomfortable and seems like a trainwreck waiting to happen. Not that writing
pre-op/no-op transexual characters
should ever be off limits but that character gives off no vibes that it will be handled well.

Just saying "wink wink nudge nudge" is going down from this (bonus chapter during the Sea King arc)


Mangaka generally have a lot of creative freedom compared to a Western comic book writer. Mangaka own their series and its generally tied to one persons creative vision and not like Superman or Spider-Man which have had a hundred different authors over the years.
Still have editors on their backs who have a certain vision themselves or at least about the market. I believe at least some of the repetive cliches come from editors suggesting it to their mangakas because it's popular.
Still have editors on their backs who have a certain vision themselves or at least about the market. I believe at least some of the repetive cliches come from editors suggesting it to their mangakas because it's popular.

I wouldn't know for certain. People seem to ascribe a lot of power to editors and I'm not sure how much of that is true or not. People love to say an editor told Kishimoto not to kill Sasuke on the bridge against Haku but I have never seen any proof of that for example


Mangaka generally have a lot of creative freedom compared to a Western comic book writer. Mangaka own their series and its generally tied to one persons creative vision and not like Superman or Spider-Man which have had a hundred different authors over the years.

This is why I generally prefer manga, or why I'm not really interested in getting into the DC/Marvel universe. I have been interested in the 'Fables' comic though since Wolf Among Us.


The Pedo thing is weird

Someone tried to shame me for thinking Ryuuko was hot, they were all like but she's 17 you creep

I'm only 2 years older than her

guess i'm a pedo tho

Here I'll actually agree with you. That is to say I think the "she/he is actually 18/1000 years old so its ok" is a fucking stupid defense because its only every said about characters who obviously look and act like kids - these are characters that shouldn't be sexualized. On the same token "you find this 17 year old character attractive? - what hell is wrong with you!" is dumb because these same people are almost always placated if you change nothing else about the character except the number on their profile for their age and this is usually only said about anime characters that look and act like someone in their 20s-30s (i.e. a huge number of anime "high schoolers") The number shouldn't be what makes something objectionable, it should be how the character acts and looks.

Like actually trying to have a relationship with a RL high schooler long after you've left high school is problematic for a million different reasons. Merely thinking the character design for a high school aged anime character (who often times actually look and act much older than their numerical age) is not much different than merely thinking a RL high school cheerleader of either gender is attractive. People can always be creepy about it and take it too far but that's on that person not the character.

I feel people are too focused on the number and less on the reasons we actually have those legal and moral safeguards in our society (mental development, life experience, socioeconomic status, power dynamics, etc.)

Just saying "wink wink nudge nudge" is going down from this (bonus chapter during the Sea King arc)

Obviously this would be something I'd retcon about his character.


Huge Nickleback Fan
The Pedo thing is weird

Someone tried to shame me for thinking Ryuuko was hot, they were all like but she's 17 you creep

I'm only 2 years older than her

guess i'm a pedo tho


Good point, fanservice usually targetted at their intended viewer age. I remember watching Shizuka (from Doraemon) fanservice when i was like 10 or 12. If inwatch them now, i'm probably going to be called creep. That was definitely a lot more problematic.

Complete freedom is a bit much, there are many limits that should apply, like hate speech. But freedom within a reasonable big range is important, yes.I always had in mind to start a discussion of what people here think about real life small people like Lupe Fuentes in her early career and if anyone would be allowed to have sex with or masturbate to them. But I am not brave enough.

Definitely not a good idea. It's definitely going to be purged from gaf.
This is why I generally prefer manga, or why I'm not really interested in getting into the DC/Marvel universe. I have been interested in the 'Fables' comic though since Wolf Among Us.

There's tons of good stuff outside of capeshit (theres good capeshit too) but yeh I used to be a huge comic nerd and shifted to manga after a while because one canon and one author are so much easier to keep track of.


Mangaka generally have a lot of creative freedom compared to a Western comic book writer. Mangaka own their series and its generally tied to one persons creative vision and not like Superman or Spider-Man which have had a hundred different authors over the years.

Superman, Batman, Spiderman, etc. are some of the biggest comic book characters in the world. Of course you'd expect more executive and editorial meddling. Most manga, even popular ones, don't compare.

Tornado is an awful cliche character and anyone who likes her should go fire in a die.

Even as a joke this hyperbole doesn't really help :/


I wouldn't know for certain. People seem to ascribe a lot of power to editors and I'm not sure how much of that is true or not. People love to say an editor told Kishimoto not to kill Sasuke on the bridge against Haku but I have never seen any proof of that for example
Never heard that one, I love the story of Akamatsu fighting his fate after Love Hina. But yes, we don't know for certain in most cases since the mangaka won't tell as long as they want to jeep their jobs.

Tornado is an awful cliche character and anyone who likes her should go fire in a die.
Oh, wow. I guess this is what you are.

Definitely not a good idea. It's definitely going to be purged from gaf.
Basically why I didn't do it. I couldn't handle the fallout.

Russ T

The Pedo thing is weird

Someone tried to shame me for thinking Ryuuko was hot, they were all like but she's 17 you creep

I'm only 2 years older than her

guess i'm a pedo tho

Well those people are assholes.

The problem is not with you. It's with the people drawing a 17 year old - or younger - in a sexually arousing pose or whatever. I mean I'm 28 and I think Ryuuko is hot, because she is. It certainly doesn't help that in anime teenage girls often look identical to adult women, outfit notwithstanding.

But then you get Tatsumaki, who's obviously drawn to look like a younger girl. That's part of the joke of her character, and on its own would be fine. But the way she's presented is... not fine.

(And that's not even diving into the bigger issue of women being sexually objectified in the vast majority of media.)
I don't really have an issue with Tornado's character. With Genos and Saitama, they throw back the shit she throws at them. And usually in a nonchalant manner which pisses her off. In any other shitty anime with a cliche timid underdog protagonist, they would try to set up some tsundere loli sister complex between the two of them I would absolutely fucking hate her.
Basically why I didn't do it. I couldn't handle the fallout.

And you'd be avatar quoted to hell and back :p

At any rate, I don't see the problem. I just looked it up and some wiki said she's 28. She also just looks kinda small but not childlike to me. Mebbe that's just me though.


And you'd be avatar quoted to hell and back :p

At any rate, I don't see the problem. I just looked it up and some wiki said she's 28. She also just looks kinda small but not childlike to me. Mebbe that's just me though.

It's not just you. She looks like a very very short adult woman.


Maturity, bitches.
There comes a point where you really shouldn't have to be bothered to consider what those in another country will think when your product is primarily aimed at the domestic market. Different countries have different values and we have to accept that. OPM was a web comic written for the Japanese audience that happened to capture the interest of foreigners. ONE shouldn't then be obliged to appease those who chose to read it. If he suddenly does something you don't like based on your own culture then that's just life, clearly for him (and I guess most of Japan as these elements have gone unchanged with a redrawn manga and now an anime adaptation) these are non issues.

In Britain we had a prime time comedy on the BBC called Come Fly With Me. This show featured characters almost entirely portrayed by two white men, including black, Japanese, Pakistani etc. Now I know that this type of thing would be a big no no in America, but here in Britain is was seen as OK (I should note it got complaints, but almost everything does because complaining about TV is a national pastime). And no, this isn't something from the 70s, Come Fly With Me is less than five years old. I doubt many would say Britain is a country that needs to learn about diversity. Or for another British show written for British audiences that has a reputation of being rather un-PC and yet popular abroad - Top Gear. No one was telling them what was not acceptable abroad.


And you'd be avatar quoted to hell and back :p

At any rate, I don't see the problem. I just looked it up and some wiki said she's 28. She also just looks kinda small but not childlike to me. Mebbe that's just me though.
Well, it was a bit back. She was legal by any means, but she looked underage and her movies targeted people who were appealed by her petite figure. I called her name specifically, because she appeares in a court case against someone who was thought of consuming pedophilia because he watched hwr videos and she proved to the court that she was indeed legal at the time of the filming and got him free.

Maybe "Little Lupe" brings you more fitting pictures. In fact, just search that on a porn website.
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