Destiny |OT38| The 0.04% of the 4%


Rip Ruthless

Nicest Aussie I know

My girl disagrees.



Hi sexy people. My name is Eli. A generally talented and sexy 24 y/o male. When I'm not crushing brews with the boys or picking up super hot chicks are the bar I'm probably playing Destiny on PS4. Alone. I've found that tears make the joysticks slippery and throws my game off. So, please, add me up. I need Destiny pals! Playing right now doing some Heroic strikes. Could really use some help packing away Marks. Would be great to do KF one day

Psn: MiserySiren
Time zone: PST
Hunter 40, 266 light

Say what up!
Bungie should hire me as a game designer for destiny 2. Been thinking about all sorts of cool things that can make the end game highly repeatable.

Bungie pls
Bungie should hire me as a game designer for destiny 2. Been thinking about all sorts of cool things that can make the end game highly repeatable.

Bungie pls

Like including a little machine that injects heroine into your bloodstream every time you kill a raid boss or win a PvP match! Highly addictive.
Bungie should hire me as a game designer for destiny 2. Been thinking about all sorts of cool things that can make the end game highly repeatable.

Bungie pls

I'd love a crack at designing some weapon/armor perks.

I posted these back in november:

Exotic weapons shouldn't be struggling to be as unique as they once were. Off the top of my head, here are some idea for exotic weapons.

  • PvE Rocket Launcher that holds two in the barrel and fires both rockets at the same time. Let the rockets spin around each other like a double helix kind of thing.
  • PvE/PvP Rocket Launcher that has a 50% chance to drop a single rocket ammo pack on the ground of a killed target (Scaling would be much less dependable in PvE). Very low velocity.
  • PvE/PvP Rocket Launcher with proxy detonation that sticks to walls. Basically, a tripmine cannon.
  • PvP Rocket Launcher that does less damage but has a lot of physical momentum in the blast radius. Idea is to launch your enemies into walls for kills or out of maps.
  • PvP Sniper Rifle that only holds one in the chamber, super slow reload, but has no glint on the lense (basically what NLB should have been).
  • PvP Sniper Rifle that can't kill with a headshot, but doing any damage puts a 5 second debuff on the target that reduces their agility to 1.
  • PvP Fusion Rifle that fires it's bolts in a + or x shape pattern every time.
  • PvP Sidearm that causes major recoil on a target when hit. Idea is to really deter charging shotguns.
  • PvP Sidearm that has near instant weapon swap time.
  • PvP Sidearm that disables/silences enemies melee attack when hit.
  • PvP/PvE Scout rifle that increases Radar range by 1.5x
  • PvP Scout Rifle that has no accuracy penalty while jumping/airborne, and small damage bonus.
  • PvP Assault Rifle that is basically terrible but reduces grenade cooldown by .67X but only if the AR is being held.
  • PvP Pulse Rifle that does .75x damage to normal targets but 1.5x damage to targets in their super.
  • PvE Machine Gun that has a battery and holds all its ammo in 1 giant clip.

I know they aren't all winners, but this should be the kind of variety we have in our exotics. Weapons like Thorn and Telesto are awesome because they are such drastic changes to the way their weapon types are normally used. They should be the baseline that other exotics want to be.
Hi sexy people. My name is Eli. A generally talented and sexy 24 y/o male. When I'm not crushing brews with the boys or picking up super hot chicks are the bar I'm probably playing Destiny on PS4. Alone. I've found that tears make the joysticks slippery and throws my game off. So, please, add me up. I need Destiny pals! Playing right now doing some Heroic strikes. Could really use some help packing away Marks. Would be great to do KF one day

Psn: MiserySiren
Time zone: PST
Hunter 40, 266 light

Say what up!

haha this is pretty great, bravo sir! If you can reach at least ~280 light I'd be happy to help w a King's Fall run. Honestly you could get carried through it at your current light level but I never recommend that since it's not a fun experience to be way under-leveled. Also Hawkian does weekly newbie raids that rotate every week through the 3 raids currently in-game. The link is in the OP so check that out if you find a time he's doing KF that works for you.

Otherwise just post again here when you've leveled up enough and we can try to get a newbie raid group going.

Like including a little machine that injects heroine into your bloodstream every time you kill a raid boss or win a PvP match! Highly addictive.

Heroines can be very addictive but let's not make the thread too lewd by talking about injecting them.

edit: Look what you've done Sentinal. This thread is really in the gutter now Kappa
I love Blazing Saddles, so great.

Like including a little machine that injects heroine into your bloodstream every time you kill a raid boss or win a PvP match! Highly addictive.

We call that "digital crack" in the business. See I say "the business" because I want to look like Im "in" when Bungie comes knocking, and by saying "we" I seem like I work with more than one person

I'd love a crack at designing some weapon/armor perks.

I posted these back in november:

Yeah, thinking of perks that would be wanted is pretty great of what "could be" with Destiny. Like a while back I did my own take on a set of exotics based/themed around the bosses from Metal Gear Solid 3(Id link it but on mobile). And then someone complained "The Fear" is already a gun ._.
Thought this was actually a pretty good post on Reddit describing the current situation with the community:





Hi sexy people. My name is Eli. A generally talented and sexy 24 y/o male. When I'm not crushing brews with the boys or picking up super hot chicks are the bar I'm probably playing Destiny on PS4. Alone. I've found that tears make the joysticks slippery and throws my game off. So, please, add me up. I need Destiny pals! Playing right now doing some Heroic strikes. Could really use some help packing away Marks. Would be great to do KF one day

Psn: MiserySiren
Time zone: PST
Hunter 40, 266 light

Say what up!

Eli is a salesman. Welcome to DGAF.


They really should've done something with armor sets like diablo does

Iron Banner armor
Equip 1: Increased IB rep
Equip 2: Increase weapon handling and movement speed after capturing objective
Equip 3: Revive teammates quicker
Equip 4: Disables Rocket tracking

Make the PvP armor you know useful for actual pvp. The fact IB armor drops with BS perks like increased super energy for killing taken is just boring as shit.
They really should've done something with armor sets like diablo does

Iron Banner armor
Equip 1: Increased IB rep
Equip 2: Increase weapon handling and movement speed after capturing objective
Equip 3: Revive teammates quicker
Equip 4: Disables Rocket tracking

Make the PvP armor you know useful for actual pvp. The fact IB armor drops with BS perks like increased super energy for killing taken is just boring as shit.

Armor sets shouldve been a given starting from Vault of Glass. So many possibilities.


They really should've done something with armor sets like diablo does

Iron Banner armor
Equip 1: Increased IB rep
Equip 2: Increase weapon handling and movement speed after capturing objective
Equip 3: Revive teammates quicker
Equip 4: Disables Rocket tracking

Make the PvP armor you know useful for actual pvp. The fact IB armor drops with BS perks like increased super energy for killing taken is just boring as shit.
Iron banner armour does exist with the first two equips at least AFAIK. Unless you already know that and were just listing them in which case nvm


They really should've done something with armor sets like diablo does

Iron Banner armor
Equip 1: Increased IB rep
Equip 2: Increase weapon handling and movement speed after capturing objective
Equip 3: Revive teammates quicker
Equip 4: Disables Rocket tracking

Make the PvP armor you know useful for actual pvp. The fact IB armor drops with BS perks like increased super energy for killing taken is just boring as shit.

You're talking about these?



Iron banner armour does exist with the first two equips at least AFAIK. Unless you already know that and were just listing them in which case nvm

Yes, I'm quite aware of the perks. I would rather them be part of the set as looking for armor with perfect rolls with perfect stats is just dumb. Just find the correct set of 4 you like and as you equip them pvp perks activate

You're talking about these?

Except those only apply to control. It should be more generic to apply to rift or any objective mode they apply to IB
Ruthless got banned for that? That seems harsh...

Not really. he was pushing his luck. His posts were backhandedly directed at another gaffer who has him on ignore(for reasons not unlike what happened recently) iirc . And I dunno about you, but I would get annoyed if someone was insisting I was playing rift "the wrong way"..
You're talking about these?

Hes talking about sets. Armor sets that accrues bonuses when you equip multiples of them

Deku Tree

If you play rift like its clash, then you lose. It's an objective game and you have to play to win the objective. When I play with MM I can figure out if I'm gonna win in like 30 seconds depending on whether or not my team mates are playing to the objective or if they're just running around slaying.


With you and ocean down who is going to give all the helpful answers for newbies....

I will. Go ahead newbies ask me anything.
Fastest way to get to 320? Don't.
Want a Black Spindle? Let's roll.

However, if I am honest questions about The Witness are preferred.

Quick hits on extremely limited time with The Division.
I like it.
The HUD is a mess.
I hate how RPGs bury loot in the environment. It's particularly egregious on time 'sensitive missions' yet there are no consequences for loot hunting.
The soundtrack is hot fire.

Bring on the Bungie Update!
Sorry, BWU is reserved for BioWare.
I'm bored. So here are some armor set perk ideas:

I&#8217;m sure by this point, if Bungie wants to integrate Armor set perks, they&#8217;re already doing so, but I thought I&#8217;d put together some idea of what Armor perks could be. The idea here is to obviously balance the idea of something that player would want and seek, maybe even influence their decision, while at the same time, not creating anything too powerful that it is the only option.

Vanguard Set
  • 2: Increase Vanguard Rep gains by 10%
  • 3: Increase Legendary marks from Daily Mission by 3
  • 4: Vanguard Strike Engram drops have a 5% chance of being 1 Tier higher in quality
Crucible Set
  • 2: Increase Crucible Rep gains by 10%
  • 3: Increase Legendary marks from Daily PvP match by 3
  • 4: Start PvP matches with 50% more special ammo
King&#8217;s Fall Set
  • 2: Ammo crates in the King&#8217;s Fall drop 20% more ammo
  • 3: Non precision shots do 10% more damage in King&#8217;s Fall.
  • 4: Loot drops in King&#8217;s Fall drop with 3-5 more light on the item (max of 320).
Iron Banner Set
  • 2: Increase in Iron Banner Rep gains by 10%
  • 3: Respawn gives 10% boost to Grenade and Melee cooldown.
  • 4: Proximity needed to be near Heavy Ammo Crate activation is doubled.
Trials of Osiris Set
  • 2: Respawn with 10% special ammo if killed with zero special ammo in reserve.
  • 3: Rate of Radar pulse from crouching decreased by 50%.
  • 4: Friendly orbs do not despawn on death/round clear
Dead Orbit/New Monarcy/Future War Cult Set
  • 2: Increase Faction Rep gains by 10%
  • 3: Chance to Faction Cosmetic items in Rank up Packages increased (Shaders, Ships, Emblems)
  • 4: Bounties give 10% more XP on turn in.

Some of the 4 piece bonuses are powerful, but realize that they are competing with an exotic armor slot.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Opening up the list for a newbie Crota's End raid tomorrow, 1/30 at 3:00PM Eastern Time.

It's quite a quick (and fun, in my opinion) activity and the raid is open to anymore, but certainly to people who have never experienced it before. Also, if anyone is interested in giving the sword a shot (a unique role for the final boss fight) this is a great opportunity.

5 spots left for now, sign up here:
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