soco said:
i got a key the other day and have it installed but haven't played yet. i'm excited to play, but am reading up on most of it now as there's a lot to swallow.
i know i'll be a noob when i jump in no matter how much i read, but i at least want some idea of the characters and the basics.
soco said:
i got a key the other day and have it installed but haven't played yet. i'm excited to play, but am reading up on most of it now as there's a lot to swallow.
i know i'll be a noob when i jump in no matter how much i read, but i at least want some idea of the characters and the basics.
The best way to learn sadly is to actually play in games. The biggest thing is knowing what every hero does and how you can avoid getting killed by it (and there are alot of heroes). You can check em all out in practice mode but that would take a long time better spent playing real games.
Just remember these things and you should be ok:
1. At the start follow whatever lane your team tells you or pick one yourself. Two heroes top and bottom and only one middle. Ranged is usually in the middle as it is easier to manage the two hills that are there.
2. Don't auto attack creeps, wait until theyre almost dead and get the last hit. This ensures you get the maximum amount of gold early and prevents you from pushing the creeps to their tower too early. Later in the game you can pretty much ignore this rule. You can also deny the enemy creeps by killing your own creeps when they get low.
3. As a new player you should play defensively and focus on picking ranged heroes. Try to stay behind your creeps and listen to other players calling missing heroes. This means they might be coming down to kill you from behind.
4. Generally you should buy things from the recommended list (second selection at the shop) but dont be afraid to ask your teammates what you should buy.
5. Finally, if you notice your team is grouping up to kill something (tower, making a push) make sure you join them. Nothing makes me more angry than a team fight going down and were 4v5 because one of us just wants to keep farming gold.
On a side note - had an awesome game today with the gaffers. We kept getting owned by this one soulstealer who would solo around the map picking people off. Everytime he would get a kill he would write 'sup' in chat like a huge showoff. We ended up owning his team in the end, with a resulting "sup" from our whole team on the final push. Sweet retribution.