"Mr. Pope, tear down this wall!"
They're trying to claim that he was assassinated? lol
NYTimes said:Judge Cinderela Guevara of Presidio County said on Monday that she spoke with Justice Scalias doctor on Saturday, shortly after he was found dead in his room at a remote Texas ranch. She said the doctor told her that Justice Scalia, 79, had a history of heart trouble and high blood pressure, and was considered too weak to undergo surgery for a recent shoulder injury.
They're quick.
They're trying to claim that he was assassinated? lol
But...they don't even establish the foreigners as illegal. Being Mexican or Arab doesn't mean you're in the country illegally. Are illegal middle easterners even a real issue?
Wait, they want BLM to organize and get rid of police...?
maybe it's the alcohol, but what is this one saying?
EDIT: Is it some kind of tax joke?
A Liberal Nightmare.......
Are you being facetious but accurate or not getting what the author is trying to say.
It's essentially if black people "knew their place," weren't "uppity" and "thugs" the police wouldn't have to brutalize and murder them.
Or in simpler terms, victim blaming.
A Liberal Nightmare.......
This had me dying. Where is it ftom?Yeah, "a man is entitled to the sweat of his brow", "tax is theft" sort of thing. Anyway...
A Liberal nightmate...
This had me dying. Where is it ftom?
Im a firm believer that they need to bump the voting age to 30 and require that the person wanting to vote must hold a job or have held one for longer than a year. That way they will have been around long enough to see the ramifacations when an official holds office and know what it's like to see their wages taxed while trying to live without parental support. That'll change the way a lot of these "progressive" leftists think, because lets face it...half the people pulling for Bernie have yet to have to fend for themselves. They're all bought by the falcity of "free". Those who've worked (publically or under the table) are a little less fond of the idea of their wages going to those who haven't earned them (i.e. illegals and those who make a living completly off the system). Only exception being our service men and women, LEO's, and Emergency Personell.
Status update from a right-wing FB friend
This one's become popular recently.
Also recently got a Reddit account and discovered /r/forwardsfromgrandma
Not from Facebook but from Reddit, which due to that Donald Trump subreddit is basically unusable now.
Ger Reddit Enhancement Suite, it allows you to filter out subreddits from appearing... for example r/the_donald.
Maybe because I've been out of the country but what the heck does this even mean?
Saw this on another thread, but this can't be a real one, right? Made in jest.
Saw this on another thread, but this can't be a real one, right? Made in jest.
Not quite the same vein as most of the stuff in here, but I have to share this, which I saw through a friend-
This was so absurd I actually took the time to seek out that page and respond.
Lol, Russia unilaterally raises the price of its oil to $60/barrel. Good one.
A relative posted these. I commented on the second one saying something like "So did this guy pay the homeless man $50 to mow his lawn?"
Saw this on another thread, but this can't be a real one, right? Made in jest.