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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Sidhe / PikPok
They're trying to claim that he was assassinated? lol

"Perfect bill of health"?

NYTimes said:
Judge Cinderela Guevara of Presidio County said on Monday that she spoke with Justice Scalia’s doctor on Saturday, shortly after he was found dead in his room at a remote Texas ranch. She said the doctor told her that Justice Scalia, 79, had a history of heart trouble and high blood pressure, and was considered too weak to undergo surgery for a recent shoulder injury.


They're quick.

They're also idiots.

The current fortifications of the Vatican were built during the papacy of Leo IV, from 847-855 AD and expanded at various times from 1534-1644. You know, back when the papacy had more of a secular role and ruled over large swaths of the Italian peninsula and was under attack by various city states, there were Schisms that violently split the church (causing the papacy to actually flee the city for long stretches), popes were taken hostage as political pawns... you know, shit you'd want a wall to defend against.

It hasn't been more than a decorative fixture since 1929 when it was given roughly the same legal status as an embassy. The current Pope was born in 1936.





Wait, they want BLM to organize and get rid of police...?

Are you being facetious but accurate or not getting what the author is trying to say.

It's essentially if black people "knew their place," weren't "uppity" and "thugs" the police wouldn't have to brutalize and murder them.

Or in simpler terms, victim blaming.
maybe it's the alcohol, but what is this one saying?

EDIT: Is it some kind of tax joke?

Yeah, "a man is entitled to the sweat of his brow", "tax is theft" sort of thing. Anyway...

A Liberal Nightmare.......

1. President Donald Trump and Vice President Marco Rubio are sworn into office..

2. In a rare event on inauguration day, Congress convenes for an emergency meeting to repeal the illegal and unconstitutional Socialist healthcare farce known as Obamacare. The new Director of Health and Social Services Dr. Ben Carson announces that an independent group of healthcare management professionals is hired to handle healthcare services for poor and low income people. They are also assigned the duty of eliminating Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Government’s costs for public healthcare are reduced by 90%. Healthcare insurance premiums for working Americans are reduced by 50%. The move saves billions of taxpayer paid dollars. Healthcare service in the U.S improves 100%.

3. Newly appointed Department of Homeland Security Chief Ted Cruz announces the immediate deployment of troops to the U.S. Mexico border to control illegal immigration and the immediate deportation of illegals with criminal records of links to terrorist groups. New bio-encrypted Social Security IDs are required by every American citizen. Birthright is abolished. All immigration from countries that represent a threat to the safety of American citizens is terminated indefinitely. The move saves American taxpayers billions of dollars. Several prisons are closed.

4. Newly appointed Secretary of Business and Economic Development Carly Fiorina eliminates more than half of the Government agencies operating under the Obama administration saving taxpayers billions of dollars. Stocks rise 100%.

5. Newly appointed Director of Government Finance Rand Paul announces the abolition of the IRS and displays a copy of the new Federal Tax Return form. It consists of one page. The instructions consist of two pages. The Federal Reserve is audited. The move saves American Taxpayers billions of dollars and increases tax revenue.

6. Hillary Clinton is in prison, where she belongs. Her cell is directly across from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who are serving time for "Hate Crimes”. She bitches at them constantly from behind the bars of her cell in what some call cruel and unusual punishment.

7. Bernie Sanders is in the nuthouse, where he belongs. His room is directly across from Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chris Matthews and Al Franken. They meet for tea every day at 10 AM and discuss the success and benefits of Communism and Socialism throughout the world. They also wonder when the Mothership” is going to pick them up and return them to their home planets.

8. Windows 12 is released. It is designed for humans, doesn’t try to satisfy the needs of every person on the planet, doesn’t require a degree in nuclear physics to operate and looks just like Windows 7 except it is easier to use.

9. Barack Obama flees the United States under cover of darkness and returns to his homeland of Kenya before his trial for treason begins. He deplanes on a remote jungle airstrip. It was reported that he was last seen wandering through the jungle singing “Hakuna Matata” with a chimp named Commie.

10. Oscar Meyer announces the introduction of a new cholesterol and fat free pepperoni that tastes just like regular pepperoni.11. Not to be outdone, Kraft Foods announces the introduction of several varieties of cholesterol and fat free cheeses that taste just like regular cheese.

12. A committee is not established to determine what is causing global cooling. Billions of taxpayer dollars are saved.

13. Dead people are no longer allowed to vote in Chicago, a huge blow for the Democrat Party in the State of Illinois


A Liberal Nightmare.......

The funniest part is that they found a government position in the new regime for every major Republican candidate except poor Jeb! Bush. Poor guy can't catch a break anywhere

Oh, Chris Christie too, I guess, but he's clearly excluded because there was that one time he shook Obama's hand which, as we all know, is how Communism is spread.


Are you being facetious but accurate or not getting what the author is trying to say.

It's essentially if black people "knew their place," weren't "uppity" and "thugs" the police wouldn't have to brutalize and murder them.

Or in simpler terms, victim blaming.

Of course I'm being facetious

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Status update from a right-wing FB friend

Im a firm believer that they need to bump the voting age to 30 and require that the person wanting to vote must hold a job or have held one for longer than a year. That way they will have been around long enough to see the ramifacations when an official holds office and know what it's like to see their wages taxed while trying to live without parental support. That'll change the way a lot of these "progressive" leftists think, because lets face it...half the people pulling for Bernie have yet to have to fend for themselves. They're all bought by the falcity of "free". Those who've worked (publically or under the table) are a little less fond of the idea of their wages going to those who haven't earned them (i.e. illegals and those who make a living completly off the system). Only exception being our service men and women, LEO's, and Emergency Personell.

Which side of the border is the baby on? Mexico? Shouldn't you abort the baby then so it doesn't become a welfare moocher that doesn't speak English?


Maybe because I've been out of the country but what the heck does this even mean?

Translation: "Honorable, strapping and young true 'murican patriots kill themselves because Obummer supports <insert your favorite conservative scapegoat here> instead of the VA, but an old effeminate black weirdo singer dies and everyone goes crazy with grief."
Not quite the same vein as most of the stuff in here, but I have to share this, which I saw through a friend-

This was so absurd I actually took the time to seek out that page and respond.

Lol, Russia unilaterally raises the price of its oil to $60/barrel. Good one.

Haha, I know one of the people who run that blog and they truly believe they're unbiased. Arguing with them is hard because they read a LOT and for every point you bring up they have some variation of "Well how do you reconcile that with the beliefs of this dead philosopher" prepared. Or they'll demand to know what published, peer-reviewed research your opinions are based on.

A relative posted these. I commented on the second one saying something like "So did this guy pay the homeless man $50 to mow his lawn?"

I had a family member post the same thing, I commented "Now just find several hundred lawns for each homeless person in the country to mow each month and we're good!"

(The story did make me laugh though, even if it is stupid as an actual argument.)
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