this has to be a Poe. there is no way.
Maybe, but it was posted un-ironically in another forum I frequent.
this has to be a Poe. there is no way.
As long THEY are allowed to run around freely...
... THEY should too!
ThatI never thought it would happen to me...
How does that even
What?It literally makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, I'm so confused.
I saw a couple people posting some bullshit pics asking why people got MLK Jr. Day off but not Veteran's Day. This hero worship is getting out of control. One fought to completely change the issue of racial inequality and the other are people who volunteered for a job that mostly involves sitting and standing around. Talk to most soldiers and they will tell you, most of the job isn't raiding Al Qaeda or Taliban bases, it's sitting around waiting for something to happen. Not all of these people are heroes, in fact most of the people I personally know that ended up in the service were shitty people before enlisting, and aren't any better after.
If I see this shit being debunked on Snopes, it'll take an act of God to bring my boner down.
Yeah the hard-on some Americans have for the military in general is really baffling to me. I know a guy who actually served ('cause his dad was military and he was kind of born into it) and he feels the same, he says he always rolls his eyes whenever anyone says "thank you for your service".Not all of these people are heroes, in fact most of the people I personally know that ended up in the service were shitty people before enlisting, and aren't any better after.
It was only a matter of time...
I got a chuckle out of this one. I'm voting for Bernie but it's extra funny because the reason he is going to struggle to pass what he wants is because of the republicans in congress. It's even funnier when you realize congress is supposed to represent the people and the people, like the kids in 6th grade are for those things. It shows we don't live in a democracy. It's like the image is ironically pro-Sanders.
I don't even get what they're going for with this one. Isn't modern Christianity kinda embarrassed by the crusades. I doubt it considers it a highlight.
So I've unfollowed crazies I know on FB but I have problem and I like to check on them from time to time to see if they're still crazy. Just saw this.
Civil disobedience to set the stage for a court battle to dismantle segregation.Didn't Rosa Parks sit at the front of the bus because there were no seats free in the back?
Didn't Rosa Parks sit at the front of the bus because there were no seats free in the back?
...the fuck? The right wing are hating Nikki fucking Haley now!?
I need to lie down...
So I've unfollowed crazies I know on FB but I have problem and I like to check on them from time to time to see if they're still crazy. Just saw this.
It took me all of 30 seconds to look up her Wikipedia page and find out she's exactly the kind of person Republicans want elected and checks off all the major conservative bullet points except gun control (which her Wikipedia page just doesn't mention, but surprise; she strongly favors a right to gun ownership).
- Republican
- Christian (United Methodist, but also had a Sikh wedding and attends services for both).
- Fiscal conservative, anti-regulation, anti-union, opposes higher taxes on the wealthy
- Anti-abortion (voted for a law that forced mothers to look at an ultrasound and then wait 24 hours before being allowed an abortion)
- Opposes same-sex marriage.
- Pro-Voter ID laws (Photo ID required to vote).
- Voted in favor of a law that required immigrants to carry documentation at all times, opposes a pathway to citizenship.
- Requested Syrian refugees not be resettled in her state.
- Opposes Green Energy, Obamacare.
- Endorsed by Sarah Palin.
- Pro-charter schools, anti Teacher's union.
- Husband is a National Guardsman who served in Afghanistan.
- Literally does not want to "Change America like Obama."
But she kinda looks like a Muslim and took down the flag, so GIT HER!
Another fun fact; she was born in South Carolina, and has only ever been to India twice as of April 2014, once as a two year old and once as part of a trade delegation. Telling her to "go back to India" would be like telling me to go back to Iowa because I've been there twice.
Ah yes, nothing says "culture" like sexist objectification of women.Don't remember seeing this posted:
Not quite the same vein as most of the stuff in here, but I have to share this, which I saw through a friend-
Nope. Not the same.
Or you're black.
And yet these people have nothing to say about the KKK influences that shaped and continue to influence the country today.Nope. Not the same.
They're trying to claim that he was assassinated? lol
And by extension insinuating his family was in on it, since they're the ones who made the call to not do an autopsy.They're trying to claim that he was assassinated? lol