Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects

Deku Tree

Daily Story used to be more attractive when it paid planetary mats too. 15 marks just isn't enough.

Trials Bounties x3 every weekend and you'll never ever ever be short on Marks.

Trials bounties 3x takes a long time and requires finding a group and is not so interesting if Trials is not your thing.

And I have more planetary mats than I can ever use and I constantly donate them to factions.

I think most people if they do the daily just solo it now since it's easy to solo.


Thanks for all the responses guys. I don't actually have the checkpoint so we'll be running from the start. I know some people said they could only stay to do Warpriest checkpoint but since I don't have it might need to be a bit more of a full run.

Kings Fall Raid HM (From the start)

1. Azys_
2. Luna_Wolfey
3. Jafku

We can start whenever


Thanks to whoever suggested smacking golgoroth with sunbreaker' melee damage-debuff; made a huge difference to our raid.

yep and if you use the perk that speeds up your melee recharge as long as your super is full, it'll recharge just in time to punch golgo again. just remember to not tether at the same time because the tether overrides the burning.
Thanks for all the responses guys. I don't actually have the checkpoint so we'll be running from the start. I know some people said they could only stay to do Warpriest checkpoint but since I don't have it might need to be a bit more of a full run.

Kings Fall Raid HM (From the start)

1. Azys_
2. Luna_Wolfey
3. Jafku

We can start whenever

I have WP checkpoint if you need it. I can't run it, but I can give you the checkpoint. Send me a FR and I'll load it up.

PSN same as GAF


It was raining class items on my Warlock and Hunter when I played IB. In playing on my Titan I haven't seen a single one drop after about 20 games so far. I haven't seen them drop for others either. I really don't want to buy one, come on RNG.
House of Wolves Remastered

Back to the Prison

Arrested Development

They Fixed Some of It

Rep Gainz

Got Boosters?

Dark Corners of Patience & Time

Patience & Time


Is Lord Salad's rocket launcher any good? I usually roll with Truth when I'm pvp'ing... Is it THAT much better?

Edit: I mean, I'm sure Truth is BETTER... Is it worth picking up?
Is Lord Salad's rocket launcher any good? I usually roll with Truth when I'm pvp'ing... Is it THAT much better?

Edit: I mean, I'm sure Truth is BETTER... Is it worth picking up?


It's a pretty good roll! Fast with G&H.

With field scout & boots, you get a 3rd rocket.


G&H was nerfed into the ground so it's pretty much useless and the blast radius on Tormond is very bad.

I have the marks to burn, so I'll probably just pick it up... I guess. :/. Truth is like an automatic 3 kills if I can snag the ammo.

I just got the Hebridean Thoughcrime (sp?) from a post game reward... First time I've ever picked up a ship during IB. Kind of cool.
GGs Biggy, Igor and Ape. Hit the full spectrum of Trials experiences, from clutch final-boss 4-1 comeback on the first card to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory on the second card. Almost pulled off an insane 4-0 comeback on the third card but still managed to finish the run to end on a high note.

Be back later tonight for more action, either doing carries or playing other folks' accounts. Only one person left on the current list so feel free to PM me if anyone still needs the grimoire and/or Cat emblem.

Trials bounties 3x takes a long time and requires finding a group and is not so interesting if Trials is not your thing.

And I have more planetary mats than I can ever use and I constantly donate them to factions.

I think most people if they do the daily just solo it now since it's easy to solo.

I don't do it as often anymore but I've always thought it was fun to run the daily story. It's a super low-key PvE activity where you can use whatever gear/loadout you want and have fun with the gameplay. No obnoxious Grounded/Trickle modifiers for fake aka boring "difficulty," just run+jump+shootbang good times.


Neo Member
G&H was nerfed into the ground so it's pretty much useless and the blast radius on Tormond is very bad.

After a lot of play time with several different rocket launchers I am now of the opinion that maxing out blast radius is of the utmost importance. I recently traded out my jlb-47 (my go to trials legendary rl) for a max blast nightmare and I haven't looked back. Maxing that stat allows G&H to proc at a better rate at least for me and I will trade some velocity for that any day.
GGs Drizz and Biggy.

I think Timekeeper is an ok Trials map. I don't love it, but I do like it. It can become a camp fest until someone gets a pick. Sure, that could be said about Trials in general, but it tends to happen a lot more on this map I've noticed. It also has some straight up dirty head glitch sniper spots. Like Drizz said, it really punishes mistakes and poor teamwork.

Shaxx is also a troll. I ranked up on the card and he dropped a Longbow on me with:


Partial Refund



What am I supposed to do with this nonsense? I should just start trying to snipe I guess.


Oh yeah. Does anyone remember who accidentally bought a legacy engram? If you're around this evening we can totally get you a Black Spindle.
The Fixed Some of It
Don't Worry, Leave Happy

OT |41| Alright, Let's Go!

I really like this. It may be too cliquish for those of us who play Trials, but it's the perfect combination of excitement for those of us who are enjoying the fix and the "update was thin, let's leave" attitude of others.


I cannot control this doctrine for shit... Even with counterbalance, it's all over the place.

I think I'm going back to PR.


The Fixed Some of It
Don't Worry, Leave Happy

OT |41| Alright, Let's Go!

I really like this. It may be too cliquish for those of us who play Trials, but it's the perfect combination of excitement for those of us who are enjoying the fix and the "update was thin, let's leave" attitude of others.
"|OT 41| Taken Not Stirred" also hits that pretty well. It's fun with some mild sub-surface jabbing.


Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo trials villians. I got time before thrones.


When's the next Toddcast?

Hmm. I would like to record one the next time we get real news. Like I would make one reacting to a new expansion revealed at E3. It has to be real new content. Not lol we made new prison of elders content.

I would have to track Fig down as well. She has been living it up on the island with all her mythocast money.
After a lot of play time with several different rocket launchers I am now of the opinion that maxing out blast radius is of the utmost importance. I recently traded out my jlb-47 (my go to trials legendary rl) for a max blast nightmare and I haven't looked back. Maxing that stat allows G&H to proc at a better rate at least for me and I will trade some velocity for that any day.

Yeah definitely agree about blast radius being the most important stat, especially after the G&H nerf. Velocity is nice but in practice I don't notice much difference between getting a kill or not.

That said, Legendary RLs are a moot point for me currently since I always run Truth. Exotic primaries feel so lackluster right now, I'm not crazy about any of them. I feel like a god rolled PDX45/Hawksaw and CB Doctrine are the best primaries flat out, and freeing up your exotic slot for Truth is just a bonus. Kind of a bummer tbh.

I cannot control this doctrine for shit... Even with counterbalance, it's all over the place.

I think I'm going back to PR.

Are you using Braced Frame? Also, remember the importance of Persistence. With a 54 mag you can start pre-firing before engaging the enemy and still have plenty of bullets for one or even two kills. With Counterbalance + Braced Frame + Persistence that thing is a freaking laser beam once you get the feel for it.


Hmm. I would like to record one the next time we get real news. Like I would make one reacting to a new expansion revealed at E3. It has to be real new content. Not lol we made new prison of elders content.

I would have to track Fig down as well. She has been living it up on the island with all her mythocast money.

She probably spent it on a new bike for chasing Mark Cavendish around
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