Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects

From 228 or 229 to 332 on all chars on XB1 now.

5-5 int/disc on Titan
5-5 disc/str on Hunter
4-4-2 int/disc/str on Warlock or she can be 5-5-0 I think.

This was just after some IB and Trials 5/7wins + bounties.

Deku Tree

WoL + Melting point is better. Melting point provides a larger debuff.

Larger debuff yes but for a shorter period of time. And you lose the DPS of the Titan because they have to leave the pool of light to go punch golgoroth. You don't lose the DPS of the hunter nearly as much. Also the tether helps with add control if you place it right.
Larger debuff yes but for a shorter period of time. And you lose the DPS of the Titan because they have to leave the pool of light to go punch golgoroth. You don't lose the DPS of the hunter nearly as much. Also the tether helps with add control if you place it right.
The Titan misses out on like 2 shots before skating back. The damage is made up for. You can tether after the burn is done.
The Titan misses out on like 2 shots before skating back. The damage is made up for. You can tether after the burn is done.

Is it possible to 1-cycle HM Golgi with melting point, I-WoL and all 335 Spindles? We comfortably two cycle him with tethers every week, maybe ~two-thirds damage in a good cycle. You could reduce completion time if you reliably triggered Taken spawns after one cycle, but otherwise tether vs melting point wouldn't matter much if it's always 2-cycle. With tethers, we have to clear two full rounds of Hive spawns but he dies so fast on the second cycle that the Taken never spawn.

For me if a strat isn't faster and/or more fun then it's just personal preference, not better or worse. That's why I always hated cheesing Oracles. It takes the same amount of time but cheesing made it boring as hell while legit strat was fun.


I thought this IB worked very well with the rate of drops and the new light system. Each of my characters were bumped up a couple or so light each, and I got decent infusion fodder as well. Can't ask for too much more in that regard.


I thought this IB worked very well with the rate of drops and the new light system. Each of my characters were bumped up a couple or so light each, and I got decent infusion fodder as well. Can't ask for too much more in that regard.
For sure, not sure what to do with all this fodder


Didn't like this IB tbh. Raining loot but I joined waaaay too many matches in progress. Plus, Control is the superior mode. Spawns flip too much for my liking in Clash, the game flow just feels off. Map rotation was better than previous times, seems they're getting off their Y2 map addiction.

But yeah until quitting is penalized with a 5-10 minute matchmaking cooldown this will forever be a mess. Good loot drop rates are a nice detail for many I'm sure but it doesn't mean much of anything if the core experience isn't fun.


So, I now suddenly have 0 legendary marks. I had like 70 earlier today. Wtf?
Something similar happened to me earlier while doing bounties. Had to walk away to do something and got kicked to orbit. When I came back all my in progress bounties were reset to zero.


can you re-do challenge of elders on alts? or is it bound to account? I understand the sterling treasure is account.
You can do one card for the rewards (the 30/90k ones) on each character per week, and keep doing it for the post match drops as many times as you want.


Popped the Trials gold package as a 330. Got a 330 artifact? That's really a thing?

Between that and my IB packages on all 3 characters dropping nothing useful at all (fusion rifle on one, mark on one, nothing at all on the third) it was a tough week for rewards for me. Random IB drops were better. I did really enjoy IB though.

The trials gold bounty is capped at 330 afaik.
I've never gotten anything useful out of the IB packages
Anyone running/want to run a Banner train? I just logged on, and everyone's doing Trials for some stupid, unknown reason :-/

Me, Twilight and Trout were about to Banner.

Just finished the 9th and final Mercury run this weekend on other Gaffers accounts, so we were gonna Banner and chill.
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