Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects


I can't remember but are the Trials weapons just random drops from bounties now? I'm no where near good enough to make it Mercury without being carried but I'm still wanting a Doctrine since I've never gotten one.

Deku Tree

The gif was actually first posted by a MOD in another thread FYI. I just copy pasted. Anyway it is spoiler tagged and labeled don't click if you don't want.
Trying to "friendly up" the Destiny community. But it helps me too. Keeps me off tilt. I've never gotten a bad reply back. Most of the time it's a similar reply back of appreciation for the match, whether I won or lost.

I send messages after good matches/rivalries too. Personally I think emoting is funny (giving and receiving)— but tea bagging isn't. I feel terrible after I've been playing nightstalker where I frequently shadestep after a CQC kill to avoid the recently deceased's grenade (even when there isn't one), and it takes me a few kills to not teabag my victims.

Enemies in Heroics are 41 nightfall & Raid are 42.

Isn't scaling based on light-level and not level-level, though?
Isn't scaling based on light-level and not level-level, though?

It's on both. Five factors, actually:

  1. Your gun's Light Level
  2. Your Character's Light Level.
  3. Your Character's Actual Level
  4. The Enemy's Light Level
  5. The Enemy's Actual Level
It's mess and it makes determining how much damage you'll actually do impossible to judge. Good luck comparing your loadout if you have different light level of gear.

I *really* hope it's improved for Fall.


I send messages after good matches/rivalries too. Personally I think emoting is funny (giving and receiving)— but tea bagging isn't. I feel terrible after I've been playing nightstalker where I frequently shadestep after a CQC kill to avoid the recently deceased's grenade (even when there isn't one), and it takes me a few kills to not teabag my victims.

Isn't scaling based on light-level and not level-level, though?

yes. 'level' is totally an aesthetic UI feature that serves to give the year 2 newbies a the feeling of progression.

It's on both. Five factors, actually:

  1. Your gun's Light Level
  2. Your Character's Light Level.
  3. Your Character's Actual Level
  4. The Enemy's Light Level
  5. The Enemy's Actual Level
It's mess and it makes determining how much damage you'll actually do impossible to judge. Good luck comparing your loadout if you have different light level of gear.

I *really* hope it's improved for Fall.

I'd love to see proof of #3 & #5. Everything I've seen indicates that 'light level' is the exact same thing it was in year 1. They just changed the UI.
yes. 'level' is totally an aesthetic UI feature that serves to give the year 2 newbies a the feeling of progression.

I'd love to see proof of #3 & #5. Everything I've seen indicates that 'light level' is the exact same thing it was in year 1. They just changed the UI.
Yeah, I think John's wrong. The levels don't account for scaling at all, it just indicates they have more health and a higher attack value.


Before I get further into this, I want to first say I'm *not* trying to be a dick, I'm interested in having a debate on how to solve this issue. I'm in no position to actually solve the problem (I don't work for Bungie) but I think it's important to discuss it all the same.

Your example doesn't solve the issue though. You're simultaneously telling me to ignore skill then trying to build a team of 2 great, 8 average and 2 bad players and distributing them evenly across two teams. How can do you do this while ignoring skill? What you described is *exactly* what is happening today. For the 2 terrible players on the teams their experience for that match is going to be awful.

Look at it like this. Lets assume all connections are perfect and you have a pool of 12 people. You simply can't throw out skill because everyone is different so for the sake of this example lets say the skill range is assigned to each of the 12 players, so 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. Lets say you're the level 3 player. Now build two teams from the remaining players while not considering their skill. You know what? 75% of the remaining players are better than you. You're going to lose most engagements and it's going to be a terrible experience. Even if you broaden the pool of available players, it's simply more likely that you'd get matched against people who are better than you.
Oh I didn't mean the game should pick a normally distributed lobby, just that it's statistically going to steer that way most of the time.

Randomly selected lobbies will have, on average, average players doing average. Good players will shine and bad players will underperform. I don't see the issue?

These "fair" but laggy lobbies are pure cancer.


Enemies in Heroics are 41 nightfall & Raid are 42.

I *still* can't believe how much of a troll a Bungie was to make the raid enemies 42.

Everyone after Crota was like "please don't make the enemies 41 in the raid, Bungie!" Some Reddit post had over 1500 up votes for that.

Bungie's response? "As you wish."

Haha, that was my Reddit thread. Thanks a lot Bungie!


could never
Hit 315 light level today, pleased with the progress I've made in such a short time. Need higher gear though.


Steroid Distributor
Axo and I will probably run a card of trials tonight on xb1 if anyone wants to join.

If you two have room I would be interested as well. Been holding onto a silver bounty from two months ago that is at 71/75 pts.
I would just like to play and battle though.


Steroid Distributor
Well I just learned that if you have ranked up to rank 3 in Iron Banner and do not make it back to the tower before Saladin leaves you forfeit the rank up package.

That sucks.


Unconfirmed Member
its not letting me update destiny says 19 hrs left on ps4 by the way :( what is going on with my game

Edit: says 19.48GB(99+Hours Left) i never deleted my destiny game or anything


I started Destiny back up this weekend, and that was clearly a mistake since I'm running into bugged quests that won't complete.

"With Finesse and Speed" gets to the final turn-in and there is no quest reward to select, and thus I can't turn it in.

Follow up: They fixed this in yesterday's patch. Got my Tron sparrow.


Well I just learned that if you have ranked up to rank 3 in Iron Banner and do not make it back to the tower before Saladin leaves you forfeit the rank up package.

That sucks.

its not letting me update destiny says 19 hrs left on ps4 by the way :( what is going on with my game

Edit: says 19.48GB(99+Hours Left) i never deleted my destiny game or anything

Follow up: They fixed this in yesterday's patch. Got my Tron sparrow.

OT 41:
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